Fairy Tale

Six hundred and twenty-seven The Essence of Beech Wood

go back?


They have just visited three cities.

It seemed that Jia Peicheng's confusion could be clearly seen, but Lian Yi asked in return:

"What does Brother Jia think of my plan?"

Jia Peicheng didn't understand why Lian Yi would ask this question, but he always had something to say in front of Lian Yi, and there was nothing to hide or avoid.

"What Lian Yi used was an upright conspiracy. Others may not know who is stirring up trouble behind the scenes, but Shimo Yuanzun and the demon kings all know it in their hearts."

In fact, what Jia Peicheng said about this matter was quite polite.

There have long been conflicts between the local monsters and the foreign oyster tribe, but if they are at odds, they are also fighting among themselves.

Never did the trouble come to light.

Just as the Tengxian Lianyi ascended, this conflict that had been covered up for tens of thousands of years suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

What's the coincidence?

Lian Yi was aboveboard, not even willing to hide his identity, so he put this matter in front of the world.

Thinking of this, Jia Peicheng heard the sound of the string and knew the elegant meaning. He had a deeper understanding of the intention of performing this move when Lian Yi came.

"What you mean is that you have already succeeded in taking over the three major demonic cities ruled by the most powerful oyster tribe in the outer lands of the lower third heaven, and there is no need for the others."

In fact, it's not unnecessary, but this strategy has been seen through, and Lian Yi is too lazy to pretend to be a local monster to deal with the oyster tribe from the outside world.

Lian Yi nodded, she was so unruly in her behavior.

She likes to fight back openly and openly whoever provokes her.

Just to let Shimo Yuanzun know in his heart that she is not to be trifled with.

Again, nothing but a slap in the face. She also wants to bring this conflict to the surface.

The relationship between the local monsters and the foreign oyster tribe is no longer the mutual use and mutual dependence that it once was.

Since they couldn't see clearly by themselves, Lian Yi didn't mind helping them lift this fig leaf.

Earlier, the local monsters under Shimo Yuanzun wanted to use the oyster tribe in the outer world to strengthen themselves, adding layers of pressure to the ongoing battle between their tribe and the immortal world.

As for the Oyster Clan from the Outer Domain, they were recruited by the First Demon Yuanzun. They came from afar, had no foundation, and had nothing. Naturally, they needed to rely on local monsters for supply.

However, as times change and circumstances change, even the vast ocean can turn into a mulberry field, let alone a demonic heart?

The devil is unpredictable.

On the one hand, Shimo Yuanzun has recovered his strength and become stronger and stronger during hundreds of thousands of years of recovery.

But one thing goes down and the other goes up. For some reason, his enemy in the immortal world, Wuji Tianzun, has been silent.

Even if he can still keep his composure, can the thousands of monsters under his control still keep his composure?

Of course not, he is becoming more and more arrogant and arrogant every day.

In this way, the tyrannical power destined their ambitions to flourish again.

on the other hand,

The same is true for the Outland Oyster Tribe. They took root here, developed and grown, and have long been different.

Their nature is inherently greedy, and as the Outland Oyster Clan becomes more powerful and demands more, their greed will be further fueled.

In this way, it will indirectly harm the interests of the local demons.

As early as in the Guangmei Star Territory, even the emperor could see the clues from such a high place.

Not to mention this fairyland.

The contradictions and conflicts are like the flames silent under the volcano. They cannot be seen from the outside before, but in fact they have been accumulating energy. Once there is a gap and erupts, there will be no turning back.

Now that the conflict is on the table, it can never go back to the dark side.

And in this way, it will be easier to achieve the results Lian Yi wants.

Divide the combined efforts of local monsters and foreign oyster tribes to seek more vitality for your side.

Lian Yi was in a good mood. She greeted Jia Peicheng and Huan Huan:

"Go back, it's finally our turn to rest for a while."

Sure enough, when Lian Yi took action, it was like pouring cold water into a hot oil pan, exploding the entire Lower Third Heaven.

Each of the three most powerful demon cities suffered damage, and at the same time they "punished" the local demons angrily.

Later, everyone found out that they had fallen into the scheme, but the matter was already done, what else could be done?

From now on, any minor disturbance will be involved in the confrontation between the two clans.

It was only the top leaders of the two clans who started to suppress them, but things were getting a lot worse below, and they couldn't always suppress their own side, and they had to vent their anger.

Soon, within just a few days, the Demon City was in turmoil, with numerous fights and fights.

The name of Tengxian Lianyi became known to everyone within one month of Lianyi's ascension.

If we say that in the past, no matter whether it was the demon clan under the command of the local Shimo Yuanzun or the oyster clan in the outside world, when she was mentioned, she was disgusted and disgusted.

She escaped their clutches several times and ruined their good deeds.

This kind of fly-like little character really annoys them.

Nowadays, everyone no longer thinks so.

Where are the flies?

This is a big monster with teeth that can bite people.

Not to mention the First Demon Yuan Zun, at least the monsters from the two tribes in the Lower Third Heaven are only afraid of the name Tengxian Lianyi.

After all, this person was too ruthless and hard to guard against. Who knows if he might have fallen into that person's way without paying attention and become the opponent's chess piece, just like those unlucky guys, with all the bones in his body broken and lifeless. The fate of immortality.

For example, originally in the Guangmei Star Region, there was talk of demons changing color, but now in the fairy world, the two races of monsters are indeed a bit like vine demons changing color.

It’s true that the tides are turning, and the retribution is unfavorable.

Here, Xia Sanchong Tian was made such a mess by Lian Yi, and she felt very comfortable.

Hiding in Ayanami City, he lived a peaceful life.

Even on the street, there were so many people talking about her, but it was not like she had never heard them before, she just pretended not to hear them or not see them.

After all, her identity is now very hidden.

She was really taking her rest seriously.

When you are free, you can also cook by yourself, hold banquets, and eat and drink with your parents, ancestors, and others.

On this day, Lian Wanshan crossed his legs and picked his teeth with great satisfaction:

"Look at how comfortable this life is. If that boy Lian Wai hadn't failed to live up to his expectations, we would have been reunited as a family."

Company Commander Hai smiled honestly, his face lit up when he mentioned his children:

"Even outsiders are very impressive. Don't worry, ancestor, he should be here soon."

Lian Wanshan sneered: "The time in the Immortal Realm is different from that in the Guangmei Star Territory. One day in the sky and one year below. How long have we been in the Immortal Realm? It's been more than thirty days. He hasn't ascended in more than thirty years. This loser... Let’s see how I deal with him when he comes up.”

Lian Changhai felt a little aggrieved and apologized for Lian Wai:

"My ancestor has only been more than thirty years old. Xiaowai has to go through the catastrophe of ascension. It turns out that Master Donglai has also been honing his skills for a long time to become a god? There is still someone to learn from..."

Before she finished speaking, several things were hit on her head. Qian Xiuer sympathetically removed the peanut shell from her husband's head. She said nothing and only focused on picking up food for her daughter.

Qian Xiuer's eyes were filled with smiles when she saw that her daughter was eating delicious food. Her life was really perfect. Her husband and wife were in love and they had children. Even though she was hundreds of years old, she could still sit next to her and have dinner with her. .

As for my husband, he just doesn't behave at all and dares to compete with his ancestors. Let's wait for him to be reprimanded.

Sure enough, the peanut shells and peanuts had just been removed from the head of Company Chang Hai, and scoldings were already coming from there.

"What evil have I, Lian Wanshan, done? Why do I have such a useless descendant like you? Why don't you learn from the good ones? It took Donglai Heyeke a long time, which is good, but how much did your daughter spend?" Years? And me, after I completed my transformation into a god, I only took twenty years to polish my skills and then soared into the sky. You don’t know this?"

Lian Changhai neither dared to touch the red mark on his head hit by his ancestor nor speak. What could he say? In front of his ancestor, he would always be at fault under any circumstances.

Lian Yi and Huan Huan on the side were just eating their own food. They seemed to be used to this situation for a long time, and they didn't even raise their eyelids happily.

Jia Peicheng held up his wine glass, but his eyes were very greedy to see the situation of Lian Yi's family.

He was an orphan. When he lived to his age, his relatives and masters were long gone, and he had no intention of finding their souls even in poverty and hell.

Besides, what can I do if I get it back? With the Huaiyuan Star Territory looking like that, it’s not a good thing to get it back.

If not, just settle down with your destiny.

However, what he doesn't have doesn't mean that other people can't have it, and it doesn't mean that he doesn't envy it.

Even if you become a god, you will be envious of this rare fireworks.

Lian Yi noticed Jia Peicheng's situation. She touched Jia Peicheng's small wine glass and said:

"Is there really a beech tree essence on the top of the mountain? I have some free time these days, how about we go there."

Jia Peicheng was stunned, but his thoughts were all focused on Lian Yi:

"Now? Aren't you afraid of alerting others?"

Needless to say, the cities near the top of the mountain are all demon territory.

Hasn't Lian Yi been hiding from monsters lately?

Although there are all small cities there, what is rare is that there is no fairy city around.

There are both local magic cities and the magic cities of the oyster clan in the outside world.

There is a nest of snakes and rats, and there is a nest of snakes and rats.

Lian Yi took another piece of the spiritual vegetable that his mother had put in his bowl and put it into his mouth, speaking in an extremely calm tone.

"It's okay, don't they think I won't take action again? When I get the essence of beech wood, I will take action again. There are seven cities there, and I know the cultivation level of the two races of monsters. When the time comes, let’s work together to catch them off guard.”

She must have the essence of beech wood.

It’s for the ancestors.

Now that we have returned to the fairy world, it is necessary for our ancestors’ souls to return to their rightful place.

Back then, something went wrong when our ancestor came down to earth.

Originally, the calculation of the suitable body was done in advance for Lian Wanshan.

On the other hand, as a plant demon cultivator, his soul is stronger than that of ordinary people.

Furthermore, Lian Yi is about to entrust the birth of the Lian family, and tracing the origin can also calculate three points.

Due to these circumstances, traceability has dragged Lian Wanshan into this muddy water.

Unfortunately, no matter how many calculations you make, it may not be foolproof.

Traceability was originally the target of the immortal world's monsters to monitor and kill. They didn't catch Tracey Source, but they caught Lian Wanshan.

That's why Lian Wanshan abandoned his body and cut off more than half of his soul, ending up with his tail cut off in order to survive.

But Lian Wanshan's own soul is different, and he can slowly repair the damage. This is really a blessing.

Even so, it has reached its limit.

The original body will definitely never be found again. Even if it is found, the body has been without soul for more than 300 years and has long since rotted and cannot be used.

Not to mention the family relationship cultivated with the ancestors in this life, it is impossible for the ancestors to just sit idly by and make such huge sacrifices for an unrelated girl.

Therefore, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

No, Jia Peicheng came in handy again.

The essence of beech wood is actually a spiritual creature that is naturally raised in the fairy world and grows naturally. It is the aura of wood that is mixed to the extreme and conceived spontaneously under certain specific conditions.

Intangible and shapeless, without intelligence.

But they all have an innate talent, which is to attract souls!

Different from the soul bead, the soul bead is a container, but the essence of beech wood can be turned into a body.

Intangible and formless, it can be shaped at will.

In particular, the essence of beech wood is nurtured in the aura of wood.

Therefore, to others, the resulting body may seem nondescript and imperfect.

However, for the grass, trees and monsters, there is no such scruple at all.

When Lian Wanshan got this new body, he lost his cultivation and needed to practice again, but the original skills, secret techniques, etc. could be fully used.

For him, recovering the past is just a matter of walking the same path again. It is only a matter of time.

Jia Peicheng sighed. In fact, when Lian Yi asked him to inquire about the essence of beech wood, he knew in his heart that it was for the sake of her ancestors.

Tengxian Lianyi seems wanton, but he values ​​family ties very much.

She even showed her weakness in front of the world openly and openly, but since it was a weakness, it was not her armor.

Let her be more decisive and more life-saving when dealing with enemies.

Because she is never alone.

"I just heard that some people have seen them on the top of Buyan Mountain recently, but even though these things are rare, they can still run very fast, so it's hard to say whether there are any more there."

The spirit of beech wood is a spiritual creature with the attribute of wood. The spirit of wood has its own wind attribute, just like Lian Yi. Her wind spirit root is also bred from the wood spirit root, which is a mutation of wood.

The essence of beech wood may also have such a power of mutation, and many people in the fairy world want to catch this thing.

After all, no one can predict which day his body will be damaged and only his soul will be left.

Even though the body molded by the essence of beech wood is not perfect, it is better than taking it away!

It is a pity that precisely because the beech spirits run so fast, no one who has caught them has ever heard of them in the more than 10,000 years since Jia Peicheng ascended.

Even the expression on Yi's face has not changed:

"What's the big deal? Don't worry, they're not as powerful as me."

The essence of beech wood is a spiritual creature of wood, and it also contains a hint of mutated wind power.

Isn't she?

Since she is the same as the Beech Tree Essence and has the same opportunities, then her abilities should be similar. What's the difference?

She still has formations and spells around her, is it possible that she is still afraid of little things like that?

What a joke.

Besides, she was not in a hurry. If she couldn't catch it this time, she would do it next time.

After all, according to what Jia Peicheng said, this thing lives in the next third world.

And it's usually in a few areas where wood spiritual energy is extremely abundant.

Needless to say, the top of the mountain is the place where they spend most of their time.

She had a lot of patience, but even if she searched these places inch by inch, she didn't believe they could escape her clutches.

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