It’s a beautiful manor house, like God’s garden, with all the beauty and art!

It’s as if you can find all the beauty of the whole world here.

But Nero went very carefully!

What is behind the beauty, Nero does not know!

The unknown is always the most frightening and scary!

“Ignorant humans, leave!”

Suddenly, a vicissitudes and loud voice sounded out of nowhere!

Nero’s whole body tensed up instantly, and the magic power was imprinted on his hand, so that he could summon the guards of hell, Cerpolos and the gates of hell, at any time.

Looking around carefully, there was nothing but a few trees and fragrant flowers, except for the sound of the wind and some insects, and there was no sign of biological activity.

Is it an illusion?

Impossible, Nero was very sure that he had indeed heard a voice!

“Human, leave!” The vicissitudes of life sounded again, but this time his tone was heavier, as if giving a final announcement, if Nero was going on, maybe he would be greeted by a fierce attack, a one-way ticket to hell.

“Who is it, please? Trespassing is a lot of offense, but it is also a last resort! There was a giant gentleman waiting at the door for me to bring him the golden apple, and if I didn’t get it, then maybe he would kill me! While keeping an eye on his surroundings so that he could resist a possible attack at any time, Nero respectfully spoke out loud about his intentions!

“Giant? Those scraps are actually alive! The vicissitudes of his voice finally changed, but the change also seemed a little bad, and he began to be a little angry!

“Sir, may I ask where is this? Is there a golden apple that giants say? If there is, see if Mr. can give me one, if not, please let Mr. know! ”

“Human, leave! I can’t manage the giant, but outsiders are not allowed to break in here, leave! ”

The voice became emotionless, a businesslike, powerless tone.


“No but, leave!” Something seemed to be surging on the ground, and he was already impatient with that voice. “Bang” the ground burst out countless unknown objects, turned into countless sharp arrows pointed straight at Nero, but at the moment when the attack was about to come, he suddenly braked.

“Tree roots?” Nero only felt the chill penetrate his skin and reach his bone marrow!

“Ultimatum! Human, leave! Leave the Nature Garden! A figure slowly walked out.

The figure is not tall, some like a dwarf, wearing an emerald green robe, carrying an ebony staff, walking leisurely, clearly an old man’s appearance, but from his face can not see any old age, or you can only see a face like dead wood.

“Elves?” The breath of nature, the power to manipulate trees, and the possession of this heavenly manor full of art, which no one can have except the natural darling of the elven race!

“Human, leave!” The roots approached again, and the spikes had pierced Nero’s skin epidermis. And the eyes of the old man who was suspected to be an elf in front of him were already full of murderous aura.

Wait, as if something was wrong. Elves are not advocating natural peace, they can be said to be the friendliest race on the entire continent, it is impossible to look like they want to fight and kill when they meet!

“Is Your Excellency an elf?” Although Nero felt a chill in his heart, he couldn’t just leave like this, if that giant guarding the gate of the manor like that, how could he let himself go? Although I don’t know what happened to this suspected elf-like old man in front of me, in short, let’s say something first, stay and talk about it! Maybe if we continue to talk, there will be other turnarounds!

“Human, this is not something you should care about, leave!”

No more, no more! Completely ignored by the other party, the other party is not willing to take care of himself at all except to let himself leave.

“That should be! But doesn’t it mean that the elves are all handsome men and beautiful women? How did the old man become like this. Nero suppressed the fear in his heart and said nonchalantly.

Although there is no way for the time being, but at least they have nothing to do, if the other party is really an elf, can communicate naturally, should also be able to perceive whether their purpose is malicious, and then talk!

Take a gamble!

“Of course, our elven race is all handsome men and women, which is recognized by the entire continent, there is no doubt. Go, human, what am I telling you about this, get out of here! Hearing Nero’s praise, the old man seemed to be very useful, and he somewhat forgot Nero’s existence, but soon he came to his senses and shouted coldly at Nero again.

Useful! Nero’s eyes lit up!

“So this is really the elven manor, uncle, you are really from the elf clan, it’s really an honor, I can actually meet the elf clan!” Nero was surprised, but the elven race has not appeared on the continent for a long time, and even many people have forgotten the existence of the elves, and there seems to be nothing wrong with Nero’s performance, although it is actually he pretending to be.

Nero can’t take care of this now, let’s continue talking!

“Elder Shu, let him in!” A somewhat ethereal voice came.

The old man was a little surprised: “Lord, he is a human being, how can he enter?” ”

“It’s nothing, Elder Shu, let him in!”

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