To defeat the witch, Nero is a little nervous!

Witches are not as easy to deal with as the system says.

Witches are mysterious characters in this world, some of them have great powers, some have magical magic, some have strange curses, some can make potions, and some can even summon powerful monsters.

Generally speaking, the existence of a witch is a being that can stop children from crying at night.

“Whew,” Nero breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes flashed: “Since it is a survival mission, there is no way to hide, only go on!” ”

Survival mission, either death or life! There is no third option!

Nero steadfastened his steps and continued to walk towards his home in this world!

Now that the quest has been released, it means that you will soon meet the witch!


In the jungle, Pamela finally finds the legendary treasure.

“Ho ho…” Pamela’s eyes were full of excitement, “Finally found, the legendary magic tool is mine after all!” ”

Pamela, a witch who lives in the misty forest, but although she is a witch, in fact, she herself knows that in this misty forest, she is just one of many witches, and there is nothing special!

“Ho, when I get that magic tool inside, Cassandra, I won’t be afraid of you! It’s time to settle the account between us! The witch had a weird smile on her face and excitement in her eyes.

Pamela carefully looked at what was in front of her, and saw a large tree that required several people to hug was standing in front of her, the tree grew tall and straight, but it was full of moss and endless annoying vines, even such a large body was not at all inconspicuous in this forest full of trees and deep. It’s just that there is a place at the bottom of the tree that is completely free of dust and leaves!

If you are abnormal, there will be a demon!

Of course Pahella knows this as a witch!

“It seems that the owner here is also very proficient in concealment magic!” Pamela muttered, but she didn’t show the slightest hint of anxiety, reaching out and rummaging through her blue cloth plaid apron.

Her blue cloth plaid apron obviously didn’t have any pockets, but Pahella directly put her hand into the apron. After a few rummages, Pahella took out a small glass bottle containing a strange liquid.

Pahella’s eyes lit up.

“Well, found it, this is it! This is the same true vision potion I got decades ago! I almost forgot, but today it finally came in handy! ”

True Vision Elixir is a magical potion made from dragon blood grass, glazed crystal, and moon fluorite, and those who drink her can directly see the scene under the cover.

You might think, isn’t this a see-through potion?

Well, in fact, its other name is clairvoyant potion!

This is a must-have medicine for “gentlemen” traveling at home!

Ahem, it doesn’t matter!

Pahaila did not hesitate to drink the true vision potion, after drinking the potion, Pahaila only felt that his eyes were cool, if someone can see Pahaila now, they can see Pahaira’s eyes glowing with a faint green light, coupled with the dark environment of the forest, it is simply creepy.

Pahella didn’t care about this at all now, his eyes fixed on the strange land, only to see a deep hole burst out, continue to walk inside, the lights are bright, it is strange that although the lights have been on, the lamp oil has not decreased in the slightest, as if it will be able to burn for a lifetime.

“Well, this is it!” Pahella nodded in satisfaction, stretched out her hand, and volleyed into the void, and the clearing was like window paper, instantly falling apart, revealing the hole that was covered.

The entrance to the treasure cave was found, but Pahella did not dare to go on like this, who knew what was underneath, and if the magic tool was real, it was not so easy to deal with. Especially the three-headed devil dog that magic tool belted!

“Looks like someone has to help me get that thing out for me!” Pahella muttered.

However, this is a deserted forest, even hunters don’t come here often, where to find someone to help you pick up things!

Pahella frowned a little!

However, at this time, a sound of footsteps slowly came from a distance.


Leather boots on the ground are particularly eye-catching in this deep forest.

Think what comes.

Pahella was overjoyed, and she didn’t know where to find someone to help me get something, and there happened to be a person here, and sure enough, God wanted me to get this thing.

The footsteps slowly approached, and I saw a man wearing a soldier’s uniform, carrying a marching bag, and a long sword at his waist appear in front of Pahala.

“Good night! Soldier! Pahella stepped forward and said hello.

This soldier is none other than Nero!

Is it finally here?


Nero understands that the goal of the survival mission has appeared!

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