Fairy Technology

Chapter 980: Not on a level

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of fairyland technology!

In the previous fantasy technology, everything was to develop itself.

In order to develop itself, Huanxian Technology uses all available means. For example, relying on technical confidentiality to ensure the uniqueness of the product to maintain generous profits. For another example, in order to make its foundation more stable, the company provided a lot of technical support to the country, and even donated some technology for free.

The former is understandable, and any company is doing just that. Some people do not understand the latter, but in fact, the latter is more important than the former.

Now, the development of Magic Fairy Technology has reached its peak, at least in terms of its global position.

The "money" that we asked for before was just a currency on earth. For the current Xianxian technology and Shen Bing, although money is equally important, it no longer needs to focus on it.

As long as you think about it, you can understand that with the strength of Magic Fairy Technology, if you really want to earn money, maybe it will not take too long, Magic Fairy Technology will be able to capture most of the global wealth.

But does this ... make sense? The results may not be just endless amounts of money, but more importantly, the collapse of the global economy.

money! Only the money in circulation is called money, and the numbers on the account are only numbers.

Invigorating the global economy and letting the global science and technology and economy develop healthily and rapidly is the next step for Magic Fairy Technology, and it is also the most beneficial to the development of Magic Fairy Technology.

Even the virtual reality game planned by Shen Bing is also for the healthy development of human society-everything is unified.

And to revitalize the global economy and promote the development of global science and technology, we cannot hold all good things in our own hands.

What Shen Bing said just now is to let the material company gradually sell the company's special materials to the public. This is the beginning ...

The core elements that restrict technological progress are materials and precision.

If these two aspects are resolved, what kind of spark will occur under the wisdom of all scientific researchers and institutions around the world? This is unimaginable.

At this moment, everyone has a sense of sudden openness.

The valve of thought is opened, and later things are simple.

Shen Bing had already set a benchmark before. Everyone expressed their opinions and put the technologies and products in their management area inside one by one. As long as they met the criteria for stripping, they proposed it.

Anyway, the company is the boss. Without the old technology, the boss will give new technology ...

It was a long discussion and it lasted for two days!

In the end, the company made a list of hundreds of technologies.

Each of these technologies is enough to make a company stand on its feet and generate huge profits.

For example, graphics processing technology and CCD chip technology, which are separated from the manufacturing technology of beyond-horizon telescopes, can cause changes in an industry.

In the past, these technologies may not be released to the public because of military secrets or the needs of the technology confidentiality of Huanxian Technology. Now, all this need not worry.

However, Magic Fairy Technology listed these technologies, but it will not be announced immediately. After all, this matter has a huge impact. It must first communicate with the country, not to mention, a large part of the technology requires the country to centrally dispatch Shen Bing didn't want to worry about that.

On the day after this list was taken out, that is, on October 21, Shen Bing boarded a private birdie, and flew directly to Kyoto.

Although the company has produced a faster "Flying Sky" now, how can the "Flying Sky" compare with this custom-made small bird nuclear-powered aircraft when it comes to the comfort and luxury of the interior space? Therefore, Shen Bing never planned to change his car.

On the plane, in addition to the two beautiful stewardesses responsible for miscellaneous affairs, only Li Xiao and Yan Lexuan accompanied him.

"Chairman, if so much technology is directly transferred out, in case our company's core industry is affected, wouldn't we just move ourselves and shoot ourselves?" Yan Lexuan was slightly worried.

Shen Bing smiled and said, "Xiaoyan, you have to look a little longer, otherwise how can you keep up with my boss? Be careful when I change your secretary."

Yan Lexuan could naturally hear Shen Bing. This was a joke. He continued: "I'm really worried. After all, there are so many companies around the world. In case any company innovates on the basis of our technology, it becomes more powerful What about black technology? "

Shen Bing said, "Do you know what our company's next plan is?"

"Of course I know, develop alien real estate!" Yan Lexuan said very simply.

Shen Bing laughed: "That's right, but in fact, what we call the development of alien real estate is not really real estate development. Our main task is to transform a world that is not suitable for human existence into a world that can survive. From In a way, this is creating the world! Do you say that we are all people who play at this level, and do you care about those who jump around in the world we create? "

Yan Lexuan was a little hesitant. Shen Bing's words ... seemed to make sense, but there seemed to be something wrong.

"Secretary of cigarettes, in fact, you don't have to worry about that much." Li Xiao laughed aside, "The boss and the people of the company are not a level existence, even if we make all the company's current technology available to them, No one can surpass our company. No, it won't be possible in the future. "

Yan Lexuan seemed to understand something, saying, "In this case, our company's opponents cannot appear on the earth."

"Yes!" Shen Bing laughed. "So what we have to do now is to make human beings as strong as possible, and then we can better deal with aliens."

So talking ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Little Bird has arrived at Kyoto Airport.

The plane landed slowly, and it was Secretary Jiang who picked it up.

"Secretary Jiang, in fact, you don't have to come to pick me up at all. I have walked this way countless times, cooked!"

"Don't think that I want to pick you up, I just want to experience your company's" Feitian "car." Secretary Jiang smiled, "Don't say you still drive your car this time. Here comes Bentley. "

Shen Bing's mouth twitched slightly, breaking Bentley? If it is heard by others, it may be impossible to hold back the anger.

However, Shen Bing himself quite agrees with this statement. Compared with his "flying sky" car, the others are all broken cars! No problem.

"Naturally, you brought the 'Flying Sky' car." Shen Bing laughed, "Now Kyoto has sold thousands of flying cars, haven't you got one yet?"

Secretary Jiang rolled his eyes and said, "You don't know how many people there are in Kyoto! Thousands? Oh ..."

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