Fairy Technology

Chapter 983: Mega news

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"Did you just leave? What's the matter?" The chief was a little scared, and every time the boy reported on the initiative, none of them was small. He was old and had limited heart tolerance.

Shen Bing seemed to feel the resentment of the head, and narrowed his neck. He said, "A little thing is to report to the head."

"Say, what's the matter?" The chief asked.

Shen Bingdao: "Our spaceship has been completed, and we are ready to find time to go to the sky."

"Well, then ..." The chief casually said, "Spaceships, what's so weird about it. Your superb spacecraft like" Flying Sky ", your boy donated ten at one time."

But the words just came out, and the chief thought that it was not so simple.

"The spaceship you said? The kind mentioned before?" The head asked in shock, his heart couldn't help it a bit faster.

He certainly remembers that a few months ago, the country reached a contract with Huanxian Technology, which builds a spaceship for the country.

Although "Feitian" is powerful, neither Huaxian Technology nor Shen Bing has ever shown that it is a spacecraft, at most it is defined as an aircraft.

This shows that in Shen Bing's eyes, this "flying sky" is not qualified to be called a spaceship.

Sure enough, Shen Bing simply said, "Exactly!"

"Is it really possible to achieve sub-light speed flight?" The chief asked the question he was most concerned about.

Because it is only possible to fly out of the solar system if sub-light speed flight is achieved! In order to make interstellar crossings have practical significance.

If even the speed of sub-light cannot be reached, it will take a long time to get out of the solar system. It will take tens or hundreds of years to reach the star Alpha Centauri, which is the closest to the sun. What value is this voyage?

It's not the same as reaching the speed of sub-light, and it only takes a few hours to reach Pluto outside the solar system, not to mention the flow of Mars and Jupiter.

Even if your heart is a little bigger, you can go to Alpha Centauri for a stroll, and it will be a dozen years.

The chief was really excited at this time, and asked, "When ... our spaceship can be completed?"

Shen Bingdao: "Soon! Up to a month."

The chief hesitated for a moment, and finally asked, "What is your spaceship intended to do?"

Shen Bing had expected that the chief would have asked this question, and smiled, "This is an experimental ship. First of all, it needs to be used to test various data. At the same time, because it is the first truly alien spacecraft, in order to complete It is possible to collect enough data. In the early stage, it needs to be widely active in various regions of the solar system to collect various samples for us. Lay the foundation for future interstellar migration. "

The head said, "When are you going to start this work?"

Shen Bingdao: "Just two days! I came here mainly for this matter. Now, neither our company nor the government has any experience in space flight. Before your spaceship is delivered and used, you are also the chief. You can arrange for some people to come to our spaceship to study with them and be familiar with the various operations of the spacecraft. "

"This relationship is good!" Said the head cheerfully, "I set out to select the staff immediately! I can deliver it tomorrow morning. Are there any requirements for the number of people?"

"It can be no more than a hundred people." Shen Bing was generous.

Anyway, this spaceship built by myself is big enough and doesn't care more than a hundred people.

"That's OK!" The head asked suddenly, "Xiao Shen, shouldn't you plan to hide this thing again? Everyone said that young people should be full of vigor, but your kid is trying to avoid being in the limelight as much as possible. "

How could Shen Bing not understand the meaning of the head and immediately laughed: "How can such a good thing be hidden? Your old arrangements are."

"That's what you said!" The chief laughed. "People on earth need this thing to boost their spirits."

After the call was hung up, Shen Bing looked at the new spacecraft again.

"Let's go and see inside the spacecraft!" Shen Bingdao.

Defoe immediately led the way.

This spacecraft, both in appearance and size, is completely different from the original design. Who let him get a lot of black technology from the gate of the fairyland during this time? Among them, gravity control technology alone has made the size of the spacecraft several times larger than before. After all, there is no need to consider the problem of the spacecraft breaking through the gravity of the earth, and the weight of the spacecraft is no longer a bottleneck limiting the size of the spacecraft. "

At present, the spacecraft is about 500 meters long and 350 meters wide, and is ellipsoidal. The thickest point is 120 meters, which is equivalent to as high as 40 floors.

At this weight, it would not be possible to send this behemoth into space if it was driven by a conventional rocket launch.

In this spaceship, there is a perfect simulated ecological environment, which has set up nearly two thousand acres of good fields and planted a variety of food, vegetables and fruits.

The spacecraft's energy system is provided by five large nuclear fusion reactors.

When it comes to large scale, it is only relative to the miniature reactor made by Huanxian Technology. In fact, its size is not large, but the energy output spaceship is powerful.

Let's put it this way, a nuclear fusion reactor is equivalent to the power generation capacity of Xinjin Geothermal Power Station in Rongcheng.

The current Xinjin Geothermal Power Station can supply the electricity consumption of the entire Rongcheng.

One can imagine how abundant the energy on this spacecraft is.

Of course, these five nuclear fusion reactors are not only for satisfying daily energy supply, but also include the operation of the above five charged particle cannons and energy shields.

As for the raw materials consumed by these nuclear fission reactors, this stuff is widely distributed in the universe. In addition to carrying a batch of nuclear fusion materials before takeoff, the spacecraft can take materials on-site during the flight to collect fusions such as deuterium and helium 3. Raw materials.

Based on the above factors, as long as this spaceship does not disintegrate by itself, even if it is lost in the universe, it can survive forever.

It is definitely the product of the highest technology of Magic Fairy Technology.

"Defford, you are ready to take off the spacecraft immediately." Shen Bingdao, "the returning country will send a team of about 100 people to come with us, you arrange a special area as their living and living place."

"Okay, boss!" Defoe said. "What about their area of ​​activity? Do they need to be restricted?"

Shen Bingdao: "No, there is nothing invisible on our spaceship."

There is nothing wrong with this, after all, the spacecraft made for the country will be delivered soon. What can be kept secret?

"Understand!" Defoe said.

"This time we do n’t need too many people. They are mainly scientific researchers. Of course, the necessary armed forces are still needed. Up to 100 people have used Level 2 genetically enhanced drugs and are about to complete the second set of physical exercises Combatants. "

Defoe remembered it.


If you want to ask all the people in the world what they have experienced in this golden autumn, it is estimated that most people will say that they are like a boat traveling in a hurricane.

The heart is not so good, it is estimated that it will really hang in October.

The creator of all this, except the aliens, is the magic fairy technology.

Alien invasion, let alone say, it really hits everyone's head.

As for the magic fairy technology, whether it is a normal "flying" car or an abnormal "flying" aircraft, all of them make the adrenaline secrete faster. Not to mention the quiet fitness gymnastics, which opened up a new door for everyone.

All I can say is that Magic Fairy Technology is so good at it!

Many people think that they are now in late October. The next few days of this month should be able to pass through quietly, but it turns out that they are too naive.

"Now an important piece of news: After half a year of hard work, Magic Fairy has finally succeeded in creating the world's first real spaceship! The spacecraft is named 'Hope', and the company plans to start the first 'Hope' tomorrow at 10 am Hang! At that time, China News Channel will broadcast live, welcome to watch! "

This is an episode of China's hottest newscast program.

That's right, it's just a paragraph, no picture, no video.

Despite the moderator's strong psychological qualities, many people still saw that in the process of broadcasting, in addition to the expression on his face, there was a hint of confusion.

The host is at a loss, and the audience is even more at a loss.

What is a real spaceship? Did so many spaceships have been launched before? Or are those just toys?

You say that, what do you think of the countries that have launched spacecraft? There will be no friends.

Well, regardless of whether others can accept this statement, you said that the magic fairy technology took half a year to build ...

Nima, what can you do in half a year? What kind of thing is the spaceship you made in half a year?

Fortunately, people have heard that this spacecraft is made by Huaxian Technology, www.wuxiaspot.com, and they are more restrained, otherwise they would have scolded their mothers online-after all, no one wants to be beaten in the end.

But after vomiting, people began to think carefully.

The host made it very clear that the world ’s first real spacecraft, so to speak, was also excluded from the "flying" aircraft previously released by Magic Fairy Technology?

If the "flying spacecraft" is not a spaceship, there may be no spaceship in the world.

What do you say about the Mars probe launched by Laomei a few years ago? That thing is just a detector, and it doesn't touch the spaceship at all.

Thinking about it this way, people could not help but have a keen interest in what the host called the "spacecraft".

One time, the magic fairy technology didn't explode among the people's doubts? Will this "spaceship" prove once again the power of Magic Fairy Technology?

If this is the case, what are the characteristics of this "Hope" spacecraft?

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