Fairy Tale

Three hundred and ninety-four Old eyesight

The cold water instantly submerged several people and took away the traces they left behind.

Lian Yi opened the way ahead, and four puppets followed him, carrying four people on their backs, wandering around deep in the river.

Not to mention why Lian Yi was confident that those monsters would not be able to find them, even the four native-born people had already turned their heads.

I was so dizzy that I didn't even know where I was.

The four of them don't need to use any force themselves, they just have to lie down on the back of the puppet.

So there is more time to look around with your eyes.

The more they looked at it, the more they were amazed and admired Lian Yi more and more.

There is no need to worry about whether there will be any breath left, Lian Yi is like a fish swimming in it, very strong and healthy in it.

As for the four puppets, they naturally listen to Lian Yi and hit them wherever he points them, and they are very easy to do so.

Running fast all the way, Lian Yi had his own ups and downs in mind and was not afraid of taking the wrong road.

First of all, the map provided by Bai Fan is really detailed and exquisite.

The profound heritage of the Bai family is naturally reflected in all aspects.

It's the map. As long as the Bai family knows about the underground passages inside, it will be shown on the map provided by Bai Fan.

This provides Lian Yi with a lot of convenience.

Secondly, she was someone who had interacted with the Siren after all.

The sea is so big that she has learned to identify the direction and swim in it.

Can this small river and path, no matter how complicated it is, be more complicated than the sea, which is constantly changing and full of dangers all the time?

Of course not.

Furthermore, she also has a self-destructive egg that doesn’t answer questions, and talks endlessly about giving directions.

Dandan talks a lot on weekdays, and it's all irrelevant nonsense.

Even Yi was too embarrassed to keep it in a dark room.

Now, she has actually developed the ability to turn a deaf ear.

This may also have something to do with those thirty years of experience in weak water.

She was actually used to being yelled at.

But he didn't expect that this time, Dandan's directions were actually correct.

Even after listening to it a few times, Lian Yi knew clearly which corner to turn and so on.

Lian Yi finally couldn't help but wonder: "How come you are so familiar with this passage?!"

Dandan puffed up his chest and boasted as if he was finally proud in front of Lian Yi: "Then what's the problem? All the channels in this world are younger brothers to me!"

Lian Yi: "..." I feel like it deserves a beating.

She poured cold water on it:

"Oh? Then why didn't you say that when we were in the corridor?! If I had known you were so powerful, we might as well have just asked you how to get out. Maybe you could even plan the best way out for us!"

Maybe he won’t be on the line between life and death several times!

Knowing the road is a very special skill, but she knows this road too!

This broken river has a long history. I heard that there is this river in Shuangsi Realm. What's the use?

Isn’t that still a river? Can you still turn out flowers?

If you have the ability, go find the road that no one else knows!

Such as the boundary corridor.

Dandan suddenly choked and muttered something, but Lian Yi didn't hear it. After Lian Yi asked a question, it stopped talking.

Lian Yi just thought it was a bluff because it lost a quarrel with her, and Sui didn't want to pay attention to it.

I happily let her feel at ease for a while.

Finally, more than a day later, Lian Yi saw light shining into the lake. She carefully checked the surrounding terrain and confirmed that she was almost at her planned destination.

She gave orders to the four puppets, and then sent a message to the four Bai Suo people to get ready.

Then, he soared upwards.

The water slowly opened into a channel that could be passed by one person. Lian Yi took the lead, and the four puppets followed one after another, following the channel opened by Lian Yi to the shore.

When we got ashore, there was no one around, and there was smoke from cooking fires not far away, creating a leisurely scene.

"This is... the small town of Luyu?" After Bai Gong finished speaking, the other three looked hesitant, as if they didn't know.

After saying that, Bai Gong looked at Lian Yi with deep admiration.

In addition to the cities where mortals and monks live together, there are countless small towns like this in Shuangsi Realm.

Many are just local names, and even the names will not appear or be marked on the map.

Because this kind of small town is extremely unimportant.

No spiritual veins, no mineral deposits.

No family of monks but mortals would live in such a place.

No ordinary person has the opportunity to stand out from such a small town and become a "master" like a Jinshi.

The reason is very simple, where the soil and water support the people.

Those who live in such a place have been mere mortals for generations.

Coupled with this is the soulless environment here.

It's like a mortal seed planted in barren, ordinary and soulless soil. It's impossible for you to expect it to grow fairy seedlings.

The dynasty ruled by monks would not take this kind of place seriously.

Even within the scope of the country, they would never be willing to spend the slightest thought on such a place.

There are many small towns like this, and there are probably hundreds of them in Shuangsi Realm.

The reason why Bai Gong knew about this small town was because he was seriously injured during a trip and threw himself into the water to survive.

It happened to float here, and it happened to land at this place.

That was more than four hundred years ago, and he could only recognize it now that the scene here had not changed.

As for the other three people who have not had such an experience, how would they know the name of a small town?

Lian Yi glanced at Bai Gong and thought to himself: Haha, there is really no need to admire her.

The reason why she knew this place was naturally from the map.

The location of this place is excellent, not far from the twelve cities with magic military captains.

The farthest one is Huangdong City, which is just over a day away.

The other cities could be reached in three or four hours at the speed she led the people.

Moreover, this small town of Green Yu is neither big nor small, and there are several small towns very close to it, called Huang Yu and Hong Yu...

There are several that are about the same size as Luyu.

Such a great place is absolutely amazing!

There is no reason for Lian Yi to let it go.

And here, no one cares about buying a house, grabbing a house, or building a house.

There are many abandoned houses.

Lian Yi was not a bandit, so he would not rob other people's houses. He only looked for a few suitable locations and found a few abandoned houses.

The exterior remains unchanged, but the interior has been repaired and put aside for later use.

It wasn't difficult, she didn't spend any spiritual stones, and she could find such a pleasant place. She saved all the "travel expenses" Bai Fan gave her!

It's hard to even think about whether he's in a good mood or not.

Seeing how many people were still looking at her with eyes that made her skin crawl, she shook her head.

People in the Shuangsi world take things too much for granted.

Who knows, but she, Lian Yi, is a master at playing "dark under the light".

If those evil spirits could find such an inconspicuous place, she would lose.

But Lian Yi waved her hand boldly. Although she didn't care about the reputation of her predecessors, she still wanted to save face.

It wouldn't be a good idea if people knew her complicated thoughts when she chose this place.

Well, the process is not important. What is important is that the result is obviously satisfactory to everyone.

Lian Yi pretended to be inscrutable: "Well, those monsters outside are getting more and more rampant. I still need to go to other places. I can only rest assured when I put you in a safe place first."

All four people were moved and said in their hearts: Tengxian Lianyi is worthy of being the senior who saved the people from the fire and water. His broad-mindedness, ability to strategize, and his love for the people as his own children are really touching.

Feeling that her face had been saved, Lian Yi naturally no longer wanted them to express such admiration to her that she didn't know how to answer.

After sending them to a residence that she had arranged in advance, she prepared to say goodbye to a few people: "You guys will stay here for the time being. The yard is very safe. There are ninth-level breathing formations, concealment formations and ten thousand swords formations." It’s sealed so no one can discover this place.”

"I am entrusted by others to do my duty of loyalty. Please allow me to rescue the others and come to meet you."

This place is different from Huangdong City.

The four people disappeared from Huangdong City, and Lian Yi also killed a demon soldier captain.

That must be a key place to search.

Lian Yi had no doubt that the group of evil spirits would not only enter the mountain, but if there really was a Formation-Breaking Pestle, they might even search for it inch by inch with the Formation-Breaking Pestle.

But this place is different.

First of all, the demons think highly of themselves and are all high-ranking figures in the dynasty.

Not to mention that the chances of them thinking of such an inconspicuous small town are too low.

Even if you take ten thousand steps back, you can think of it.

But they were not the worms in her stomach, so how could she know what she was thinking.

How to determine which city it is.

No matter how small this small town is, it is still bigger than the mountains in Huangdong City, right?

If there were dozens of cities like this, how could they search them inch by inch with the formation-breaking pestle.

As for Lian Yi's home-made combination array, apart from the broken array pestle, one might be able to find it inch by inch.

This combination is her favorite.

It was the result of her first combination of three and three ninth-grade formations that had been polished to the extreme!

In this world, if someone could use their eyes and consciousness to perceive her formation from outside the formation, then she would voluntarily give up the title of formation master and renounce herself from the formation.

Throughout her life, she has always strived for excellence in the art of formations, even though she had the "old capital" left by Tengxian Lianyi to rest on, but she still worked tirelessly to innovate and make breakthroughs.

Lian Yi herself felt that compared to the Tengxian Lian Yi in her previous life, her formation skills at this time were also very different.

If Gu Yun still looks at her with the same old eyes, she is confident that Gu Yun will lose!

It’s just that I don’t want to go into details about these details.

Those four people had long heard of her name and knew that she was a famous formation master in her previous life. How could they not believe her?

Naturally, I thanked him profusely.

Lian Yi left only a few bottles of some of the best elixirs from the Shuangsi Realm that suited their situation and left.

She didn't take out the bone-reinforcing ointment.

This is not a good time.

She doesn't have enough Jiuxuguo ointment.

Not only are there not a few people, but there are more people than planned. Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that there will be more people from other Demon Soldier School Lieutenant Offices.

You can't just watch these people die without saving them.

Make bricks without straw.

She only has a few bottles of medicine, how can she save her? !

It's hard to make a choice, and this kind of thing bothers me the most, so I might as well leave it to Bai Fan to make the choice.

This was originally a matter of the Shuangsi Realm. As one of the leading figures among the Shuangsi Realm monks, Bai Fan was highly respected and was once a son of the Realm.

Bai Fan has an unshirkable responsibility for the safety of Shuangsi Realm.

Whoever has the responsibility will bear it.

Although Lian Yi already had concerns in his heart, he didn't say much.

The specific details still need to be discussed, and naturally we will not make a rash decision now.

What's more, she knew that she only gave herself thirty days at most to save people.

After enduring all these years of torture, there was no reason why I couldn’t survive the last thirty days of hardship. Compared with other hardships, these thirty days were too insignificant.

It won't affect the overall situation.

No matter how bad the injury is, it is still limited.

So why not just wait a little longer.

The four of them didn't know what Lian Yi was thinking. To them, Lian Yi was like a god descending from the sky, and rescuing them was already a blessing.

Who would have known that Lian Yi also had such miracle medicine as Jie Jin Xu Gu ointment.

If you don’t know, you will naturally not be greedy.

They can only be grateful.

Especially Bai Suo and Bai Gong, who care about the other monks of the Bai family. After hearing what Lian Yi said, if Lian Yi hadn't stopped them, they would have kowtowed to Lian Yi again!

After settling the four people, they went to other cities to rescue people without even stopping for a moment.

Different from Sang City and Huangdong City, the other cities are getting further and further away from Sang City, the capital of the dynasty.

The alert and guarding were naturally much lax, even to the orders conveyed by Du Heng.

Even from a casual perspective, these ten cities have not done as much as Sangcheng and Huangdong City.

The most important thing is the other ten demon soldiers.

It's not that Lian Yi is picky.

Compared with the "excellence" of the two demon army captains, Shopkeeper Yin and Shopkeeper Huang, these ten are much easier to deal with.

After dealing with the most difficult ones, facing the remaining ones, Lian Yi became faster and faster, and became more and more proficient in this "business" of killing people and stealing goods.

So, later on, not only did we say we could conquer a city in one day, but including the time spent traveling, we would surely reach a city in two days.

The cultivation levels of the Demon Soldier Captains are not very high. Most of them are mid- to late-stage Golden Elixir cultivators, but only one is an old man who is in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

However, his strength was average, so Lian Yi dealt with him very smoothly.

On the 15th, Lianyi had already found all the monks of the Bai family who could be found in the Demon Soldier School Captain.

Not only that, as she expected, there were eighteen other monks who had offended the evil spirits for various reasons and were tortured in various ways.

Lian Yi searched carefully and secretly used supernatural powers to read the memories one by one. These people were indeed poor people persecuted by evil spirits as they said.

There is no other way, since I have seen everything, I naturally want to save him.

Not all of them were sent to the small town of Luyu.

As for the Bai family monks, except for Bai Xia, the other Bai family monk who transformed into gods, she found all the other Bai family monks and took them to the small town of Luyu.

Lian Yi couldn't care about that many, and she could find any room she wanted. However, her combined array was not easy to make, and the array disks were extremely limited, with only four.

In this case, naturally only four rooms can be prepared.

How could such a big house come from such a small town?

She didn't want to change the external appearance of those houses for fear of being discovered. The comfort level inside could be changed, but as for the size of the space, that was all.

So, after she finished rescuing the people and brought them back after all the hard work, she suddenly realized that the house was not enough to live in!

Lian Yi: "..."

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