Fairy Technology

Chapter 1002: The value of the giveaway

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And what kind of golden lotus of the Buddha ...

Nima, how about you say that? Fortunately, Luban also knew that no one could get this thing, otherwise Shen Bing was really anxious for Luban's IQ.

From this point of view, what Luban said afterwards was nonsense, and finally fell on the remnant soul of Da Luo Jinxian.

Suddenly, Shen Bing's heart moved, he glanced at Lu Ban secretly.

Isn't this **** intentional? His true intention is to make a big Luo Jinxian residual soul!

The more Shen Bing thought and felt more possible, to Lu Ban, Da Luo Jinxian Remnant Soul was a puppet artisan. This guy has been darling with this thing. This can be seen from his comparison of the idol artisan with the floating fairy island.

It's just ... Da Luo Jinxian's residual soul is not easy to make!

Shen Bing wanted to turn around and leave, but the thought of those refining methods owned by Luban was incapable of walking.

"It's hard! If the gate of the fairyland is high enough, why bother yourself so much?" Shen Bing murmured secretly.

"The class loses Xianyou, I wonder if I can show one or two teachable methods first? At least this fairy must first know what to exchange, and how much Luo Jinxian remnant needs."

Luban suddenly became interested, saying: "I have learned a lot of refining methods over the years. Look at the thunderbolt idol, which is more than a hundred feet tall and walks like the wind. Its huge mouth can stimulate thunderbolt lightning and its power. It's comparable to a normal Lingxian full-strike. "

Shen Bing looked at the big guy who could not see far away, and there was a eager flash in his eyes.

If you can analyze the manufacturing technology of this big guy, it will be of great help to the counterattack of the Corgi Empire that may be faced next.

"This Thunderbolt, can I fly?" Shen Bing asked.

"Uh ... no!"

Shen Bing is very painful. You are in Fairy, and you have a flightless puppet. There is a fart! The immortals are all high and high, who is right on the ground with you? Direct kite tactics, teach you to be human every second.

As far as Shen Bing is concerned, although aliens don't talk about immortals, those **** have spaceships. It seems that it is not very interesting to build a robot that cannot fly.

If you think about it, it seems that this Thunderbolt idol doesn't mean much to himself.

With the current technology of Magic Fairy Technology, it is not difficult to make a giant robot, but the speed cannot be compared with it. The attack method can also be equipped with electric cannons, charged particle cannons and other equipment, which can also make the robot With super attack power.

As for whether the power of the charged particle gun can be compared with ordinary spirits, Shen Bing doesn't have this concept in his mind ...

"Any other things?" Shen Bing asked.

Luban understood that, Master didn't like this Thunderbolt.

But he didn't care, he had a lot of good things in his hands.

"And this thing! This is a strange thing that the little **** spent decades of hard work to study."

Luban had a drawing in his hand and a ball was drawn on it, because there was no ruler, and I did n’t know its size, but it was densely patterned, and at first glance it was something extraordinary.

"I named it the Orb of Destruction. It can absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth and store it in the body. Once the organ is pressed, it can launch a thunder attack. The little **** has verified that this thing has great power under its attack. The Jinxian stream will also kill the gray fly. And that test, the energy absorption of this object has not yet been completed, at most it has reached 30%. If it absorbs enough energy, its power may not be weaker than the big Luo Jinxian peak strong. "

"Such awesome?" Shen Bing was shocked!

How powerful is Da Luo Jinxian Peak? Raise your hand and cast your feet, the star of destruction is not a problem.

Wouldn't it be invincible if I could get it? What Corki Empire, come and destroy one! Here comes two pairs and one pair. It is even possible to cross the wormhole on the moon and hit the old nest of the Corgi Empire directly.

"Of course, the little **** never lied!" Lu Ban solemnly said, "But although it is powerful, it also has a defect. It is a disposable consumable and can only be used once."

Shen Binghun doesn't care, even if it can only be used once, it's just as good!

Of course, disappointment appeared on his face!

Shen Bing can understand it now. The technical house in front of him looks very honest and honest, but if he is too aggressive, he will never mind raising the price slightly. Even just adding a big Luo Jinxian remnant is enough for Shen Bing.

"I don't know how to make this doomed ball need a few Luo Jinxian Remnants?"

Lu Ban looked at Shen Bing's face and said sincerely: "The value of this thing is extraordinary, even the big Luo Jinxian will be jealous. But after all, the Lord helped a lot of little gods, and the little gods didn't dare to ask too much. soul!"

"This big Luo Jinxian's residual soul is difficult to get!" Shen Bingdao said, "In the beginning, Benxian also spent nine cattle and two tigers to get one. Although Benxian can go to the chaotic land again, but can't he get it? It's really hard to say to Da Luo Jinxian Residual Soul. Besides, you, the ball of destruction, want to make it very costly? In addition, it is a disposable consumable, which is really not cost-effective. "

On bargaining power, is Lu Ban an opponent of Shen Bing? And what Shen Bing said just now is the high cost of destruction, which is an indisputable fact. Before that, I just wanted to pass the level, but now Shen Bing speaks about it. If he still sloppy, he can't justify it.

After all, Luban didn't want to hate the relationship with Shen Bing.

But for the big Luo Jinxian remnants, Lu Ban really cares, but the two big Luo Jinxian remnants are the bottom line of Lu Ban.

"Sir, the prices of these two big Luo Jinxian remnants cannot be lowered any more." Lu Ban said, "Otherwise, I can add the refining method of this Perak **** idol as compensation. How do you see ? "

Shen Bing shook his nose! The heart is also MMP, the feeling you first recommended to me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is a gift!

With regard to the quality of gifts, how can young people who buy online in the new era not know?

"The refining method of the Perak **** idol is not needed, is there anything else?" Shen Bing asked.

Luban had a painful face. Although he had a lot of good things on his hands, those things were precious and not suitable for gifts!

Suddenly, Shen Bingdao said, "Or else ... you can take out the self-improvement method of immortality."

"That's not okay ..." Luban was like a cat with a trampled tail.

No wonder he reacted so much. At present, Xianxian himself is very popular in the fairyland. That is his way of making money! In fact, the self-immortal technology is not complicated, the key is that the concept involved is very advanced-uh, this idea was originally inspired by the big man in front of it.

That's the point!

This self-refining technique of immortal sacrifice was given to others, and Luban did not worry about it, but he could not give it to the present one alone.

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