Fairy Tale

Five hundred and eighty-six 2-person world

The crisis came too quickly and unprepared.

Lian Yi was stunned. Before her eyes saw the light coming in, her body instinctively knew that something was wrong!

The body moves faster than the brain!

Her figure flew around, and she was already floating in the air. The red wings reappeared behind her and disappeared in a flash, taking her flying through the air at high speed.

She spread her hands, and the figure had changed dozens of directions.

As they approached the entire space, her afterimages were everywhere, as if there were dozens of them here.

The spiritual energy in Lian Yi's body surged wildly, driving the spiritual energy in the space to be inhaled crazily.

Shaohua, Thunder Dragon, Formation Network, Flying Blade...

She can't leave anyone behind!

Her reaction was so fast that the space shattered even faster!

Even though she tried her best, the Thunder Dragon was completely retracted without missing a beat. Shaohua was caught in her hands left and right, but most of the formation net and flying blades were lost!

Tear apart as space shatters.

Although it was just the condensation of spiritual energy, under this situation, a large number of spells cast were abruptly cut off, and the pressure on the meridians and consciousness was extremely great.

Lian Yi relied on his skill and boldness, and his meridians and consciousness were much better than those of ordinary people.

If it were someone else, the meridians would go backwards and be destroyed, and the consciousness would be damaged, it would be a very possible result!

As for Lian Yi, he was lucky enough to escape the most serious consequences, but he was not without any damage.

Acrid pain surged in her heart, and she swallowed back the large mouthful of blood that had surged into her throat!

Another trap set by the devil!

It’s really crazy, is it possible to pull the plug on people like this?

Because her fusion array is attached to his Split Time and Space Technique?

So why don't you just use the Split Time and Space technique?

If the skin is gone, how will the hair be attached?

OK! She admitted it!

Even though she still underestimated the magic gathering, the vigilance string in her heart had to be tightened even more.

For a person who is so cruel to himself, whatever he does is normal.

Now, her loss is nothing, so what if the magic gathers to split time and space?

Its black and white chess pieces are also gone! I can't believe that at that time, it still had the opportunity to free up its hands to collect the black and white chess pieces.

Furthermore, Othello was annihilated, and she saw it with her own eyes at the last moment.

In terms of losses, it was much greater than hers!

The darkness fades away and the sky becomes bright!

The two of them stood opposite each other on a collapsed ascension passage.

Lian Yi clasped Shao Hua in his hand, feeling the familiar yet unfamiliar golden elixir cultivation.

She glanced around, but Huanhuan and Xuexue were nowhere to be seen!

Mo Ju seemed to be in a good mood, and what happened just now didn't seem to have affected him at all.

Jie Jie laughed again:

"Tengxian, what are you looking for? But looking for those two fish that slipped through the net in the Elf Kingdom?"

It suddenly thought of something and clapped its hands:

"Oh oh oh, I was wrong. One of them is not just a fish that slipped through the net, but is of the blood of my good brother! Can she be regarded as my... virtuous niece?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity," it changed the subject:

"It is very blind. It originally followed its father and me, and had a bright future, but now it wants to follow its mother who has no future and follow you to death!"

"Then I can only fulfill them."

It spreads its hands:

"Look, how clean it is. This is the world for me and you. Don't let a third person interfere!"

He didn't even move his eyebrows, but his pretense of affection made him feel sick in his heart.

She didn't believe every word Moju said.

Are Xuexue and Huanhuan dead?

How can it be?

Although she can't feel the illusory conditions now, she has no confidence that they are impossible!

Furthermore, how could Mo Ju have time to deal with Xue Xue and Huan Huan.

It was dealing with her the whole time!

Lian Yi himself knows that the vines wrapped around the trees are like this in nature! She is definitely the difficult type.

In the process of confronting her, Moju will never have the opportunity to take time to deal with others.

In the end, it didn't even take back the black and white chess pieces!

At most, it is possible to use some magic weapon or formation to lock them in it.

This is what the current demon gathering is most likely to achieve.

"You want to deal with me here? What? The art of time and space is not working well?"

Lian Yi replied coldly.

Use the art of time and space to deal with her? The magic gathering was indeed a magic gathering, and it really disgusted her.

Moju sneered, and it licked its ears, seeming to admit:

"I didn't expect traceability to be easy to use! Tsk, tsk, tsk, how heartless!"

It also seems to be alluding to her attitude towards the origin and the two elves.

Lian Yi remained indifferent, just lowering his head and rubbing Shao Hua.

She was thinking secretly: With her golden elixir cultivation, how can she win as soon as possible? !

Has Mo Ju really revealed all its cards?

Definitely not.

In a life-and-death battle like theirs, there is still the possibility of a comeback until they are completely dead in the end.

She had to crush it completely.

The magic gathering blade waved and suddenly laughed:

"Tengxian, you haven't been this weak for a long time, right?"

"Should you consider withdrawing this Wubo Formation?!"

"We are already fighting to the death, how about we also have a hearty fight?"

Lian Yi smiled:

"Mo Ju, you are really a smart person!"

"This Guangmei Star Territory almost fell into your hands, but it's not an injustice."

This should be the ultimate goal of the magic gathering. I want her to withdraw from the battle!

Otherwise, it would have no time to talk nonsense with her.

Moju laughed again, and the laughter only seemed strange and scary in this empty and quiet space.

It seemed to raise its eyes and look at this huge space, hazy and gray:

"I've been trapped here for too long!"

The words that seemed helpless and begging for mercy were still floating in the air, but the movements in his hands were not dissatisfied at all. The magic sword had already moved like thunder and attacked!

Lian Yi was prepared and always vigilant.

Shaohua has been waiting for a long time in her hands.

"You talk too much!"

Speaking, obviously, does not affect Lian Yi's movements.

At the same time, Shaohua has flown out.

Lian Yi is not stupid, so is her golden elixir and magic gathering.

This realm has trapped it for so many years.

It’s a shame that you’ve fallen short of the mark!

Mo Ju sneered coldly, since he was seen through, there really is no need to say anything.

It is in a hurry.

Gu Qi\u003c/span\u003e In the outside world, the battle between its monsters and the creatures in Guangmei Realm is obviously not optimistic!

Its whole body is steaming with energy and blood, and its demonic energy and blood essence are passing away rapidly!

Moreover, the passing speed is getting faster and faster.

Now, although it has used secret methods to temporarily stop the speed of passage, this is not a long-term solution.

Secret techniques are only used as a last resort and have time limits, so they will inevitably encounter strong backlash in the future.

The longer the battle with the Tengxian lasts, the worse it will be.

It has now given up hope on those clones and confidants outside, and has activated the restrictions in their sea of ​​consciousness to increase their strength at any cost.

If they win, they will eventually be restrained and sucked into the human body, and the body's essence, blood, soul, golden elixir, Yuanying, and magic power will all be taken back by it.

If it fails, the restriction will self-destruct, and only one monk from the Guangmei Star Region can be dragged into the water.

Now it doesn't think about anything that can completely kill Lian Yi. In the worst case, it has to escape, even if it is the same as it was fifty thousand years ago.

As long as it has a breath, it still has a chance to make a comeback!

And it is confident that as long as it doesn't die this time, it will have plenty of time in the future!

The situation of their Demon Lord is getting better and better now. Although their strength has not been restored and is still far from enough, they are now able to strategize and plan.

When the demon lord wakes up, they will have someone to lead the way, and they will no longer be scattered.

Will they, the demon clan, still be worried in the future?

Looking back at today's fairy world, Wuji Tianzun has never appeared again!

So what if he goes to the God Realm to heal his wounds?

Without him, the fairy world would be a mess, full of loopholes.

No one cares about it, and the situation becomes more and more depressed and chaotic.

So what if he returns from his injury? The Immortal Realm has long been out of control and has been completely taken over by their demon clan.

The most wrong decision Wuji Tianzun made was to put his hope in the Guangmei Star Region and on a vine demon who had never even ascended!

In this case, it is better to come back by yourself!

How can you trust a person who you have never even met and whose strength is still very low?

Mo Ju found it particularly ridiculous.

Mo Ju did not expect that Wuji Tianzun was gone.

This kind of thing is probably too unimaginable for it to even think about.

After all, Wuji Tianzun and Shimo Yuanzun are both Tianzun-level masters with endless longevity.

How could he die just because he said he was going to die?

What's more, in the third heaven, the Kongji Palace where Wuji Tianzun lives is still shining brightly. No monster or person with demonic energy can step into the thunder pond.

There was once a little devil in their clan who was too carried away and wanted to challenge the authority of Wuji Tianzun. He only got a little closer and was accurately hit by the Tianji divine fire that sprang out from within, and was annihilated by flying ashes...

If he died, it is expected that Kongji Temple, Guitian, and the Tianjian he left behind would suffer heavy losses as his immortal power dissipated.

And apparently none of these.

This is probably also the brilliance of Wuji Tianzun.

Since death is inevitable and calamity is inevitable, it is necessary to respond generously to calamity.

For the rest, you just need to do your best to arrange it.

He took into account reactions from all sides.

There are still three points left, let’s see how many days there are.

The magic knife was bullish in the wind, but in Lian Yi's eyes, it felt a little crude.

At that time, even Yi and Mo Ju's cultivation levels were high.

The magic weapon in his hand looks very energetic!

At this moment, she doesn't have enough time to transform into a dragon for a long time to help her fight.

And Mo Ju’s magic sword looks really ugly!

She vaguely remembered the Earth Demon clone she met in the Yihuo Realm when her cultivation was still weak.

That Terrain Demon clone is actually higher in cultivation than them now.

The magic knife in his hand looks a bit more imposing than the real Earth Demon.

Shaohua turned hardness into softness, wrapped around the demon sword that was rising in the wind, and the cold air that suddenly escaped from the blades of the two swords instantly froze the magic sword.

Lian Yi waved his hand and cast an explosive technique, and the frozen lump of ice exploded instantly.

It was late, but it was fast. Mo Ju's movements were skillful and capable, and his hands didn't even shake. When the ice mass exploded, he had already pulled out his knife, and he broke free from Shao Hua in an instant. Demonic energy poured out from the magic knife, and Shaohua is entangled together!

You come and go, even the eyes are not blinking. Shaohua is shocked, and then turns soft into hard. The thunder on it is brilliant, and the evil energy is instantly removed from the sword.

Before Mo Ju could charge up enough power to attack her again, Lian Yi moved very quickly without any lag. With one move of his hand, Mo Ju was immediately included in another fusion formation.

Although her cultivation was suppressed by the golden elixir, she would not lose the control and proficiency of spiritual energy and spells that were engraved in her bones after years of training.

If the spiritual energy reserve in the body during the transformation stage is as abundant as the ocean, at the golden elixir stage it is like a small ditch, so shallow that you can see the bottom at a glance.

If you have little spiritual energy, every bit of it must be used on the blade.

Seeing the fusion formation from his own house, Lian Yi also sighed secretly.

She has several kinds of divine thunder, but she can't use them all right now, and she can't just enlarge the attack at will. A slightly larger attack will completely dry up her spiritual energy!

She has spirit stones and spirit-replenishing pills, but at this critical moment, if she stops to take medicine to replenish her spirit, she will give the demon group a chance to rebel!

It is really easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

The wind roared, lightning thundered, dark clouds gathered, and hail filled with thunder and lightning fell in response.

The demon gathered around him, and two black demonic snakes sprang out. The demonic snakes looked ordinary, but how could the demonic snakes sent out by the Earth Demon himself be ordinary!

After they rushed out, they were not fancy at all and had clear goals. They rushed into the clouds fiercely, as if they wanted to break through the clouds!

Lian Yi sighed in the dark and closed his eyes slightly.

No one has ever discovered the origin of the Fusion Formation.

This time the Earth Demon has good eyes!

The Lianyi Formation naturally has a way to survive, but so far, no monster has ever discovered it. It either panics or is forced to show its ferocious nature and run rampant in it. Even Sun Cheng's clone seems to be nothing more than that.

As everyone knows, sometimes the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Wherever the thunder is the loudest, that may be where the fusion formation gate set up by Lian Yi is.

The demon snakes rushed in and howled miserably, as if they were hit hard by lightning. One of them twisted a few times and fell down!

Another one got through!

The sky was bright again.

The two stood face to face again.

Mo Ju is very arrogant:

"Lian Yi, you can't defeat me!"

Lian Yi said nothing and stepped forward. If the fusion array didn't work, he would use another one.

She has many tricks.

Fight or die, there are only two outcomes today.

No amount of words can change it!

Naturally, she could only accept the immortal one.

Moju was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Lian Yi to bully him like this.

In just such a moment, Lian Yi has arrived!

The Paishan Palm, which was full of thunder power, slapped Mo Ju on the heart.

The two-color thunder power was shot out from Lian Yi's palm at the same time.

The interlacing of gold and blue is very gorgeous.

This time, Lian Yi used the sentimental Water Wave Thunder and the brutal Gengxin Golden Thunder.

Unexpectedly, when Lian Yi slapped his palm away, it was empty.

Moju's body seemed to be in good condition, but she couldn't touch anything real in her palms.

However, without even blinking, the two-color lightning threads intertwined at one point and came out of the palm, completely entangled!

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