Fairy Tale

Six hundred and sixty-six The Sorrow of Immortal Realm

When the entire Guangmei world was in turmoil, Lian Yi naturally didn't know what was going on in the outside world.

She herself was still struggling hard in the black whirlpool.

However, even if she didn't know that the entire Guangmei world was now on high alert and ready to fight to the death, she could also know from the clues she deduced in the black vortex that the situation in Guangmei world was not good.

The first one to bear the brunt is Guangmeijie.

Because the corridor is obviously only connected to Guangmei Realm.

The Oyster Clan suffered such a big loss from her, and she even killed a very high-status figure in the Oyster Clan, Oyster Boa. It would be strange if the Oyster Clan didn't send someone to kill her.

What's more, she also glimpsed the hidden secrets of the Oyster Clan and the First Demon Clan.

So, she was really anxious to get out.

She had thought about whether she could spread some news. Even if the Oyster Clan came down to avoid it, Guangmei Realm couldn't make no preparations.

Later it was discovered that she could not deliver the message at all.

I have tried all kinds of messenger talismans, whether they are precious or ordinary. Some fall off when they are halfway burned, and some cannot be lit at all with spiritual power.

Lian Yi was really anxious and distressed. Of course, he was anxious about the safety of Guangmei Realm, and he was distressed because he felt sorry for his own messenger talisman. There were many treasures in them, and they were all wasted.

Not to mention, when she was fumbling for the messenger charm, she touched the hand mirror given to her by Qi Tian.

She thought there was a bright future, and she finally had a solution.

Unexpectedly, even the hand mirror given by Guitian showed no movement.

No matter how she manipulated it, it was completely dark, and there was no trace of the domineering power of the artifact clone. It was not even as good as an ordinary mirror.

He was so angry that he even wanted to throw this piece of shit away.

In the end, she could only rest her mind. She thought about it and couldn't let it go. She had to go out first.

Otherwise, how could she get the news out?

Little did they know that Peeping wanted to use the hand mirror to send her a message. Unfortunately, what puzzled and shocked it was that it couldn't feel the hand mirror given to Lian Yi at all.

How is it possible? This is the best clone it has ever made. Even if Lian Yi throws it away, it won't be able to sense it at all, right?

If it hadn't remembered clearly that it had indeed given Lian Yi a hand mirror, it would have thought that it was an illusion. In fact, it had not given Lian Yi any hand mirror at all?

What kind of crap is this? !

Neither of them knew that the other person had sighed in unison.

Only Suiyuan glanced at the sky like a fool, how many years had he not seen? Guitian is still quite silly.

"Even the entrance to the Land of Nothingness is intended. The territory there already belongs to the Land of Nothingness. Since it is nothingness, naturally no spells or breath can be retained."

In fact, except for the chaotic energy that will grow out of chaos, in the land of nothingness, any other energy will be swallowed by the chaotic energy.

How about having divine power in the sky, where everyone is equal, except for Lian Yi who got lucky that time and came back from the land of nothingness,

Over the years, I have seen and heard from many people, but I have never had such good luck.

Qiuting wants to contact Lian Yi, but stop dreaming unless Lian Yi comes out on his own.

Come to think of it, Guitian has not been so stupid all day long. In the impression of tracing the origin, the artifact Guitian has never been very smart.

After all, it was able to do the thing of jumping out of the Immortal Realm back then. Thanks to its good luck, how could it not be swallowed up by the sky and the universe...

Wait, Suiyuan was stunned for a moment, feeling that he had caught something:

"Qi Tian, ​​when you jumped into the sky...where did you dance?"

Qiuting was different from Lian Wanshan. He had arranged Lian Wanshan's matter in advance.

Tracing her origins, he had deduced that the opportunity for Lian Yi's reincarnation was in the Lian family. He was afraid that she would lose all her memories and be weak after reincarnation, and that she would be plotted by the inner earth demon, so he invited Lian Wanshan to the lower realm, mainly because Follow Lian Yi to protect and remind Lian Yi at all times, don't be deceived by the inner earth demon.

For this reason, he spent a lot of immortal power just to arrange a relatively safe way for Lian Wanshan to "descend to the earth".

Lian Wanshan is a vine demon, a grass and tree spirit monster, and his soul is inherently different from the strength of monks of the same level. The trace of his origin arranged a "ghost path" for him.

The true body will definitely not be able to go down from the Immortal Realm, but if it is just the soul, it can return to the Guangmei Realm from the Ruoshui River.

The Ruoshui River is originally a celestial river. It connects the former ascension passage. It can be said that it connects to the fairy world at the top and leads to the underworld at the bottom.

Although the ascension passage is gone, there is an ascension tower. Tracing back to the source, there is a way for Lian Wanshan to take advantage of the ascension tower and go directly along the Ruoshui River and follow the waterway.

As long as Lian Wanshan can endure the cold, bone-eroding and extremely destructive power of weak water on the soul.

Weak water, for ordinary souls, is naturally extremely cold, and the souls in the Netherworld will change their color when talking about weak water.

However, like Lian Wanshan, his soul is already an immortal soul, and the effect of weak water on him is greatly reduced. In addition, his soul is stronger than others, and there are many preparations made for him by traceability, so he is already very safe.

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the change. When Lian Wanshan was leaving, the news somehow leaked out. He was discovered by the monster clan and blocked the way. As a result, all the complete preparations were not used. Only the half-dead spirit in the lower realm was left, and the source was traced. Everything he had been asked to do was forgotten.

He was lucky enough to find a physical body that matched his own instinctively. This physical body was actually arranged by traceability.

As for whether it's a boy or a girl? It's already a great opportunity to find someone who is a perfect fit and closely related to Lian Yi, so what else are you choosing?

Tracing the origin can be said that Lian Wanshan was a matter of planning and planning, and finally something went wrong, but this peek into the sky...

How did it go down?

This jumping sky can go wherever it wants, and I am curious about tracing its origin.

Even it thinks more.

The Immortal Realm and the Guangmei Star Realm are originally twin star realms, even though the one connecting them, the Ascension Passage, has been cut off by Lian Yi.

But now that there is this tunnel created by the Oyster Clan, it is hard to say that there are no others.

The ascension passage connects the two star fields. He knew the origin, but he didn't know it at all. When Lian Yi made various guesses, he was still worrying about the connection between the two star fields and turned his hair gray...

At this time, there is no way to care about the traceability of Lian Yi. He was focused on staring at Qiuting.

Between the two star fields, it is impossible to follow the normal theory. Without the ascension channel, it is not impossible to develop other connections in tens of thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, Qi Tian glanced at him coldly: "You have so many things to think about. I jumped to the third middle realm..."

Having said this, it was stunned for a moment.

At the level of Guitian, in terms of cultivation, he is not as good as Wuji Tianzun, and his cultivation has reached the level of quasi-sage.

Its body is a sky-gazing mirror, and its original purpose is a spiritual mirror used to view the movements of various parts of the ancestral world.

Everywhere in this fairy world, as long as it wants to, can't escape its eyes.

Not mentioning the origin, it didn't expect it, but mentioning the origin, it remembered the day it jumped into the sky.

It was suffering from depression at that time, and it already had the intention of self-destruction. It was looking for Lian Yi because it wanted to change its way of life and find a way out for itself.

Although it is not allowed for ordinary immortals to want to go to the Guangmei Star Region, it really doesn't hinder anything like this.

It is to use great magic power to arrange a temporary passage. With its cultivation level, it still needs some help.

The place to borrow strength is the Chongsan Middle Realm.

There, there is the energy of chaos. To put it more clearly, that is where the void of the fairy world lies.

Although it wanted to die, its instinct was still there. In fact, it was a bit strange to think about it jumping into the sky back then.

It originally thought that it was deep in thought at that time, so it suddenly fell down and slept in the Lingxiao Sect for tens of thousands of years.

Now that I think about it, at that time, it discovered many oyster tribes in the Chongsan Middle Realm.

However, it didn't care about them when it peeked into the sky, and had no interest in the Chongsan Middle Realm where they gathered. It just instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Because it chose the Chongsan Middle Realm of the Third Heaven to "borrow" its power, and then it saw Oyster Zun and others there.

At that time, Oyster Master and the others did not notice Peeping Sky, after all, this was its natal magical power.

The oyster clan that Piaotian saw were not only gathered in high-rise buildings, but they were also sitting together. Each person had an oyster shell suspended in front of them, staring at their own oyster shell attentively. As the oyster shell rotated, it was filled with chaotic elements. force.

At that moment, Guitian didn't care about this. It set its destination to be the Queen of Lingxiao Sect and didn't want to deal with that group of oyster tribe.

From its point of view, different ways do not lead to mutual conspiracy. However, the Oyster Clan back then was far less powerful than it is now, and it was unwilling to even show contempt for Guitian's status.

Besides, Wuji Tianzun was gone, and the survival of the immortal world really didn't matter to Guitian at that time.

It wanted to self-destruct, and the fairy world was ruined like rubbish. Perhaps it still felt an indescribable joy in its heart.

Therefore, it really pretended not to see this group, and then "borrowed" its power to go to Lingxiao Sect.

Then, something happened. It remembered it very clearly. On that day, the chaotic energy of the Chongsan Middle Realm continued to be weak. It was intermittent, but suddenly disappeared completely.

Its divine power was also cut off, which meant that the temporary passage was cut off in the middle.

This break caught it off guard, and it fell into the Rainbow River of Lingxiao Sect.

It's really...unlucky.

However, Qi Tian's face suddenly became serious. It stared at Sui Yuan and suddenly asked:

"Tracing back to the origin, Oyster Clan, have you liked going to the Chongsan Middle Realm these years?"

I was stunned for a moment when I traced the source, so I didn’t know.

But he also knew that looking into the sky would not be without aim.

He thought about it again and again, but couldn't remember any clue about it.

This is really difficult for him.

Tracing back to the source, because of his identity, the Shimo clan was eager to recruit him, but when he failed to recruit him, he became a serious problem that they wanted to eliminate.

Therefore, Suiyuan hasn't really had a good life for a few days since he ascended, and hiding has become his normal state.

Furthermore, he was preoccupied with predicting the fortune of the Guangmei Star Region and Lianyi's vitality... How could he know whether the Oyster Clan would go to the Third Middle Realm?

If you are Roaring Sky Dog, you probably know something about it. After all, he is a master who hangs around and buries wherever there is excitement.

However, Roaring Sky Dog had just left the room for them to talk, and he didn't know where he had gone.

"You...what do you mean? What is the relationship between the Chongsan Middle Realm and the Oyster Clan?"

When he said this, Suiyuan's heart was beating like thunder, and his always accurate intuition told him that some important information seemed to be about to be exposed.

The Book of Life and Death is also staring at Guitian. It thinks more about how to borrow power from the Chongsan Middle Realm. It is also a divine weapon, and it couldn't be clearer.

So, it hits the nail on the head:

"Do you suspect that the Oyster Clan went to the Third Middle Realm to obtain Chaos Energy?"

When it said this, its tone was filled with disbelief.

"This is impossible. Didn't Lian Yi once say that the immortal world will absorb the power of the Guangmei Star Region? Is this a plan of the Oyster Clan? It..."

It thought about it, but paused. Chaos Yuan Power is the foundation of the aura generated in the world. If the Oyster Clan wants telepathy, it can do it from Chaos Yuan Power.

The Book of Life and Death thought of the miserable situation in the Chongsan Middle Realm now. When Peeping Sky comes back, which part of the Immortal Realm can escape its sight?

Others only saw why there was chaos and mixed atmosphere in the Chongsan Middle Realm. However, as a divine weapon, the Book of Life and Death suddenly understood:

"The chaos energy in the Chongsan Middle Realm has been exhausted. Without the control and balance of the chaos energy, the various auras in it are out of balance..."

It raised its eyes in horror, glanced at Suiyuan and Peeping into the Sky:

"Did the Chongsan Middle Realm be destroyed by the Oyster Clan? Then the tragedy of the Immortal Realm is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!"

Suiyuan's face changed drastically, and his body shook uncontrollably. His face, which was already a bit gloomy from being tortured, became even gloomier.

He said solemnly: "The spirit of the immortal world has indeed gone downhill since the beginning of Demon Yuanzun's awakening. Since then, it has been unable to recover, as if falling into the abyss."

Qi number can be affected by anything. Others don't understand it, but he knows the mystery of it by tracing it back to the source for many years.

The ethics of things have their own laws, that is, when they flourish, they will decline. Decline also requires a process. This is the rule and Qi.

The Qi trend in the Immortal World is very unusual and is clearly the result of intervention.

Originally, I didn’t know this about the origin, but now I think about it, after Shimo Yuanzun woke up, the Oyster Clan came at that time. After that, the decline of the fairy world was as fast as jumping off a cliff...

Something suddenly occurred to him:

"The Oyster Clan's cultivation has indeed grown at an unusually fast rate in recent years. It turns out they have stolen the Qi of our immortal world!"

As he spoke, his whole body was shaking with anger.

There seems to be a flame about to burst out of Peeping Sky's eyes, vowing to burn everything. With the book of life and death and traceability as supplements, it can be improved to be more comprehensive.

"It's not just the Chongsan Middle Realm. Fuyan Mountain is the most primitive place in the Immortal Realm. There used to be a ray of chaotic energy contained in the mountains, but it's gone now!"

"I suspect that not only the Oyster Clan is endlessly demanding Chaos Energy, but the First Demon Clan is also doing the same!"

It suddenly sneered, and its handsome face was covered with frost:

"Didn't you notice? How many years has it been since Shimo Yuanzun recovered from his injuries very quickly after he woke up? The Shimo clan has rapidly expanded and become rampant, and its momentum is almost as high as before the war between immortals and demons!"

Sometimes the secret cannot be hidden at all, so what if Shimo Yuanzun is hiding in the dark?

Just by looking at the Shimo clan, you can tell whether Shimo Yuanzun is good or not.

Looking at it now, isn’t it great? Simply great!

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