Night falls!


A faint wolf howl sounded.

On the snow at night, a pair of green eyes are slowly approaching the goblin village! Teeth grinning, grinning, saliva flowing out of the teeth unconsciously, but this does not make people feel sick, but make people tremble!

That’s not stupidity, but the murmur before the Grim Reaper wields his scythe to harvest!

That’s a pack of wolves hunting!

And at this moment, they are slowly approaching the goblin village.

Nero was originally talking to Chris about Chris’s story, but a kind of uneasiness slowly appeared in Nero’s heart, and as time went by, this uneasiness became stronger and stronger!

Something is about to happen!

Nero’s heart tightened, although he didn’t know what would happen, but it was okay to be careful, wasn’t it? And now that the Demon Count and Hans are looking for traces of Anna and Elsa, Nero believes that they will definitely find it, which is beyond doubt, because even if they don’t look for it, their own side will also look for them.

Nero wants to complete the maintenance mission, and Elsa wants to avenge them for Anna’s affairs!

There can only be one between the two!

Nero’s uneasiness didn’t alarm Chris or anyone else, he just said to go out for a walk! Chris has lived with the goblins for a long time, and her personality is the same as them, and she doesn’t like to pay attention to details, so naturally she doesn’t feel that there is anything wrong! I thought it was a new place that Nero had just come to, and I was a little curious and wanted to look around. In addition, this is the scope of the goblin village, and nothing will happen, so nothing will be said.

Nero slowly walked towards the outside of the village!

Everything around was silent, without the slightest movement, but there was a faint sense of inexplicable slaughter!


Nero’s heart was forbidden!

Although it was Elsa’s magic that froze the entire Arendelle, in fact, it is clearly summer, and animals and insects are at their most vigorous moment, that is, they are covered by ice and snow, but the life of insects is not a wind and snow that can completely kill them. They will always adapt to all the changes around them in the shortest possible time, which is their talent for being able to exist in this world, a talent for survival.

Moreover, the goblins are a branch of the elven race, so they also believe in the respect of the elven race for life and will not easily take life, so they will not kill insects.

So there should be insects or beasts roaring around!

But it’s all too quiet, and the silence is a little disturbing!

“Evil Eye!”

Nero’s magic focused on his eyes, and a golden path of light slowly filled Nero’s eyes! For a moment, everything around was like daytime, bright and unclear.

That was Nero’s bronze-level Pros Evil Eye!

He has night vision and farsightedness, and the ability to not be afraid of bright light!

In the distance, a pair of green eyes are staring here, and the incomparable murderous aura is slowly invading towards the goblin village, and everything is silent and the sound is silent!

Nero understood, no wonder all the sounds around disappeared, it turned out that they came!

Marauders and slayers in the Ice Wasteland!

The Black Iron Level Demon Beast Wind Wolf Pack is slowly surrounding the goblins, and they regard the goblins as prey!

“What did I think it was? It turns out that it is you, then you have the courage to come, and you should also die to the enlightenment! Nero stared at the wolves and drew the long sword at his waist, magic surging through his body.

“The goblins have taken us in, and it’s time for me to repay the favor.” A long sword in hand!

From now on, this road is not accessible, trespassers, there is no amnesty for killing!

“Little gold, little silver, and little copper come out to sweep the formation, once a wind wolf tries to rush through here, there is no amnesty for killing!” Nero exclaimed softly, and the imprint on the back of his hand flashed three rays of light,

The bronze wolf dog, the white and silver mastiff, and the golden lion dog appeared instantly.

With the three heads of Cerberus incarnating into a sweeping array, Nero can be much more relieved, at least he does not have to worry about being caused by some accidents caused by the wind wolf entering the village.

“Then the dance begins!” Nero’s eyes were sharp, the corners of his mouth curved a little, and the evil eyes covered with gold wire made Nero look even more evil.

“Duel!” The figure exploded, the long sword stabbed straight ahead, and Nero flashed at a distance of tens of meters.


The long sword pierced the eyebrows of a wind wolf.

“Come on! Let’s start dancing! ”

The sudden attack made the wind wolf a little riotous, but the bloody qi stimulated the wolf nature of the wind wolf even more!

Several young wind wolves couldn’t hold back their thirst for blood, and suddenly pounced towards Nero, and their claws lingered around the wind and swept out at Nero!

Nero clearly saw the wind wolf’s sharp claws like fine iron, and smiled evilly.

“How far is it?”

“Axe Chopper”

The long sword was picked up one by one, from the bottom up, straight to the wind wolf that attacked, one sword and two segments, blood rained down, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

The “Ten Directions Slash” came out again, and the long sword once again attacked the other wind wolves that rushed over.

The sword hit the enemy, and no half of it was lost.

Nero began to get excited, just like the battlefield of that year, the smell of blood was pervasive, and the blood that had been lost for a long time began to boil!


The wolves roared, the wolf claws pulled the snow surface, and the blast hit Nero, this time the wolves no longer hesitated, turned into a large net, and tightly wrapped Nero in it!

“Kill!” Nero roared, the long sword in his hand changed and flipped, or stabbed, or cut, or prodded, or chopped, the simplest sword technique, at this moment became the art of killing #killing, the sword hit the enemy, the blood fell to the ground, its temperature has made the snow have signs of melting, blood and snow water blending, dyeing Nero’s body bright red.

However, Nero was not injured at all, the blood was all from the wind wolf, and every moment before the wind wolf was about to hit Nero, the powerful reflex nerve made Nero’s body move away instantly.

The physical fitness bonus brought by the original sin bloodline is terrifying!

And as Nero continued to kill, it seemed that something began to slowly flow in his body, and the strength did not decrease but increased!

Killing is a sin, it is unforgivable! It is the fire of fallen karma! It’s original sin!

This is the blood of original sin, born of sin!

A moment later, after Nero chopped vegetables and cut melons, the ground was already full of wolf corpses, and the blood completely stained the snow!

Occasionally, the wolf clan tried to bypass Nero and directly raid the goblin village, and was also slaughtered by the head incarnation!

“Whew…” Nero exhaled softly, the strong physical fitness brought by the bloodline of original sin made the whole battle completely one-sided, but the high-intensity killing made Nero’s wrist a little sore, although it would not affect the battle, but it was still a little uncomfortable after all.

“Well, that’s it!” Nero turned around and walked towards the village, go and rest when the trouble is solved, but it’s better for him to deal with his own bloody body first, just go back like this, it’s still a little bad!

Nero didn’t see that every time he killed a wind wolf, a sword-like inky smoke came out of the wolf corpse and then dissipated in the wind.

It was the mark left by the Count of the Demon Sword.

In the distance, the Demon Sword Count paused in his body: “Hehe, I found you, little mice!” ”

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