Fairy Tale

Four hundred and thirty-three: Rong Niang’s knowledge

Lian Yi stared at the banyan tree, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

Even Mu Zhi'er is irresistible to everyone, let alone Mu Xin?

The evil spirit has no morality at all, why don't you just eat it alive?

This banyan tree spirit couldn't be tricking her.

Whether it is a real banyan tree spirit is still unclear.

But he didn't expect that these words seemed to cause the banyan tree spirit to feel sad.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My little one... I have spent so much time and effort to save my life and see my grandma again."

Lian Yi: "...how to say?"

Why is this blame still placed on her head?

"The little one has always wanted to meet grandma, just to tell grandma that although the little one is not talented, he has lived up to grandma's expectations. The little one has successfully awakened and has a wooden heart..."

She really didn't have much hope for it. After all, according to her usual wanton temper, this move was probably a random move, done on a whim.

It was so casual, she might just turn around and forget all about it after doing it.

The banyan tree spirit continued to cry: "After the little awakening, I have been thinking about grandma and want to follow my example and practice hard."

"But I didn't expect that the world would overturn and change, and the spiritual energy around me would become much thinner, and there would be a lot of messy things in it. It would never be as pure as before."

Lian Yi knew in his heart that it was talking about after the Nine Stars Continuously Destroyed the Ascension Channel.

"The little one's practice has also slowed down a lot. The little one is really anxious."

The banyan tree spirit sounded a little sad:

"Perhaps Xiao Xiao forced himself, he was anxious, and absorbed too much impure spiritual energy. More than 30,000 years ago, when Xiao Xiao advanced, a lightning catastrophe was caused, which turned Xiao Xiao into charcoal."

Lian Yi nodded, there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Her Mu Jue'er helped it wake up and gain a confused consciousness, but its Mu Xin had not yet formed.

That thunder tribulation more than 30,000 years ago was used to produce Mu Xin.

Spiritual plants enlighten the mind and change fate against the will of heaven, which will naturally cause thunder disasters.

If you want to become a spirit, you must pass this level.

There are too many spiritual plants that cannot survive this thunder tribulation.

And just as the banyan tree spirit said, it was eager for success and absorbed the impure spiritual energy into its body. Although the amount was too much, it was enough, but when faced with the thunder disaster, it was undoubtedly seeking death.

It is impossible for such impure spiritual energy to be condensed into Mu Xin.

Even if it can condense, it is still full of impurities, impure and useless.

This simply does not meet the "standards" recognized by Heavenly Dao.

The reason why he didn't kill it with one blow, Lian Yi guessed in his mind, if what the banyan tree spirit said was true, it wasn't because it was lucky, it was simply because the drop of wood juice she gave it as a gift blocked it.

According to what the banyan tree spirit said, it obtained Mu Zhi'er more than 50,000 years ago. At that time, he was already a Tengxian Lianyi, standing at the pinnacle of the Guangmei Star Territory, and gaining both fame and fortune.

Cultivation is also the stage towards perfection in the later stages of spiritual transformation.

Naturally, her wood juice not only has the ability to enlighten mortal trees, but also contains her cultivation level.

Her juice is naturally pure and pure.

The sky thunder struck the banyan tree spirit, and it has merged with the banyan tree spirit, automatically integrating into its originally impure wooden heart and making it pure.

In this way, the banyan tree spirit's wooden heart reaches the standard of heaven, and it can survive.

Lian Yi was clear in her heart, but she would not ask for credit from a little tree demon who didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend.

She still maintained her slender posture and listened carefully to what the banyan tree spirit said.

But those who are familiar with her will find that her posture is tense at this moment.

The entire vine was no longer hanging upside down on the branches, but stretched straight, standing on the branches like a person.

There are two thinner vines sticking out from the side, like human arms, with hands on hips, carrying the aura of a boss.

The banyan tree spirit seemed unaware of Lian Yi's wariness and continued to "complain":

"I don't know how long it took for the little one to wake up and find that his wooden heart had solidified, but he was still very weak and slept and woke up."

"At that time, there were many immortal cultivating families in Rong City. The little one was very weak, and he was afraid that other monks would find the little Mu Xin and eat the little Mu Xin when he could not resist, so the little one was , so he hid Mu Xin among the dead branches that were scorched by lightning to survive."

This explains why it has no breath leakage.

Lian Yi looked over and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Under the lightning strike, the dead branches had long been scorched and dead.

There was a sense of death all over his body, no longer alive.

The rotten wood under this dead air is like a lifeless high wall, forming an excellent small space in the middle.

Under the cover of the dead branches and the air of death, it would be difficult for anyone to detect the banyan spirit if it hid Mu Xin there.

Even her with extremely keen senses didn't notice it, let alone anyone else.

It can be said that the security is very high.

Lian Yi also used his spiritual sense to get in and check, and sure enough, he felt the fresh breath of Mu Xin in the middle.

It is the breath of the banyan tree spirit itself.

It can be seen that the banyan tree spirit did not panic.

No wonder I didn't feel her presence just now. She was probably hiding it. I guess I felt her coming, so I ran out to see her?

Lian Yi felt relieved, but he still didn't completely believe it, but subconsciously and privately, Lian Yi favored it.

Plants, trees, spirits, and monsters belong to her kind. As a kindred spirit, she can best understand the suffering of her kind.

It is not easy for them to become monsters, not to mention the tens of thousands of years of loneliness. Even after Mu Xin matures, they still have to live in fear and hide, fearing that others will take away what originally belongs to them.

I don't even want to hurt them if it's not necessary.

Moreover, if the grass, trees and monsters were smart enough to fasten all the details tightly, she would not be able to find any flaws.

Probably, this banyan tree spirit has already achieved great success, so how can he still live with his half-burnt body?

Her body relaxed slightly, and she leaned back on the banyan tree tree's branches and swayed.

But the slow banyan tree spirit still didn't notice all this.

It seems that it has not spoken for a long time, and it talks long and endlessly:

"I really didn't expect that my cautious move saved me again. When I woke up again, I found that the atmosphere in the city had changed. There were many monks who were different from before, and they carried the... The aura is like the impure aura that filled the surroundings just when the world collapsed."

"They... they are very scary, even scarier than the previous monks. I have seen them many times. There are black shadows behind their heads. The shadows are like the most annoying insect monsters!"

If there is one thing that plants and animals hate most, it must be bugs.

Most of the various bugs feed on the stems and leaves of vegetation, flowers, and vines, making them the natural enemies of vegetation and monsters.

Lian Yi's heart moved: "Can you see the black shadows behind everyone's heads?"

The banyan tree spirit responded quickly: "Yes, yes, grandma, in today's Banyan City, there are many monsters with black shadows behind their heads."

Lian Yi rolled his eyes, this banyan tree spirit still has this ability?

This should be its innate magical power.

Being able to enlighten to such an extent and being able to communicate with people normally, coupled with its age, it is not surprising that it has awakened its innate supernatural powers.

But, is it really ignorant, carrying a treasure without knowing it?

It seems to think that seeing black shadows is a common thing.

Do you want to remind it?

It's just too silly and cute.

Look back and remind it when you leave!

Do you know that if you tell someone everything you see and feel good about, you will easily die?

"What else can you see besides black shadows?"

"Yes, I can see the aura on everyone's body. There are many colors. Grandma, your body is emerald green, with colorful highlights on it. It's so beautiful!"

Lian Yi imagined that scene and felt that he couldn't bear to look at it.

Is there something wrong with the aesthetics of the banyan spirit?

She decided to skip the topic.

"Have you seen any shadows lately?"

The banyan tree spirit was stunned: "A lot?"

It didn't understand why grandma's voice suddenly became a little... excited?

"Not to mention those far away, do you know everyone in Youyun City now? Can you name them?"

"Grandma! It's Rongcheng!" It corrected Lian Yi stubbornly.

Lian Yi: "...Okay, it's Rongcheng."

"I know them. I can name all of them, not only those from Rongcheng, but also people from other places."

It continued to swing its branches in a pleasing manner, like a big dancing child:

"Grandma, who do you want to meet? I can help!"

"Grandma, come and ask me, I know everything!"

Lian Yi couldn't help but smile: "Do you know Ouyang Juanyun?"

The banyan tree spirit leaned on the branch in front of Lian Yi and nodded: "I know her. It's Princess Cirrus. She has a black shadow on her head. She's very big and fierce. She's not a good person."

As he spoke, it began to tremble involuntarily.

The black shadow on the back of the head is very big, and the banyan tree spirits are very frightened by it. They will hide in dead branches from a distance and bury themselves very deeply.

For a long time, I didn't dare to come out and take a look.

"Oh, it's still big? Is there any difference between Ouyang Juanyun and other people's black shadows?"

"Yes? Most people with black shadows behind their heads are very light in color, closer to gray. If they are small, they are about the size of a child's fist. If they are large, they are as big as two children's fists. But behind Princess Cirrus' head, The black shadow was as big as three children’s fists, and as black as ink, it was very scary!”

"All the other colors they should have had disappeared, and they were all eaten up by the black shadow."

The banyan tree spirit trembled for a while, seeming to be particularly frightened:

"In all my years since I was young, I have only seen three people like this."

Lian Yi didn't expect to be able to ask such useful things.

He quickly asked: "Which three of them are there? Do you know their names?"

The banyan tree spirit seemed to think for a moment and said: "One is Princess Cirrus, the other seems to be called Demon Lord Xuan, and the last one is also in the city now, named Duan Pei!"

Lian Yi was shocked, Duan Pei? !

Duan Pei is in the city? !

"Where is Duan Pei? Is he in Chuguang Tower?"

The banyan tree spirit shook its branches and praised: "Grandma is so amazing, she even knows this."

Lian Yi had no time to pay attention to its flattery and continued to ask: "Do you know what day Duan Pei came?"

The banyan tree spirit thought about it again, seeming a little annoyed:

"It must have been seven or eight days ago. He has been coming here frequently this year, causing me to hide every time. Therefore, I don't know exactly how many days ago it came."

Seven days ago, before she became Ouyang Juanyun's maid.

That is to say, it is not for her.

In fact, Zhou Yue'er's tablet is not worth dealing with two demon lord clones at the same time.

But today Ouyang Juanyun had murderous intentions towards her, and Duan Pei happened to be there too, so he conspired in that room today to let Duan Pei kill her. By then Ouyang Juanyun would be able to kill her, right? ?

As for why Duan Pei frequently visited Youyun City this year, it was probably because she had killed Sikong Ji, which made them panic.

After a moment of silence, Lian Yi was thoughtful.

But there are still a few questions to ask the banyan tree spirit:

"Did Duan Pei come here on his own?"

The banyan tree spirit shook his head:

"No, every time he comes, he brings many people with him. He has several houses in the city, and also outside the city. There are more people ambushing outside the city, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... several thousand people."

Lian Yi thought to himself, did the banyan tree spirit count people one by one like this?

However, Lian Yi was not surprised that Duan Pei brought so many people. As the general marshal of the Qishan Kingdom, he had too many soldiers at his disposal, and he was an upright leader.

This is the advantage that sets him apart from Ouyang Juanyun and Sikongji.

"Did he bring all these people this time? How did he avoid so many informants?"

"Eyeliner? What is eyeliner?" the banyan tree spirit asked shamelessly.

Lian Yi sighed: "To get to the point, answer my question first. How did he bring these thousands of people?"

"Oh... Every day, his subordinates walk around here with various identities, and then live in his houses. By the way, they have shops inside and outside the city."


Lian Yi softened his tone: "Eyeliners are all bad people..."


This time it was a voice of joy.

Lian Yi felt relieved, but in his mind he was thinking about the relationship between the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole following behind.

Ouyang Juanyun probably didn't know that Duan Pei was so guarded against her. At most, he knew that there were people from Duan Pei in the city, but outside the city, he probably couldn't figure it out.

Today, if she hadn't asked the banyan tree spirit, she wouldn't have thought that something like this would happen.

She had to be careful about this period of time, and she couldn't just kill him casually.

With a plan in mind, Lian Yi looked at the sky and made a decision.

After making up his mind, Lian Yi glanced at the banyan tree again: "By the way, after chatting for so long, I still don't know your name!"

It always calls itself small, which feels weird.

The banyan spirit immediately became excited and danced excitedly again, but suddenly became a little shy and seemed particularly embarrassed:

"Grandma, you can just call me Rong Niang."

Lian Yi: "..." His feet slipped and he almost fell off the branch.

She shook the three leaves on her head and her ears, thinking she heard wrongly.

"You...your name is Rong Niang?"


With such a trembling and hoarse voice, how could she be called Rong Niang?

I'm afraid it doesn't have any misunderstanding about itself!

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