Fairy Tale

Three hundred and fifty-one insights

Entering the dark corridor, Lian Yi felt a familiar feeling.

It is not much different from the Honghe Corridor in Lingxiao Sect.

However, as soon as he entered the corridor, Lian Yi felt his heart pounding suddenly.

Her strong premonition came again.

Lian Wai must have been here, or he must still be inside?

Lian Yi's five senses are all open. It seems that there is still some residual aura of Lian Wai in this corridor?

With confidence in his heart, Lian Yi continued to move forward.

Suddenly, the forefront of his consciousness sensed that there seemed to be a foreign object.

Lian Yi's brows twitched, who is it? !

The black thing had no life at all, just like a dead thing.

Lian Yi hurriedly stepped forward. As he got closer, Lian Yi felt more at ease. He was a person, but not a foreigner.

Sure enough, as we got closer, there was a body dressed in black among the rough and uneven gaps in the surrounding barriers.

This corpse was recognized by his mind as the third protector of the Yang Mo Sect.

This person should be Mo Chi's confidant, and Lian Yi has a relationship with him.

It was the evil cultivator that Lian Yi met head-on when he came out after breaking through the formation of the middle Huanglong alone.

At that moment, Lian Wai directly attacked him, and after the magic weapon detonated the cauldron array, he and Lian Wai disappeared together.

It turned out that he was here with Lian Wai?

Thinking of meeting this person after breaking the formation that day, Lian Yi had an idea.

At that time, this man came in a menacing manner, and his face was full of joy. He seemed to have received great benefits, and he did not look like someone who was going to die.

It's not that Lian Yi is particularly confident in himself.

However, she is particularly confident in the cauldron formation.

According to previous soul searches, almost everyone in the Yangmo Sect was very afraid of the Cauldron Formation.

He was so scared that his expression changed when he heard it, and no one dared to approach him.

Even if I heard that someone broke into the formation and was ordered to come over and destroy Lian Yi and the others, they shouldn't look so confident.

Lian Yi still remembers that when the Third Protector saw her coming out of the formation, he was not very surprised. He looked at her as if he were looking at a dead person?

Why is this so?

Others don't understand Lian Yi, but Lian Yi can understand it.

But since she entered the world of immortality, she has killed countless demons. In the hearts of the demons, she is probably even more demonic than the devil.

Why did the Third Protector dare to look at her like this?

Her evil reputation plus the evil reputation of the cauldron formation can't scare a protector?

Either the Third Protector has lost his mind and gone crazy, or he has someone to rely on.

Now that I think about it, all this can be explained.

Mochi is the clone of the Demon Lord, so it is impossible for him not to have control over the cauldron formation.

Therefore, he must be different from others and be able to control the cauldron formation.

At least he must be able to guarantee that he will not be accidentally injured by the formation when he enters it, right?

However, that day, Lian Yi did not find anything similar to the array card in Mo Chi.

She originally thought that the wind chime that was crushed by the devil was the formation card.

How could I have expected that Gu Yunte was treacherous? That was not the case at all, or not entirely.

The functions of the array cards were separated.

One is to destroy the formation in an emergency and die together.

One is for free access to formations.

Presumably, at that time, Mochi's original intention was to deceive the Third Protector and let him enter the formation to stop her.

Give him time to escape?

Unfortunately, what he didn't expect was that she connected her thoughts too quickly.

From the moment he noticed something strange in the cauldron formation to the time he sent someone in, Lian Yi had already walked out on his own.

Moreover, there were many people around her, and someone helped her block the three guardians. She didn't care about others and ran directly towards him.

Later, the cauldron array was destroyed by the devil, and it rained fire that shattered the immortals.

At that moment, Lianwai and the three guardians must have been fighting fiercely.

Then, for some unknown reason, the formation cards of the three guardians were triggered, and the two of them arrived here.

Looking at the place where Lian Yi has passed so far, there are no signs of fighting in the corridor of Honghe River.

Lianyi's spiritual consciousness swept up and down the three guardians. There were many sword marks on the corpse. There was a Nascent Soul in the Dantian, but there were also traces of sword penetration on the outside. The Nascent Soul inside had long been withered.

Looking at it, you can tell that it is Lian Wai's handiwork, his Ku Rong technique.

Next, in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, there is no soul of the evil demon, and it should be solved by Lianwai.

This shows that the Third Protector must have died before entering this tunnel.

Later, it was washed in by the water, and then got hung up on the surrounding walls.

As for whether he died in Honghe or outside, it is impossible to determine.

After all, whether it is Weishui or Honghe, the water is flowing, but even if there are some traces, these traces have long been covered up by the water.

However, now that she saw the body of the Third Protector, Lian Yi became more and more certain that she was taking the right path.

Her heart became more and more stable, and her steps became more brisk.

Continuing to walk along the corridor, Lian Yi didn't go very far when he found some narrow places with traces carved with magic.

Lian Yi carefully looked at the traces and was sure they were left by Lian Wai.

It proves that Lianwai went inside.

As for why Lianwai didn't go out.

Lian Yi couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, does this need to be said?

He can't get out.

Even with the array cards in hand, he couldn't get out.

Presumably if it's not that the array cards require demon cultivators to hold and use, it's just that it's more complicated.

If only evil cultivators can hold and use it, then there is nothing to say.

If it was particularly complicated, he would definitely not be able to figure it out given how stupid Lianwai was in the battle method.

I don't even dare to touch it randomly, lest I accidentally trigger something and kill myself.

Based on Lian Yi's understanding of his brother, the possibility of the latter situation is extremely high.

After all, she did not see the array card on the third guardian, which proved that there was a high possibility that this object was taken away by Lian Wai.

Therefore, this guy can only bite the bullet and move forward.

Who gave him no way out?

Lian Yi sighed and walked along the corridor faster and faster.

It's not that she thought so, she was anxious, but after seeing more and more traces of Lianwai here, she wasn't so anxious anymore.

After all, he is still alive, and he is basically sure to be here. He has stayed here for so many days anyway, so why not stay for a few more days?

What's the hurry?

However, he couldn't bear it and cleaned up all the obstacles on the road.

She, a "latecomer", had nothing to do along the way but hurry up.

Originally, she was fast, but now she is even faster.

Sure enough, it only took Lian Yi a day or two to catch up with the route that took Lian Wai more than a month.

Lian Yi's feeling was very obvious, and the traces of magic around him were becoming more and more new.

Until then, she paused slightly.

The traces of Lianwai's aura and spells that could be sensed suddenly stopped.

Lian Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, already thinking about it.

As if he hadn't heard anything, he continued walking along the corridor.

However, the speed has slowed down a lot.

But suddenly, a green long sword suddenly stabbed out from under Lian Yi's feet?

Lian Yi, who was well prepared, dodged and retreated. The two swords of Shao Hua were already unsheathed, and they had been going back and forth with the green sword for hundreds of rounds.

In an instant, Lian Wai suddenly said "Hey". This sword looked very familiar to him.

A sudden flash of ecstasy and disbelief flashed through his heart. Just as he was about to take a closer look to see if it was his intention, he heard a familiar sneer:

"Lien Wai, you've become more capable. If you dare to attack me, you'll see if I don't tell my ancestors and parents when I go back."

After a pause, he retracted his sword force and resolutely put it away. Regardless of the moment it was about to hit him in the face, he pretended to be cool and put down his hair, and opened his mouth in anger:

"You're old, don't you blush if you do this? Huh? Your Zhong Jincheng has stopped doing this a long time ago."

The time almost ended abruptly on Lian Wai's face.

He took the pasta back without changing his expression, raised his eyebrows, and pretended to be fierce:

"I don't care. Anyway, it's a fact that you did it. Just tell me whether you're afraid or not?"

Lian Wai let out a "hum", saying that a good man wouldn't fight with a woman, but in fact he didn't dare.

He has never taken advantage of Lian Yi since he was a child. He can't even defeat her.

It's the same in the sect or the Lian family, the elders' hearts are in their armpits.

How can the word "miserable" be used?

Even after a while, he gave up on this guy and found it very boring.

The two siblings were reunited after a long absence, and they quickly exchanged key points about what happened after their separation.

Hearing Lian Yi say that the Yang Mo Sect had been successfully destroyed, Lian Wai breathed a sigh of relief.

When they came this time, one of their tasks was to get rid of the Earth Demon's lair.

Seeing that the task was completed, Lian Wai suddenly felt relieved.

As soon as people were relaxed, the familiar Lian Wai came back and told Lian Yi the "bitterness" of his journey in an emotional voice.

Lian Yi didn't mean to glance at him. Lian Wai's acting personality can exaggerate one point of pain into ten points.

She had seen enough.

Unable to see how elated he was, Lian Yi's words and swords came again:

"...I don't know what to say about you. You are already old. I have been brother and sister since my mother's womb. You can't even understand a formation card? I came to rescue you when I was still tired. I thought you were Are you dead? I almost went to the underworld to find you!"

Lian Wai: "..." Lian Yi is still not a human. How does she know that he can't understand the formation cards? !

Seeing Lian Wai calm down like an eggplant beaten by frost, Lian Yi slightly raised the corners of his lips, satisfied.

She carefully searched for the array cards that Lianwai automatically handed over, and it turned out to be just as she expected.

This formation card is the formation card of the cauldron formation.

Very delicately made.

Lian Yi finally figured it out.

This array of cards can isolate the weak water and follow the path that Gu Yun left in the weak water in advance.

Even in the weak water, as long as you don't leave that formation, you won't be infected by the weak water.

According to Lian Wai, he and the three guardians were fighting outside and were inseparable, but then they suddenly heard a loud noise, and then a rain of fire came overwhelming.

The two of them had to deal with each other and avoid the rain of fire, so they subconsciously went deeper and deeper.

In the meantime, the three guardians took out the array cards and tried to do something with them.

Although Lian Wai didn't understand what he was going to do, he was very vigilant and he could still recognize the array cards.

He didn't dare to be careless and stop any of the Third Protector's actions, lest he would use this thing for something.

As a result, the two of them changed from fighting to fighting for battle cards.

The scene fell into great chaos.

You chase me and you reach the edge of the weak pool.

Maybe it's the incompatible relationship between water and fire, and the fire rain next to the weak pool is almost gone.

Of course, the two of them did not dare to get involved in the weak pool easily. After all, although they did not know what kind of water it was, they did not feel any strange aura for the time being.

But how terrible is this formation that few outsiders have seen?

Especially when Lian Wai threw a spiritual stone into the pool, it was as if it hit something hard and shattered the moment it collided.

It was just a cautious move at first, but it suddenly shocked the two of them.

The spirit stone is very hard. Imagine what if it were human bones that hit it?

The two of them said nothing and didn't want to test whose bones were stronger.

But the fight between the two did not stop.

They both vowed to press each other to death here.

In the process of fighting for the formation card, someone didn't know who triggered where on the formation card. The weak water suddenly churned endlessly, and then, a small path opened in the middle for one person to pass through.

Lian Wai was inadvertently pushed in by the Third Protector. In desperation, Lian Wai also took advantage of the situation and pulled the Third Protector in.

As soon as the Third Protector entered, the entrance to the weak water path suddenly closed.

And it fits perfectly, with no trace of a previous entrance.

If it weren't for two of them, they might have thought they were dreaming.

The two of them suddenly felt that something was not good, but they did not dare to act rashly, nor did they dare to touch the formation cards.

Of course, they didn't dare to stay in this passage.

Who knows if this place, like the entrance, will suddenly disappear?

Then can I still be okay in it?

Unfortunately, the two of them did not dare to move too much, and entered the Hong River cautiously and wary of each other.

After entering the Hong River, the two of them completely let go and fought to the death.

After a fight, Lianwai finally defeated the three guardians.

Then, I couldn't even go back outside, so I could only follow the green waterway to the black.

Lian Yi played with the formation card expressionlessly, and suddenly asked Lian Wai: "You said there is nothing strange about the three guardians in Honghe?"

After the formation card was handed over to Lian Yi's hand, Lian Wai was completely relieved. If Lian Yi couldn't use this formation card to take him out, then there was a high probability that he wouldn't be able to get out.

Lian Wai didn't notice the slight difference in Lian Yi. He thought Lian Yi had found some clue that he didn't know. After thinking about the appearance of the three guardians, he affirmed:

"Except for some stagnation of movement that occurs when monks on land go into the water, everything else is as usual."

Maybe he thought of something else, and with a roll of his eyes, he connected with something:

"Their bodies have long been transformed by the earth demon. Is it possible that the spiritual energy contained in the rainbow river is very similar to the fairy spiritual energy in the fairy world?"

Lian Yi told Lian Wai the legend of Honghe.

The inner earth demons originally came from the fairy world, so it is not surprising that these demons can survive in the Rainbow River.

However, what she cares about is: "Tell me, why was the telepathy of our Guangmei Star Territory taken away overnight?"

At that time, if the telepathy in their realm had not been taken away overnight, or if the ascension passage collapsed, all the monks in the Guangmei Star Region would not have been driven to a dead end in an instant.

If the monks of the Guangmei Star Territory had not kept improving themselves and never given up, I am afraid that the Ascension Tower would not have appeared, and the Guangmei Star Territory would have been destroyed first.

Then what should we mention later?

To put it ten thousand steps back, it means that the monks are constantly striving for self-improvement. They have finally changed their cultivation methods. What if the Ascension Tower does not appear?

Then their Guangmei Star Territory was also destroyed, wasn't it?

Thinking about it this way, Guangmei Star Territory was in such a critical situation back then.

As long as there is a trace of trouble, this realm will cease to exist!

Lian Yi simply said this sentence, and Lian Wai's expression changed with horror.

They were siblings, and Lian Yi only mentioned it casually, and he could capture Lian Yi's thoughts without even thinking.

At this moment, Lian Yi's whole body suddenly exuded a strong aura of hostility.

Lian Wai opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, and finally closed it dejectedly.

Lian Yi told him about the fairy world.

I also went through the timeline of these things based on all aspects of information and details.

It is said that after Wuji Tianzun and Shimo Yuanzun took the immortals and demons through the battle to seize the world, Wuji Tianzun extracted the power of the five star fields and sealed Shimo Yuanzun.

The immortals and demons almost suffered a tragic victory at the cost of dying together.

After Wuji Tianzun finished this matter, there was no news. It is said that he went to Tianwai Tian.

The heavenly world has since been renamed the fairy world, and an ascension channel has been established to connect the five star realms. Monks are selected from the five star realms to ascend to expand the strength of the fairy world.

This began the era of ancient cultivation.

After that, after countless years of dormancy, the First Demon Yuanzun colluded with the monsters from the outside world and once again attempted to seize the immortal world.

Not only to seize the Immortal Realm, but also to seize the Guangmei Star Territory.

In order to prevent the First Demon Yuanzun and the monsters from the outer realm from coming down the ascension passage, Tengxian Lianyi led eight other sons of the realm with righteous intentions to blow up the ascension passage with the Nine-Star Continent.

But Tengxian Lianyi would never have thought that at the time when she blew up the ascension passage, the telepathy of the Guangmei Star Territory was taken away overnight.

Lian Wai's face looked very bad, and his heart felt like it was on fire. He knew that he was already like this, and Lian Yi felt even more uncomfortable.

She blew up the ascension passage to protect the entire star field and their common home.

She thought that she had the same thoughts as those in the fairy world, and that everyone had the same hatred towards the devil.

But what if that wasn't the case, and she was actually stabbed in the back by the Immortal Realm?

Why should Lian Yi be so embarrassed?

As Lian Wai thought, Lian Yi was indeed feeling very uncomfortable. She couldn't explain what she felt.

I just find it very ridiculous and boring.

Today, when she saw the evil demon, she suddenly remembered this incident, and then thought of what Zhuang Hui told her when she used the flow gap mirror to enter the time and space fragments.

He said: Legend has it that the Immortal Realm absorbed all the power of thought in the Guangmei Star Region in one night.

She didn't know the cause and effect at the time, but she didn't believe it at all.

What is the use of telepathy in the fairy world? Only evil spirits can do this, right?

But so far, Lian Yi has had countless interactions with the Earth Demon, so can't he still see something?

Is it really the truth?

The ascension channel in front of them is broken. The First Demon Yuanzun and the monsters from the outer world may not have come down, but the inner earth demon has come down.

He was severely injured at that time, could he have the ability to absorb the telekinesis of an entire star field for his own use?

How can it be?

If this is the case, I'm afraid that before she can even reincarnate, this star field will already be ruled by the Earth Demon.

Still need to struggle for 50,000 years and use roundabout ways to develop evil spirits to seize the realm?

how can that be possible?

Now that the evil spirit has been eliminated, there is only one possibility left.

It was the fairy world that took away all the power of thought.

:. :

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