Fairy Technology

Chapter 991: Into a pot of porridge

任何 Any country in the world is so upset about this, even Huaxia is no exception.

This is not surprising. Even if you are so good at Huanxian Technology, it is sought after by people all over the world, but now you are going to smash other people's rice bowls, who is browning with you? If you do n’t directly head iron, you will already give face (just because you do n’t dare).

政府 And governments have a headache.

The widespread promotion of intelligent robots will inevitably lead to the comprehensive upgrade of all walks of life. This will not only reduce labor costs, but more importantly, improve product quality.

It can be said that the sales of products with intelligent robots will definitely be better than before.

It would be better if everyone did not roll out intelligent robots widely, but if someone releases their arms to embrace intelligent robots, other countries that depart from intelligent robots will definitely suffer a lot.

At that time, your price is higher than others and your intelligence is worse than others. Can this thing still be sold?

The only result of such a company is failure.

如果 And if there are too many closed companies in a country, then it will be unreasonable that the country will not decline.

As for the fear that some robots betray humanity and rule the earth, the possibility is very small. Compared with the weakening of the country caused by rejecting intelligent robots, this small probability event is not considered by these politicians.

I just know that everyone knows, but who dares to ignore it in the face of turbulent public opinion?

Some governments try to explain to the people, promising that the state will address the needs of all people, and even guarantee the people's basic entertainment life.

How can people who are angered and angered listen to these? Do you promise? Who believes? To put it bluntly, the human beings of this world are various groups that exist in the interests. When all resources are in the hands of a very small number of people, and more than the vast majority of people have no value to this minority, those who have vested interests also Would you like to keep a group of rice bugs?

Let's be a ghost!

In their view, these people's commitment is purely a tactic of delaying troops. The purpose is to delay time first. After all, current intelligent robots have limited production capacity and cannot replace all the global labor force in a short time. And once the number of intelligent robots is enough, they will be quickly swept into the historical garbage dump.

Therefore, what should be protested must continue to be protested, and what should be resisted must also be resisted-things that are related to the rice bowl, how can it be done in a few words?

Almost in just one day, the world situation became like a wild horse, and it became difficult to control.

In the face of this situation, governments of various countries are very helpless.

You ca n’t suppress it right? Besides, according to this method of magic fairy technology, it is likely that the army and police will be replaced by robots. It will be difficult for anyone to say who will suppress it.

In this case, some countries have chosen

Uh ...

"Head, today, at least 50 countries have communicated with us, hoping that we can constrain Magic Fairy Technology so that it does not produce industrial robots for the time being, so as not to cause world turmoil." Secretary Jiang reported from the side.

Chief Minister Wu is not surprised. He sees the changes of today.

Although he was also slightly worried in his heart, this worry was not trivial because of his trust in Huaxian Technology.

"What's the situation in the country?"

Qijiang Secretary said: "Because of the high welfare conditions we have promised, the current situation is still completely controllable."

"What about those countries?" The chief asked.

Secretary Jiang naturally knows which countries the director is asking, because in the past half month, Huaxia has conducted in-depth exchanges with many major countries in the world. The most central issue is the virtual reality game proposed by Huaxian Technology. plan.

At present, the top 12 countries in the global power rankings already know that Huaxian Technology will launch a virtual reality game ...

Well, this is not the point, the point is that this virtual reality game allows humans to evolve: a stronger body, a longer life!

Although Hua Xia did not clearly explain how this was achieved, she also came up with some real materials, such as genetically enhanced fighters.

The head of the puppet now particularly remembers how shocked the heads of state were when they saw the soldier showing inhuman strength and speed, so they did not hesitate at all and agreed to join the plan on the spot.

In fact, if China Xia dared to make such an objectionable thing bright, the consequences would be unpredictable. But now, with dozens of charged particle guns in the sky, and the spacecraft that has already sailed, who dares to fight against China?

Secretary Qijiang immediately replied: "The eleven countries have also contacted us. They did not put forward a request to restrict the production of industrial robots by Magic Fairy Technology, but expressed their hope that Magic Fairy Technology will announce this matter in advance."

"Oh!" Said the head. "These guys are doing their best! They just don't want to bear the pressure themselves."

Secretary Jiang thought for a while and said, "Head, in fact, I do n’t think there is much to be announced about this VR game in advance. As long as the relevant content of the VR game is announced, other countries will not have to spend energy. It takes time to calm the public's emotions. Moreover, the announcement of this incident will not have a great impact on the magic fairy technology. At most, the mystery and shock brought by the announcement will not be announced at the last minute ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Actually In terms of the significance of this virtual reality game, the extra sense of mystery and shock is not very significant. "

"The reason why this boy is not announced now is actually not wanting to disrupt the existing social order." The director said, "If you think about it, if you are an ordinary person, after you know that this virtual reality game is available, you will still choose Continue to work? "

"This ..." Secretary Jiang hesitated.

This is a fact.

普通 An ordinary person is destined not to consider more things. Since there is a virtual reality game that will become a new world for human beings, and this game can bring evolution and longevity to human beings, of course, it is necessary to take all the time to prepare carefully to enter the game. Who else has the heart to go to work? With a little deposit, you can maintain your life until the game starts.

Now intelligent robots have not yet entered all walks of life. Once everyone is home and rested, wouldn't normal production stop? This is not a joke.

The Chief Minister continued: "But the current situation is different from what is expected. People's resistance to intelligent robots is much stronger than expected. You can contact Shen Bing and ask ... or I will ask it myself."

The chief executive then called.

"Xiao Shen, you're very easy to hide away!" Said the director, "Now the world is almost messed up."

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