Fairy Technology

Chapter 985: Shen Da scientist is eating

Everyone stared at the screen tightly, eyes were dazzling, as if a small action movie was playing on the screen ...

In the picture, the bottom of the "Hope" spacecraft is presented!

Nearby, the craft details of the spacecraft are undoubtedly revealed. It seems that the entire spacecraft is integrally formed, and no trace of splicing can be seen.

Because the spacecraft itself is ellipsoidal, its bottom also has a curvature.

With that magnitude, the distance between the bottom of the spacecraft and the ground is getting closer.

At the farthest part of the camera, a small cone-shaped area at the bottom of the spacecraft is connected to the ground ...

In this second, the lens suddenly zoomed in!

This ultra-long-distance lens provided with the technical support provided by Magic Fairy Technology has exerted its advantages at this moment.

Even though the lens has been pulled two or three hundred meters away, every detail is still so clear.

"what's the situation?"

"Is there a gap there?"

"Gap? Are you blind? This is obviously because the spacecraft is suspended?"

靠 "Fuck! Actually suspended ..."

All the people who eat melon are dumbfounded, this situation is beyond everyone's expectation.

Although people have long known that Xianxian Technology has mastered anti-gravity technology, it has been applied to "flying" cars and "flying" aircrafts.

Whether it is a car or an aircraft, it is not big!

It's like people watching a duck feather floating in the air, it feels normal, but if you see a cooked duck floating in the air, the first reaction is definitely a hell.

Who made this "Hope" spaceship really too big?

"Is the anti-gravity technology of Huaxian Technology so powerful?"

"Does this indicate that anti-gravity technology can be used on subjects of any size, and can even separate Gemini stars?"

或许 "Maybe, it's possible!"

No wonder people have such speculations. After all, no one knows what kind of technology anti-gravity technology is, even the principle on which this technology is based.

But anyway, when they saw the "Hope" spacecraft suspended, they were relieved, at least they didn't have to worry that the "Hope" could not fly.

唯一 The only thing that is still uncertain is how fast this "Hope" can reach.

Xiao Ran looked at the camera with a quiet smile, and said, "Dear viewers, do you think this spaceship is particularly amazing? Actually ... this is not the most amazing place of this spaceship. After all, for anti-gravity technology, the whole world Everyone knows. The most amazing part of this spacecraft is still inside. "

When Xun spoke, Xiao Ran returned to the door again, and walked in with two long legs.

She walked and said, "Of course, I don't know much about the magic inside the spacecraft. Now let's find out together."

"According to my previous understanding, this" Hope "spaceship has a total of 38 floors! The usable area is more than 5,000 acres. What kind of concept is this? Some people may not have a too intuitive impression of the area of ​​acres, everyone. If you convert it to square kilometers, you will understand. "

The audience quietly calculated, and then began a series of bedrooms ...

An area of ​​almost 9 square kilometers! This is nothing magical on the ground, but now the thing is flying in the sky.

I know that many countries in the world do not have nine square kilometers, which is really luxurious.

"Now our area is the work area! It only takes up the seventh floor of the entire spaceship. The remaining thirty-first floor, in addition to the living area and the material storage area, is the most extensive area for the property assets. Do you think the name “Out of Center for Property Assets” is very low? I felt the same way at the time, and thought that it was better to call the manufacturing area directly.

"Well, now we take the elevator directly to the 19th floor, where it belongs to the property exit area."

Elevators are ordinary elevators, at least from a shooting perspective, this is nothing special.

However, after waiting less than three seconds, the elevator door opened again.

"Well, the 19th floor is here! Let's go and see."

I wonder if everyone is surprised about this. Compared to other black technologies, what is the faster elevator speed? Although this time is not enough for other elevators to close the door.

Of course, everyone didn't pay attention to the elevator. The more important reason is not that they think the technology is not high enough, but because they are completely attracted by the scene in front of them.

The moment the elevator door opened, it was a green vegetable field in front of them!

Nima! Vegetable fields? What the **** is this?

If it wasn't because the host hadn't stepped out of the elevator, they even thought it was somewhere in the mountain village.

Everyone who sees this scene feels an urge to cut people!

It took such a great deal of money for such a spaceship to actually grow vegetables. Isn't this a violent thing? Even if you want to waste, there is no need to waste to this extent, right?

"Audiences, see this scene, do you understand why it is named as a property asset out of the zone, right?" Xiao Ran smiled and said, "Do not think this is a waste of resources. On the contrary, this is right. Resources are saved to the greatest extent. Because the entire 'Hope' spaceship is linked together to form a complete ecological chain. If you only sail in the universe for one or two years, this design will not show any advantage. But longer? A spacecraft can only carry limited supplies after all, and the value of a completely closed-loop ecosystem is reflected. "

Although Xiao Ran's introduction is very detailed, in the minds of most viewers, it is actually not the way to think ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This can be seen from the barrage of the network platform.

"I think this is the research and development of the magic fairy science and technology researchers to solve the appetite."

"The taste of fresh ingredients is the best."

"I discovered a secret! The scientist Shen Da is a foodie! At the beginning of the creation of intelligent robots, the first thing to do was to cook. The food produced can make you want to eat your tongue. Now it is better, directly Grow vegetables on the spaceship! "

"Do you say there are any pigs on this ship?"

别 "Don't talk about pigs! We have no pork in this place. Those fat puppies who can't reach the door by two doors are actually sick with a crooked pig!"

Although the tower is crooked, the meaning is clear.

Ecosystem is a good ecosystem, but the purpose is probably not pure.

萧 As Xiao Ran stepped into this farmland, the audience was more affirming their inner thoughts. There are all kinds of dishes in this place!

Behind them, they also saw an orchard ...

After shopping for the property assets out of the area, Xiao Ran went to the living area and leisure area to take a look again. What he saw along the way once again refreshed the audience's perception.

The awful aerospace life can still be so pleasant!

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