Fairy Tale

Three hundred and eighty-nine Star Domain Ace

Bai Fan and Lian Yi ran extremely fast, as fast as the wind!

On Lian Yi's back happened to be Bai Yu, the last prime minister of the Bai family, who admired Du Si but was replaced by Du Si.

Bai Yu was also a great monk from the Yuan Dynasty. Hearing Lian Yi talking to Bai Fan, he realized that he was in front of a female cultivator.

This female cultivator looks too young in terms of bone age.

But he is still young, with this lightness of his body, the extremely abundant and pure spiritual energy surge when he runs, and this lightning speed, Bai Yu thinks that he is at his peak, immersed in the Yuan Dynasty for many years. , can't compete with it.

Even beyond reach!

Especially when they just left the dungeon where they had been imprisoned for hundreds of years, Bai Yu couldn't help but think about it again and again, with a wave of his hand, a turn of his head, and a thunderous attack.

Looking at the interaction between her and her ancestor, although she didn't speak much, they seemed to be able to understand each other's meaning with just a look.

Especially, Bai Yu seemed to be able to vaguely see Bai Fan's respect and admiration.

Just by looking at these, Bai Yu had already guessed the identity of the person in front of him.

This must be the famous Tengxian Lianyi.

This is the only person in the world who can impress the proud son of the Bai family and the genius ancestor.

The Bai family monk on Bai Fan's back was named Bai Long. He was also a Yuanhou monk, but he seemed to be injured more seriously than Bai Yu. He lay slumped on Bai Fan's body. His hair was gray and dull, and his eyes were tight. He closed his eyes tightly, his face was gray and lifeless.

It was obvious that he had suffered a lot.

For the safety of Bai Long, Lian Yi and Bai Fan speeded up again and again along the way.

On the way, Lian Yixun took the opportunity to tell Bai Fan about the mirror light array and the fact that the Du family knew about his return.

Bai Fan was annoyed because the mirror light array was really hidden. When he entered, he was always wary.

But there are many guards among them, eighty-five magic soldiers, but their magic skills are low. It is not only to prevent them from asking for help without spreading the news, but also to ensure that they do not make too much noise, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Bai Fan even searched their souls.

Such a complicated matter needs to be done in a hurry and completed in a very short period of time. Bai Fan has long been distracted from all his thoughts.

Secondly, since there are specialties in the art, this formation is not an attack formation, it is just for spying. The aura of the mirror light formation is so condensed that no trace of the formation can be seen. It is really extremely difficult to find.

The only thing that comforted me was that he acted in disguise.

As long as he, Bai Fan, is not caught in action, it will be fine.

But since Lian Yi said it, the Du family knew about his return, and he broke into the dungeon again, so his face would definitely be useless.

Bai Fan was not only grateful for Lian Yi's foresight.

When he first returned to the Shuangsi Realm, Lian Yi proposed that Bai Fan get dozens more copies when he was getting identity documents and directions!

Bai Fan only thought that Lian Yi was considering that after the Bai family was rescued, he might also need to disguise his identity, but he didn't need to get dozens more copies, right?

Although he has this ability, he sneaked into the government and forged household registration documents, identity documents, and road guides.

After this set of procedures, it is not a simple matter.

What's more, Lian Yi has a lot of requirements. They want people from different places, men, women, old and young, tall, short, fat and thin. Oh, the most important thing is not to be ugly...

Even with different identities!

In those days, Bai Fan basically endured extreme worry and anxiety while doing this.

However, he always believed in Lian Yi, and even though he had noticed that Lian Yi seemed to have other purposes, he didn't ask any more questions.

It has become instinctive for him to express his sincerity.

It wasn't until he was almost arriving in Sang City that Bai Fan realized that Lian Yi had actually "borrowed" puppets from Hao Heng and poor Yan Wei, and then disguised them in various ways so that he and he could enter separately. City.

The puppetry technique of the Titanium Sect in the Cangmiao Realm is enough to confuse the fake with the real.

Now that I think about it, I was lucky that Lian Yi made such a move.

At this moment, aside from their current identities, wouldn’t their new identities be established?

The group of people first arrived at Bai Fan's private house. After leaving Bai Yu and Bai Long down, the two of them rushed to the inn to clear out everything in the room.

Make sure there are no traces pointing back to them.

After finishing these tasks, he returned to the Bai family's private residence again.

And just as Lian Yi thought, the four of them had just left not long ago.

Xu Shilianyi and Bai Fan had not yet arrived at the Bai family's private residence with the two wounded people.

There was a puff of smoke, and a man with a stern face hurriedly appeared at the exit of the secret passage.

If anyone in Sang City sees it, they will recognize that this is Du Heng, the second master of the Du family.

However, unlike his usual gentle and gentle self, Du Heng's entire face was stiff at this time, his flesh was tightly stretched on his face, and his eyes were dark and sinister.

That look in his eyes really made it feel like a piece of flesh was missing even if he glanced at it.

He looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, which was filled with the aura of divine thunder that made their demon cultivators fearful.

He arrived too late, the fire spread too quickly, and the demon seeds and everything inside were burned away.

He didn't even want to take another step inside. He knew with the hair on his head that Bai Yu and Bai Long had been rescued.

He thought of the white mist-shrouded figure in the mirror light array and the precise wind blade.

Even now, Du Heng still couldn't figure out how that person discovered the mirror light array.

Even that loser Yin Chun doesn't know about this mirror light array.

He stared gloomily into the unknown distance. Even if there were traces of escape, they were completely dissipated by the thunder and fire and the external environment that extended in all directions.

What's more, that man is so vigilant. Even if he runs away, he will probably be more cautious. How can he catch him?

For some reason, he didn't even know what that person was, but he just felt that that person might be their strong enemy.

Ever since he saw that person in the mirror light formation, he felt that something bad was going to happen and his anxiety became more and more serious.

He always felt that the great situation that was extremely beneficial to him might be about to collapse.

But he couldn't explain why it collapsed? Where will it collapse?

It’s hard to explain, but that intuition is always with me.

It is inevitable that Bai Fan must be involved in today's matter.

Although he was disguised, the Bai family's martial arts skills were all the same. The moment he walked past the mirror light formation, Du Heng knew it must be Bai Fan.

The only ones who can master the Bai family's martial arts to such a superb level are Bai Fan and Bai Xia, who are in the late stages of spiritual transformation.

Bai Xia is already in their hands, so naturally only Bai Fan is the one.

He already knew about Bai Fan's return.

Demonic insects have long been ambushed at the entrance and exit of the realm.

This insect looks like an ordinary insect, with no trace of demonic aura all over its body. It likes to lie dormant in the soil and is sensitive to aura.

Early in the morning, Bai Fan's breath was implanted into the demon insect's body using items that Bai Fan had used.

That day when Bai Fan returned, the demonic insect spread his message thousands of miles away. Unfortunately, this man was so cunning. By the time their men arrived, he had already lost track of him.

Du Heng only regretted that he did not think carefully at that time and relied entirely on the demonic insects. He only thought that he only needed to guard against Bai Fan, who was in the late stage of becoming a god!

Unexpectedly, not only that, Bai Fan obviously brought reinforcements when he returned this time.

Moreover, this reinforcement made him feel surprisingly uneasy.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and his heart felt like it was being grabbed by an invisible hand, remembering a terrible possibility that he really didn't want to face!

It is said that Bai Fan already has memories of his past life, and he travels in search of the Tengxian Lianyi!

Du Heng's heart was filled with desolation: Could it be that this time, the reinforcement he brought back was Tengxian Lianyi?

Du Heng only felt a "bang" in his head, his mind was shattered, and his face turned from as black as the bottom of a pot to a pale white.

Thinking of the superb and extremely sophisticated means of breaking the formation?

And the aura of divine thunder here has not yet dissipated!

Du Heng already felt like the mountains and rivers were collapsing.

Tengxian Lianyi, proficient in thunder skills, good at formation...

The introduction to Tengxian Lianyi on the slip was like a sledgehammer, hitting his head one after another, until he was dizzy and torn to pieces!

Isn't he some idiot who thinks too highly of himself, hoping that he can deal with Tengxian Lianyi on his own? !

What did the Du family rely on to climb to its current position of supremacy in just a hundred years?

It relies on precise vision, cruel methods, and determination to be cruel to oneself.

They are cruel to others and also cruel to themselves.

For example, they are willing to surrender to the devil and voluntarily accept the devil's seed.

Du Heng actually looked down on Yin Chun, that idiot and waste.

After making some achievements, the condition proposed was to restore the soul? !

What is that, self-deception.

Yin Chun thought that after the repair was completed, the soul would still be his own? !

The Du family was not like this. They had negotiated terms with the Demon Lord early.

They are willing to swear allegiance to the devil, but if their souls are not sacrificed, the only thing they can accept is to live in symbiosis with the devil.

And promised, in order to make up for the loss of the Demon Lord.

Every year, ten members of the foundation-building Du family bloodline are voluntarily sacrificed to the demon lord.

Every ten years, the Du family bloodline voluntarily sacrifices a golden elixir to the devil.

Every hundred years, a Nascent Soul of the Du family bloodline is voluntarily sacrificed to the demon lord.

This is the Du family's efforts and sacrifices for the family to rise to the top and become the number one family in the Shuangsi world.

For Du Heng, he didn't think there was anything wrong with this matter.

No drug, no husband.

There is no such thing as pie-in-the-sky good things on this earth. Everything has to pay a price.

After the head of the Du family, Du Shi, everyone lived a life of superiority to others.

Wealth, honor and splendor are all there.

So, isn't it right to make sacrifices for the sake of the family?

Anyway, many people's cultivation levels are forcibly improved using magic potions.

Without the magic potion, they might still live in precarious poverty for the rest of their lives, and they would never be able to achieve that level of cultivation or live such a good life.

For everyone in the Du family, nothing in the world can stop the revitalization of their Du family.

Therefore, although they are ruthless, they are also cautious.

Even, for the sake of his current status, for the sake of cultivating his accurate vision of the world.

The most important homework for every leader of the Du family is to study the enemies of the Demon Lord and the various powerful figures who have left a mark in the glorious history of the Guangmei Star Territory.

Among them, Tengxian Lianyi is particularly special and the most colorful.

In fact, he is the person that the Du family is least able to face, least wants to face, and will never face!

Tengxian Lianyi, who is that person?

They say she is the child of the realm and the nemesis of their demons.

But Du Heng has studied Tengxian Lianyi for a long time. In his and Du Si's opinion, Tengxian Lianyi is not a son of the realm at all.

She is a child of the Star Realm.

It was Guangmei Star Territory that felt that it was in crisis and wanted to save itself, so it was born to resist foreign enemies.

Her true form is a plant demon.

Everyone in the world thinks that human cultivation is the master of all spirits, integrating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into one body.

Actually, they are wrong.

The most spiritual thing is the plant demon!

They absorb the spiritual energy of the star realm from the soil, and slowly grow up under the wind, frost, rain and dew.

They are the ones that best represent a realm or even a star realm, and are formed by carrying and gathering the memories and spiritual energy of a realm or even a star realm.

Therefore, in this world, the magic medicine that surpasses all miraculous medicines is Mu Xin!

Because it is a gift from heaven and earth, a collection of spiritual energy in this world.

Tengxian Lianyi is the leader among them.

She is a gift from heaven and earth, a plant demon that has been tempered thousands of times.

Due to chance encounters, I have learned the skills of human cultivation for many years.

I was also lucky enough to learn a lot of skills that not many practitioners could understand.

This is equivalent to:

She, Tengxian Lianyi, is a perfect combination that combines the advantages of the human and demon races.

She is the only and strongest trump card in the Guangmei Star Territory!

Let the Du family deal with such a person?

Haha, are you kidding? !

The Demon Lord has been planning for tens of thousands of years but he still hasn't figured it out yet.

When Lian Yi was reincarnated, when he was still weak, he couldn't even kill his opponent!

How can he, the Du family, who is still preparing to climb to the position of the first family in the Shuangsi world, deal with it?

The Du family has not even dealt with the Bai family yet!

When facing Lian Yi, no matter how you look at it, the time, place, and people are favorable, and his Du family doesn't occupy any of them.

In the end, I'm afraid it's not the cannon fodder's life!

The fruits of the Du family's many years of hard work and flesh and blood are not used to spearhead Tengxian Lianyi's path to eliminate demons.

The more Du Heng thought about it, the more desperate he became. He even trembled involuntarily.

Finally, he did nothing and hurried home. This matter was too big for him to deal with alone. He had to discuss it with the head of the family.

They had originally estimated that although Tengxian Lianyi had advanced cultivation, it was said that she had disappeared.

Although she just disappeared, it is impossible for the Du family to believe that Tengxian Lianyi disappeared and died somewhere.

However, it is also good to gain more time.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, Tengxian Lianyi would appear in front of him unexpectedly? !

Du Heng was extremely anxious.

Then he thought about the news he had received, saying that Chang Xian and others had already accepted the order issued by the Demon Lord to annihilate the nine people in the Nine Stars Lianzhu?

What on earth are those idiots doing?

Among the nine people in the Nine Stars Lianzhu, the most valuable one is the Tengxian Lianyi.

Aren’t those people all transformed into gods?

Even though Du Heng didn't expect these people to stop Tengxian Lianyi, could it be possible to delay it for a while?

Can't you kill Tengxian Lianyi, injure her a little, and cause some trouble?

Du Heng scolded Chang Xian and the others until they were bloody, while he hurried to Du's house.

Although he was uneasy, he still remembered the most important thing: he sent an emergency messenger to Du Shi.

He had an uncontrollable fear. If it was really her, would the world of Shuangsi be changed?

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