Nero carried his identity tag towards the tower.

“Hey, where did it come from?”

Before he got closer, he heard someone shouting.

“In service!” Nero brought out his identity tag.

A soldier walked out coldly, staring at Nero with burning eyes, as if he was staring at some life-and-death enemy.

The soldier carefully examined the identity tag: “Let’s go in!” Work hard after entering, if you dare to steal and play slippery, be careful of your head! ”

“Oh!” Nero shrank a little, seemed a little afraid.

When the soldier saw Nero’s appearance of a country bun, he glanced contemptuously: “Let’s go in!” ”

“Oh, okay!”

As if running for his life, Nero quickly walked inside.

“Hey, dirt buns!” When the soldier saw Nero’s frightened look, he stopped paying attention, after all, there were so many such people inside.

Nero entered the site where the tower was being built.

The garrison was so tight, in the past, those lazy soldiers did not know where to go, all of them were well-equipped soldiers, three steps and one sentry, five steps and one post, and there were actually arrow towers.

This is almost catching up with the garrison of the royal palace!

Moreover, these soldiers are obviously a little strange, there is no negligence at all, even the most elite troops of the border garrison are not comparable to these soldiers.

It seems that these soldiers were manipulated by the queen.

Nero thought that the queen seemed to have the means to control others.

But it also proves that there is indeed a problem here.

Nero’s eyes sparkled.

“Hey, lazy? Hurry up and work! Not far away, a soldier suddenly shouted loudly at Nero.

“Oh, do it now!” Nero looked scared and quickly ran to work.

I have just come in, some things can’t be rushed, it’s better to check slowly.


Dwarf wooden house.

Anne and Ruby were talking.

“Nero has gone to the building site, and I don’t know what he will find!” Anne was still a little worried.

“Don’t worry, Nero will be fine, but it’s not a way for us to stay here, Annie, in the palace, do you have any trustworthy people, at least we have to understand the current situation, we can’t stay here all the time!” Ruby thought for a moment and said to Annie.

“I think the palace is probably all controlled by the queen now, and the people who are worthy of my trust are probably all controlled by the queen!” Anne thought with some headache.

Queen Fran has not been in the palace for a day or two, of course, she knows everything in the palace, and Anne was originally just a house princess who did not go out of the gate, although she has been smart since she was a child, but it does not mean that she understands the feelings of adults. So the only people she can trust are the maids, female officials and court knights who accompany them day and night, of course, now those knights have probably been all controlled, if they rush to approach, they will probably attack Anne again like Claude, this time there may not be the good luck of the last time.

And those maids and female officials did not have much strength in the palace and could not play much role.

But not necessarily!

Anne suddenly had an idea.

“People who trust, probably only she can still be trusted by us now!” Anne smiled.


“The old woman in the palace!”

“Old woman!” Ruby was dazed.

“Just follow me!”

At the back door of the palace, an old woman on crutches walked slightly dull towards the outside of the palace.

“Lord Mary, are you going out?” The guarding soldiers saluted.

“Hey, yes, I’m going to go out for a walk, I’ve been in the palace for too long, I want to go out and see, walk, and I don’t know how long my old bone will live!” The old man smiled kindly.

“Sir, you have thought too much.” The soldier smiled and said, “Quickly open the palace door and let the female official go out!” ”


The palace door soon opened, and under the respectful gaze of the soldier, the old man slowly walked out of the palace.

This was a soldier who seemed to have just arrived, and asked suspiciously: “Sir, who is this female officer?” ”

“This is the lady who has been taking care of His Majesty the King, and later has been taking care of Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, but later when she is old, she let someone else take care of Princess Anne, but His Majesty has always regarded the adult as his own mother, and has arranged a small manor for this adult to live in in the palace. The influence of the female official Mary in the palace is very large, so when you see the female official Mary in the future, you must respect a little, don’t slack, otherwise there will be trouble for you! The soldier said cautiously to the recruit.

“Oh, got it!”

The soldiers guarding the door all remembered Mary’s appearance in their hearts and marked it with a mark that must not be provoked.

Mary walked down the street, with no specific goal, probably just a casual walk as she said.

However, a woman dressed as a village woman slowly walked into Mary.

“Sir, there is news from Her Royal Highness!”

“Is it? Take me! ”


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