“Damn it! Kill him! The werewolf leader said furiously.

“Whoosh!” The wolf clan doesn’t care how many enemies they have, they care about how many enemies they kill, so Nero’s arrival does not make the wolf clan flinch, but makes them more excited.

“Little Kim!” Nero shouted in a low voice.

I saw a golden light flashing on the inky big dog, a phantom appeared, and in an instant, the phantom glowed with golden light, from virtual to real, a golden fierce dog appeared in front of the werewolf.

“Roar” The little golden dog spat out, and an inky flame spewed out, directly hitting the werewolf who rushed in the front.


However, the casualties seemed to have become a stimulant for the werewolves, whose eyes became more and more crazy and murderous, their fangs seemed to become sharper, the silver-gray fur, the speed of galloping, and the fourteen werewolves shot in a volley of fourteen beams towards Nero and Ruby in the bleak moonlight.

“Oh, okay! Little silver and little copper, you can also go together! “Nero spread out his hand, and two phantoms appeared on the inky big dog again, one blue and one silver, from virtual to real, from virtual shadow to reality, the silver head of heaven, the copper head of the earth, appeared!

The silver of heaven stands first by the wind!

The Bronze Head of the Earth manipulates the power of the earth!

The earth turned into an earth barrier to block the attacks of werewolves, Xiao Yin manipulated the power of the wind to attack, and Xiao Jin sniped with the hell flame.

“Well, that’s probably it!” Nero said to himself.

Don’t think that Nero doesn’t pay attention, know that Nero has already summoned the three hell guards with his imprint, that is, the big inky dog.

You say Cerberus is not three-headed?

Don’t joke, you must know that if the three-headed dog of hell reveals the complete body of the three-headed dog, the silver peak is almost a gold-level existence, and if it really appears, it will directly summon the gates of hell. If you summon the gates of hell here, something will happen! And now what is summoned is only the real phantom of Cerberus, but it also has one-half of the strength of Cerberus’ complete body, and it is silver-level advanced!

Bullying a few bronze-level peak existences with silver seniors, even if the other party is barely a silver-level primary under the blessing of the full moon night. The strength of two small levels is easy to destroy each other.

The only problem is that the number of opponents is relatively large, and it is enough to summon the three heads separately.

Now their strength is also silver-level intermediate! One against five couldn’t be easier!

The number and strength are not bad, so what reason is there to say that Nero does not pay attention?


“Ahem… Who are you? Ruby finally eased up, looking at the strange man and a large inky dog in front of her, and there was an earthen wall to protect herself.

“Allah, you’re awake!” Nero said softly, “Well, my name is Nero, I heard in the city that a man in a red trench coat was chasing a group of werewolves, and I came to see it when I was a little curious, but I saw a group of werewolves bullying children, so I tried to help!” ”

“Little friend?!” Ruby seemed a little strange.

“Yes, little friend. Oh, by the way, what’s your name kid? Is there something going on here? Nero said with some curiosity.

“Isn’t it too much for me to say children or something!” Ruby’s face became more and more the same.

“Well, is there any?” Nero was full of doubts.

“I’m sixteen years old this year, I’m an adult!” Ruby declared loudly.

“Just kidding!” Nero’s face was full of disbelief, this world is marked by reaching the age of sixteen, and this world is relatively full of energy, and the environment does not know that it is better than the Celestial Empire, so the general physical fitness is much better than the homestead physique of the students of the Celestial Empire in the previous life. So the average sixteen-year-old girl is generally at least one meter five or more, and a boy like Xiang Nero is at least one meter six or more, oh, of course, this is just the standard of human beings on the continent, if you want to compare with dwarves, goblins or something, it is impossible.

And Ruby is probably only one meter three, almost one meter four.

“Bastard!” Ruby seemed to be in pain, and her face was full of indignation: “That’s because I have a quarter of the wolf bloodline!” ”

“A quarter of the wolf bloodline?” Nero was a little puzzled: “Then why do you still have trouble with the wolf clan?” ”

“Ha, Wolf Clan, these are just ogres! Raiders of villages, burning villagers, feeding on humans, and breaking the covenant of the moon. Ruby said in disgust.

“Moon Contract? Covenant breakers! ”

All right! I had no idea what was going on! Nero was confused!

PS: Ask for flowers! Collect it! Ask for tips!

All kinds of requests!

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