Fairy Technology

Chapter 1005: In the future, everything is possible

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Zhang Huang hesitated whether he should stand up. He looked around. Many people were eager to try, but none of them really stood up.

It seems that everyone is very civilized and has to talk about order.

Well, in fact, this has nothing to do with civilization or not, mainly because of the fear of disrupting the order at the conference hall and being blacklisted by Huaxian Technology.

All of you here are counting on eating in this business. If you are turned away by Huaxian Technology, how will you play in the future?

But Zhang Huang was very distressed. He really wanted to experience the virtual reality world once, and his heart was like a cat scratching his heart.

Suddenly, he heard a voice: "You guys in white down jackets over there, too .... Okay, three people! Together!"

Zhang Huang looked up, and indeed the words came from the mouth of Mr. Shen.

Look at the direction of his finger again, it's his own side, and then look down at himself, isn't this the white down jacket?

Zhang Huang seemed to feel that his luck was not so good. He turned around and looked around. It seemed that no one except him was wearing white clothes.


He was about to stand up, and suddenly a guy beside him rushed out.

As he ran, he whispered, "Good luck! I was drawn!"

Zhang Huang was a little aggressive, this time, she was wearing a down jacket, but it was obviously not white, okay? Your name is goose yellow ...

Shen Bing on the stage is also a little dumbfounded. What is the situation? When I am color blind? I have only heard of red-green blindness, but never heard of white-yellow blindness.

Under normal circumstances, the host will basically do the wrong thing when facing this situation. After all, whoever goes up to experiment is the same, which can avoid embarrassment.

But Shen Bing is not an ordinary person. He fools himself in front of batter, and is stupid? Anyway, it's not embarrassing yourself, who knows who is embarrassed!

"Wait! This friend, my name is the one next to you, and I ask you to sit down."

The cheerful figure was delayed for a while. He didn't expect that Shen Bing would raise it in person. For a time, I didn't know if I should continue to run up or return as Shen Bing said.

So hesitant, Zhang Huang got up excitedly, trotting towards the podium.

During the whole process, no one paid any attention to this embarrassing person who stayed in place. They cared more about the three game warehouses on the stage.

Zhang Huang walked quickly to the other two, feeling a little helpless.

Not because he is about to experience the virtual reality world, but because he is in close contact with Shen Bing.

"Mr. Shen, I ... I'm a anchor." Zhang Huang hesitated. "I wonder if I can live broadcast the virtual reality world experience? My fans are very curious about this."

"Brother Huang is so powerful!"

"Just at Brother Huang, I have to give at least a rocket!"

"A rocket is enough, at least ten."

Shen Bing smiled and said, "I would like to agree to your live broadcast, but when you walk into this game warehouse, you have no chance to control your mobile phone. Besides, the game warehouse is completely black, even if you want to broadcast live. No. "

Zhang Huang was slightly disappointed, but she also knew that this was an objective condition. She apologized to the fans of the live broadcast at the moment, and promised to tell everyone how she felt after she came out, and then quit the live broadcast.

The hatches of the three game cabins open automatically, just like the hatch of a fighter jet.

"Let's lie in!" Shen Bing smiled.

Zhang Huang hesitated, and asked, "Mr. Shen, what do you do after entering? Do you need to do anything?"

Shen Bingdao: "No! The cabin door will automatically open when you lie in it. Your experience time is five minutes. After the end, the game warehouse will automatically wake you up, and the cabin door will automatically open at that time."

People are not surprised by the intelligence of the game warehouse. After all, this is the first company in the world to develop a real artificial intelligence. This level of intelligence is too pediatric.

At present, the three of Zhang Huang did not hesitate to step into the game warehouse and lay down.

They are not worried about any conspiracy of the magic fairy technology. On the one hand, it is in the public eye. On the other hand, they really have nothing to let Shen Bingji remember.

With the alloy lid closed, they felt that their eyelids were getting heavier in just a second or two, and they fell into a deep sleep within ten seconds.

Zhang Huang consciously felt that she had just lay down, and she didn't know what strange thoughts were in her head.

Suddenly it opened his eyes. He was shocked to find that he had actually left the Magic Fairy Building, surrounded by lush green trees, a tree-lined path, and a long artistic mood.

At this moment, Zhang Huang had only one idea in his head.

who am I? where am I? What am I doing?

After a few seconds of stagnation, he remembered that he should be experiencing the virtual reality world.

But then, he doubted again, this is the virtual reality world? Nonsense! This is obviously the real world, OK.

He couldn't help pinching his arm.

"Well ..." Zhang Huang would have scolded his mother if it wasn't for her own control.

At this moment, he doubted it.

Who would say this is the virtual reality world? That pain, absolutely can't do fake!

Suddenly, a yellow leaf fell leisurely, Zhang Huang quickly reached out to grab it, but the turbulent air flow lifted the leaf away.

At this moment, a rabbit ran out of the bushes not far away, and looked timid.

It had just taken a few steps, and suddenly turned its head, a pair of red eyes fixed on Zhang Huang, seemingly stagnation for a second, and then ... ran away and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Ground dead leaves.

Zhang Huang is really lost.

Did you wear it yourself?

Take a look at your body, and this dress, which looks different from the one you just wore, and that white down jacket is gone.

Is it the soul that wears?

Fortunately, it's a man!

Suddenly, Zhang Huang was scared again. It is said that there was a period of time when the starting point online became a eunuch. Shouldn't he be so unlucky?

He froze for a while.

Ok! No one is safe.

Then he opened his trousers and glanced inside.

After that glance, Zhang Huang breathed a long sigh of relief, still with a handle. Even if it is really worn, at least it can open branches and leaves in the other world?

Time passed by the idea of ​​Zhang Huang swinging around.

Suddenly, Zhang Huang felt dark before his eyes. It was just a moment when the black faded. He opened his eyes and realized that he was still lying in the "coffin" box.

At this moment, Zhang Huang was really shocked.

This shock even surpassed my own soul wear. Just a few minutes ago, he was almost accepting the fact that he had crossed.

But now, in a blink of an eye, he told himself that he wasn't wearing anything. Everything he saw just now was fake, which made Zhang Huang a little hard to accept.

How could it be fake? That is obviously true! He felt almost nervous.

What is true? What is fake? Which side is the real world? Maybe if you experience this kind of virtual reality technology for a long time, you will be really nervous.

Zhang Huang is so, the other two are not much better.

They all looked around blankly, as if looking for something to prove which side was the real world.

"Three, you can come out." Shen Bing's voice echoed in the hall, and it seemed to clear their minds.

Everything I just saw turned out to be a virtual scene! Since it is virtual, then everything is calculated through massive calculations. How does this work?

With this shock, the three of Zhang Huang got up and walked out of the game warehouse.

"Can you briefly talk about your experience?" Shen Bing said with a smile.

"Shock! It's too shocking. I have doubted whether I have crossed through now." The only woman opened her mouth and spoke a little hurriedly.

"Can anyone tell me if what I see now is true?"

"Perfect! I used to think that being in the presence was just a common word, and now I only know what it really means." Zhang Huang said ruefully.

There is not much to say, because they were just wondering if they were experiencing virtual reality technology, maybe they are really wearing it? Under this kind of thinking, they didn't feel the virtual world of that party at all.

But one thing is certain, that world's fidelity is absolutely beyond human cognition.

With limited personal perception, it is impossible to tell which side is the real world and which side is the virtual world.

The crowd under the stage and the people watching around the TV and mobile phone shocked the expressions of the three, while at the same time their hearts were like cats.

I really want to experience the amazing virtual reality technology myself, is it as amazing as they describe it?

"Well, thank you for your support! Please go back." Shen Bing said.

The three Zhang Huang glanced at the game warehouse with nostalgia, and finally had to return to their seats.

But the mood at this time is completely different from before.

Before they had vomited, had doubts, and were puzzled ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But at this moment, they only have one idea in their minds and they must buy a game warehouse! Even if you lose everything ...

On the stage, Shen Bingyouran said: "Just now, three brave viewers verified the power of our company's virtual reality technology for you. And these game warehouses are not special, they are all mass production models! Guarantee that every consumer with a gaming warehouse can enjoy the perfect virtual reality gaming experience. "

"Now, I believe that you are no longer doubting whether our company is able to launch a real virtual reality game. In this regard, I will not repeat it. Now we talk about the content of this game, I believe you have already been serious I admired that propaganda CG. That's right, that's part of our game content. Every player has the opportunity to become a superhero shown in that propaganda CG, with the same or even stronger strength!

"Remember! As I said, as long as you work hard enough, you can have the same or even greater strengths than those superheroes!"

"This is not just about the game world! It also includes you in reality!"

"In the future, everything is possible!"

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