Fairy Tale

Six hundred and seventy-eight: Shengmai

Facts have proved that Lian Yi does have a grudge against Abyss.

No matter how much she resisted, she still fell.

Completely irresistible.

If there was anything to be thankful for, it was that since the fall, the force restraining her had disappeared.

Her reaction was not unpleasant. Before her body fully recovered, a vine reached up from her fingertips at lightning speed, trying to hook something.

Lian Yi's plan was very clear. If the space she was in was broken, there would be space fragments. As long as she hooked some fragments, she would be able to climb up with them.

It is better to be torn apart or sucked into the space debris than to fall into the void.

The vines flew away like a green lightning bolt, but nothing was caught. Lian Yi was in despair.

She was so angry that she didn't want to speak.

Is this intentional? This place of nothingness is inherently at odds with her, right?

She had just fallen down, and there was nothing on it!

She raised her eyes and saw that the entire gap had been closed, as if it had never appeared.

If she hadn't experienced it herself, she would have thought it was an illusion.

There was darkness all around, and I couldn't feel anything.

This feeling is so familiar that even one wants to burst into rage, it must be a place of nothingness!

It was the place where she, Huan Huan and Xue Xue spent a hundred years before walking out.

The time she was able to go out before, it was a stroke of luck.

She creates a small world where time and space coexist.

From the exit of that small world, she successfully returned to Guangmei World.

This time, there was neither a chessboard nor chess pieces, so she could create a space, but without time, it would not be a small world at all. How could she get out.

Furthermore, if she stays here for a hundred years, the outside will probably be occupied by the Oyster Clan.

How can she feel relieved?

Almost instantly, she analyzed her situation clearly, and then her forehead became irritated.

This is really not going well.

When she met the Oyster Clan, she felt that she was quite unlucky.

First, he encountered an oyster, which triggered a battle between the two star realms of the Immortal Realm and the Guangmei Realm.

She still feels like she's in a dream, it feels so unreal.

When she met an oyster slough again, she was thrown into a place where birds don't shit.

Thinking of oyster sloughs, yes, there are oyster sloughs too.

She fell, and the oyster slough should be there too.

Thinking that the black spear of the oyster molt was gone and had been severely damaged, Lian Yi thought this was a good time.

If it is nearby, you should take the opportunity to kill it first!

Lian Yi didn't want to go out for the time being, so he focused on finding the oysters.

Outside, the huge whirlpool that originally stood tall and tall suddenly seemed to be cut off by something else in the middle.

Qian Yuan's pupils were huge. He had a high level of cultivation on the island and could see very clearly.

He knew that in this underwater world, the situation would inevitably change during the battle between powerful seniors and enemies.

He couldn't see exactly how it had changed. He only knew that under this interception, even if it fell down on his Qianyuan Island, it would be doomed.

He had long been prepared to die, but at this moment, he was still fearful and nervous for no reason.

That’s it, just die and you’ll be a good man again in a hundred years!

Just when he was filled with grief and ready to lead the whole island to death, the whirlpool that stood tall and tall suddenly disappeared.

It rose quickly and fell abruptly.

The sea water did not turn out as they predicted,

Shoot hard.

But...it was like there was a huge hole under the sea, and then the water fell straight down.

Looking at the sea that had inexplicably returned to calm in just half an hour, Master Qianyuan felt as if his heart was being pinched in mid-air, unbelievable and incomprehensible.

The sea was still the same sea as before. Somehow, Master Qianyuan suddenly didn't recognize it.

Not to mention the hidden worries in my heart like a stream in the abyss, I am afraid that when the sea water will come back and make a big splash again, I don't know if I will be so lucky next time.

Most of the people who saw this scene survived the disaster. The excitement of saving a life from a desperate situation that they thought they were destined to die is unforgettable.

It also gives some people who are more profound like it some confidence that things will get better.

They couldn't guess how the fierce battle was going on under the sea. They just instinctively felt that at this moment, the violent surge that was about to pour was suddenly contained. That was the handiwork of the big guys in the Guangmei Star Territory.

Even in the midst of a fierce battle, the bosses still remember to show mercy to the common people, which shows that the powerful monks in the Guangmei Star Region are very powerful and compassionate.

This caused everyone to suddenly have confidence and hope. They could not participate in this battle and could only pray silently.

I pray that the monks in the Guangmei Star Region can continue to be brave and defeat the enemy.

Such prayers and expectations form a strong will.

They are ethereal and dispersed throughout the Guangmei Star Territory. They are formless, colorless and shadowless, but they can feed back to the monks like blessings, giving them an extra bit of unspeakable luck in the battle.

This is the gift of heaven.

There are variables among variables, and there are variables in everything.

Until the final moment, the outcome is unpredictable and difficult to say.

Lian Yi didn't know how long he had been searching in the void, but he couldn't find the oyster slough.

She frowned, feeling something was wrong.

There is nothing in the land of nothingness, and it is very big and has no boundaries.

However, she still felt something was wrong about not being able to find the oyster molts.

She is very close to the oyster slough and should not be too far apart.

She even found Turtle who was still sleeping, but she couldn't find the oyster slough.

At this time, Guida was still sleeping, surrounded by a large translucent cover filled with greenery and floating green leaves, like a big floating bubble, standing there in the void space.

This large green cover was naturally a formation set up by Lian Yi. It didn't disappear when it got here, it was still in place.

However, Lian Yi could feel the consumption of the best spiritual stones in it.

When we reach the land of nothingness, there is nothing and no spiritual energy. Isn't it more difficult to maintain the formation?

There is also Guida. If it needs to absorb spiritual energy from the outside world, the formation she set up will disintegrate before long.

Lian Yi didn't go too far, even though she said she disliked Guida, who was holding him back.

However, since she was with it, it was just when she couldn't protect herself. Although there were many crises at the moment, it was not at the point where she couldn't protect herself. Couldn't she take care of it?

What if that bastard Oyster suddenly shows up and kills Guida while she's not nearby... Then she'll die of grief.

However, Lian Yi's cultivation has become more and more advanced now, and he can no longer be the same as he was in this place of nothingness last time.

Her spiritual consciousness is stronger, relying on wood juice, spiritual replenishing liquid and even fairy spirit stones, even if the outside world cannot replenish her spiritual energy, she will not be stingy.

Furthermore, the spiritual energy she needs now can only be replenished from the outside world, which is simply a drop in the bucket, and she is not short of that.

The spiritual consciousness radiates continuously, but there is no oyster slough.

This is really not normal.

Lian Yi suspected that Oyster Slaughter was hiding.

Maybe, what kind of invisibility technique is there?

Ever since Lian Yi knew that oyster shells could be used as starships, Lian Yi's positioning of oyster shells had changed.

Originally I just thought it was indestructible.

Now, she unconsciously put some features of the starship she refined onto the oyster shell.

All starships are concealable.

For example, the starship made in the Guangmei Star Region uses a hidden formation and oyster shell. Maybe it has a magical power and secret method that is inherently hidden?

Lian Yi's expression didn't change. She just stood there with her brows furrowed, as if she had some unresolved confusion.

The oyster slough in the dark was actually not far from Lian Yi, so it was naturally within the range of Lian Yi's consciousness.

Naturally, it didn't know that Lian Yi was already doubting whether the oyster shell was concealable. Even if it knew, it didn't think it was afraid.

A land of nothingness, oysters are not afraid of it.

The so-called land of nothingness is just what people here call it.

For the oyster tribe, this place is called the birthplace.

All beginnings come from this.

Including the triple middle boundary.

If we say that the Chongsan Middle Realm is the root system of the fairy world, if the Chongsan Middle Realm fails, the fairy world will be over.

So the land of nothingness is actually the original appearance of the Chongsan Middle Realm.

When the entire Guangmei Star Territory is fully mature and no longer condenses into new space, the entire void will gradually take shape, emerge from hiding, and stand at the center of the entire Star Territory.

Nowadays, the void land in the Guangmei Star Territory is still in the growth stage. Naturally, unlike the Chongsan Middle Realm in the Immortal Realm, it has long passed its heyday and can no longer gather and condense into new spaces, gradually heading towards decay.

Such a place of nothingness, in Jian Rui's eyes, is naturally a priceless treasure of inestimable value.

And in this Chongsan Middle Realm that has not yet been completely finalized, there is something that others don't know about.

That's the vitality of it.

The raw pulse is actually different from the spiritual pulse.

It is not tangible, on the contrary, it is intangible, scattered throughout the void, and formed by the gathering of the oyster tribe.

What exactly is this vitality vein? It is actually the condensed chaotic energy.

Super star realms like the Immortal Realm or the Guangmei Realm can automatically grow new secret realms, small thousand realms, and even great thousand realms.

These all require Chaos Vitality.

The energy of chaos naturally comes from the land of nothingness.

However, any super star field can "grow" new secret realms, even small thousand realms or even great thousand realms, so naturally it is not eternal.

There is never anything eternal in this world.

The development and expansion of all things are not eternal.

For a world like the Immortal World, which has completely matured, its expansion has stopped. The transformation of the Chongsan Middle Realm from concealment to manifestation means that the Immortal World no longer has the ability to "grow" new space.

In other words, all the accumulated Chaos Yuan Power in the Immortal Realm has been transformed. Except for the Chaos Yuan Qi reserved in the Chongsan Middle Realm, there is no more extra Chaos Yuan Power.

And the chaotic energy reserved in the Chongsan Middle Realm is also useful.

They are used to ensure that the fairy world is completely destroyed in a disaster and preserves the fire.

Still comparing it to the fairy world, as long as the fairy world does not turn into a ghost in the sky, even if the creatures in it wither and die, it is not considered true death.

The chaotic energy in the Chongsan Middle Realm will be completely released and used to resurrect the fairy world, but the level of the fairy world will drop a lot.

Whether it will shrink, or even turn into a small thousand realms, wandering in the sky, depends on how much chaotic energy is left!

The land of nothingness is different. Compared with the small amount of chaotic energy in the Chongsan Middle Realm, in this land of nothingness, there are still many chaotic energies that will become secret realms, spaces, and even the world in the future.

This endless and endless supply of chaotic energy, dissipating throughout the void, is what the Oyster Clan is bound to gain.

They are all scattered in the void and cannot be captured at all.

However, the oyster tribe is capable.

Like those sea lice, oysters remove their shells and their bodies are sticky.

The thick oyster liquid can contaminate, absorb, and store chaotic energy.

A super star field of the same level as the Guangmei Star Territory, in the land of nothingness, if hundreds of oyster tribes with cultivation levels like him were allowed to absorb the energy of chaos day and night.

It will be completely exhausted in less than ten years.

When the chaotic energy is gathered by the oyster clan to a certain amount, it will condense into objects that are as long and short as thumbs and shaped like silkworm eggs.

This thing has no spiritual intelligence, but it is born with a spirit and can move.

This is Shengmai.

Oyster originally thought that to kill Lian Yi, he would need to find a place of nothingness. Even at the entrance to the land of nothingness, the Oyster Tribe missed him time and time again.

Unexpectedly, during the fierce battle, he accidentally bumped in.

How could it not be exciting.

It was crazy exciting.

What I was thinking about at this moment was that the sacrifice of its black spear was well worth it.

Although it is not easy to awaken such a magical power, it is worth it in exchange for the land of nothingness!

However, it is not stupid. It even wants to take the opportunity to kill it. Doesn't it know that its vitality is seriously injured and needs healing?

Naturally, he refused to show up.

Therefore, it simply restrained all its aura and hibernated quietly.

This place looks like nothingness, there is nothing, just because Lian Yi and the others cannot sense it, because the void space is too big, and those strands of chaotic energy are still in the original Hongmeng state, not to mention Teng Xian Lian Yi, who is the first demon Yuan Zun can't even feel it.

Only they, the oyster tribe, are uniquely blessed.

As long as you give it some time, it doesn't take long. After three hours of escape, it can use some chaotic energy to make up for the damage caused by the black spear.

By that time, it has nothing to fear from her.

Thinking of this, an unidentifiable dark light flashed across the oyster shell around it, and it seemed to be hidden deeper.

When it was hidden deeper, Lian Yi moved again.

Emerald green vines stretched out with her as the center!

In all directions, we explore farther and farther.

The vines spread and grow gradually, and the leaves on them slowly gather together, becoming denser and denser as they grow.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Lian Yi's eyes, and thousands of leaves on the vines separated from the vines and all floated.

Taking a closer look, the leaves are not completely independent. There are light golden and green spiritual lines connecting each leaf.

The threads were so dense that they formed a huge network, covering the sky and the earth.

Oyster's heart skipped a beat, and he felt that the situation had suddenly changed, something serious was going to happen.

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