Fairy Technology

Chapter 1012: People's hearts!

Everyone at the scene, like a duck, stretched his long neck, and looked at the entrance of the offline experience shop remotely.

There is also a crowd of people over there—seeing the liveliness and not having to wait in line.

不是 If you don't know this is the offline experience store of Huanxian Technology, it is estimated that it will be besieged.

"Go! Squeeze up and see!" Liu Xiaoxing was exalted.

阳 Zhao Yang hesitated for a moment, looked at the other two brothers, young people, after all, they love to watch the lively, all agreed.

So the four people carried forward the spirit of hard-working and hard-working, spent nine cattle and two tigers, and finally squeezed to the door.

It's disappointing that the door of the offline experience store is still closed, and I have to say that the magic fairy technology is very proud. It will never open the door until 9 o'clock, even if the people outside you are crowded with sweat. .

兄弟 "Brother, can you transfer your game warehouse to me?" A hip-hop teenager said to a young suit next to him, "I'm willing to pay a high price!"

The word "high price" was very heavy, for fear that others would not hear it.

青年 The young man in a suit looked indifferently, and said, "Don't turn!"

The hip-hop style was not discouraged at all, but it was a bitter expression, saying: "Looking at your appearance, it should belong to the category of good children. It is more suitable for us, bad boys, to play games. "

The mouth of the young man in the suit slightly tilted, and said, "I belong to the type of good children, but I do not belong to the type of silly children, so this game warehouse, do not turn!"

The people around me suddenly laughed.

That hip-hop style is a little awkward, how can he not hear the meaning of the other person's words? But the game warehouse, he is bound to get it. This is not only because he is a game fan himself, but also a death order given by his dad.

"I'm not asking for your game warehouse, I'm willing to pay a high price." Hip-hop said, "Ten times the price! This is definitely a profit for you! Even if you are a gold collar, this is nearly three million dollars. It's enough for you to work for years. "

The crowd of onlookers fell silent, three million, an astronomical number for most people.

Even when Rongcheng's house prices were high before, such a sum of money is enough to buy a house within a ring-a small apartment is also a house!

As of now, large units are no problem.


"Yeah, Mr. Shen said that it would increase the production capacity of the game warehouse. I believe that it won't be long before this gadget is a manpower. At most, it will be three months in the future, and it will make three million. Why not? ? "

"If you change to me, I agree. Anyway, the computer and mobile phone can also play the game. It has been confirmed that the game warehouse can really extract the props in the game, and those things can really evolve, it is not too late for me to start."

However, the young man in the suit did n’t even have a sense of enthusiasm, and he was still calm. He said, “You can talk to someone. Anyway, I ’m not ready to transfer it. Do n’t say you paid ten times the price, then It's a hundred times the same. "

Everyone was surprised.

A hundred times, that's 30 million!

This guy's tone is big enough!

Is money not money?

The hip-hop style is also a little bit sore, it ’s not good to start! When I first came across a hard character, the business couldn't be discussed.

thirty million? It ’s true that he has money in his family, but he takes 30 million cash directly? That's still a little overhanging.

Many onlookers are dazzling. If you can get a place in the game warehouse, you can buy 30 million, but if you look at this situation, about 10 million is still fine.

The first batch is now sold, but there are the second and third batches next! As long as you can get the game warehouse purchase quota in advance, making money is absolutely no problem.

It's not just these people who are excited at this moment, but also four of Zhao Yang.

"Lao Zhao, three million!" Liu Xiao looked sullen, "It is estimated that if you raise the price again, seven or eight million is no problem."

Another roommate was glaring, whispering softly: "Are you stupid? Didn't you see that the person said that 30 million is not for sale? I guess, this game warehouse is not so simple. This is not only the ability to play The problem of the item being taken out, if there are other hidden settings, it will be a big loss if it is sold. "

"My opinion is consistent with Chen Jie, the game warehouse cannot be sold."

"I have no plans to sell! Don't be blind!"

他们 As they talked, the time finally pointed to 9 o'clock, the door of the offline experience store opened, and several sci-fi-like robot waiters began to pick up customers.

These robot waiters in the offline experience store of Huaxian Technology made no difference from real people.

Later, some people suggested that this does not reflect the characteristics of Huanxian Technology, so the company followed the good, and reformed all the waiters to make its "head" more like a robot, and the results were well received.

Even now, more people order robots, and they have chosen the sci-fi style appearance features. Even families that have bought robots before have applied for makeovers.

大部分 In the eyes of most people, it seems that getting a completely realistic robot seems new at first, but after a long time, it feels a little awkward to get along. Eventually changed to the appearance of a robot, it felt normal immediately.

"Please forgive me, because today ’s situation is special. By 10 am, except for those who have obtained the purchase rights of the" Sky "game warehouse, the rest of the people do not enter the store to watch. At the same time, please keep the passage outside the store unobstructed and it will not affect our normal operation."

As soon as this word came out, someone was dissatisfied.

Who didn't live with a little grandson? Why are they treated differently?

He shuddered, and immediately someone was upset. In a word, why? This is a violation of consumer rights ...

However, the fluttering sentence of the clerk let everyone lose their temper.

"This requirement is not compulsory, but all people who come in will be deemed to have purchased the game warehouse! Before the game warehouse has been universally available, anyone can only purchase the game warehouse once."

Everyone is bypassing! It's more effective than a gun pointing.

Instead, the police are here with a gun on duty, and they are absolutely forced to point proudly at their forehead and say, "You have a shot?"

The soft and violent way of Fenxian Technology, but no one dares to challenge. Because so far, those who have challenged the magic fairy technology are all cold.

It's heartbreaking!

The entire game warehouse delivery process is orderly.

机器人 A robot porter carried a box slightly larger than the main computer box to help move to the street. Then the buyer contacted the car and shipped away ...

No one asks Magic Fairy to deliver it to your door. The installation is even simpler.

三 There are three steps. Open the box, take out the game compartment, and press the put button! Then the folded game bin will unfold.

For such science fiction designs, only Magic Fairy Technology can come out.

Zhao Yang sat in a taxi with a feeling of beeping.

Why are they here together? In addition to watching the excitement, it is natural to take the hands together to get the game room back, and as a result ... it was held by one person.

不管 But anyway, the game warehouse is back.

自然 It is naturally impossible for them to directly move the game warehouse back to the dormitory. This is really the case, except for being watched as a monkey all day, there is no benefit.

To ensure quietness, they rented a four-bedroom house around the school last night-now the house prices are cheap and the rents are low.

After returning to the rented apartment, Zhao Yang couldn't wait to open the box and took out the big iron box inside.

"This is the game warehouse?" Liu Xiao looked at this silvery-white thing with some doubts.

The three of them ignored him, and Zhao Yang found a vacant area in his bedroom, lowered the box, and then pressed the button!

The metal box, like a Transformer, unfolded in all directions. Within a few seconds, the game warehouse became what they saw in the live TV broadcast.

"I'll lie in and try first!" Zhao Yang said, and the lid above it slowly lifted.

Zhao Yang stepped into ... lay down!

"Detect user information ..."

"The pupil scan is complete ..."

"Portrait scanning is complete ..."

"Brainwave matching ..."

"Information matches, start data binding! After binding, this game warehouse is only available to participate in the game. Except for virtual reality scene experience!"

Zhao Yang knew it inside. Although it seemed that Liu Xiao could not play games with the game warehouse, they could experience the virtual reality technology of the game warehouse.

Zhao Yang knew about data binding. The salesperson had explained it before.

This binding is not binding after entering for the first time, but when this game warehouse is out of the warehouse, it has already entered the personal information of the person who has obtained the purchase permission of the game warehouse, and it can be used only when it matches it, otherwise it will be used. It doesn't make any sense to go.

This is also to put an end to the ox party! ——Shen Bing doesn't want his company's products to be used for speculation. Before, Phantom mobile phones and Phantom TVs have been fired several times.

The game warehouse is completely different from the phantom mobile phone and phantom TV ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If this thing is not bound, it may cause human life.

Zhao Yang hadn't had time to think about it, and suddenly felt that he was thinking for a while, and then came back to God.

At the moment of returning to God, Zhao Yang found that he was not lying in the game warehouse.

果 "Sure enough! It is exactly the same as the description of the three people who have experienced the game warehouse, it feels like they have crossed."

He is now in a huge ruin, the towering stone pillars, walls, showing the glory here and now.

建筑 This kind of building is definitely not something that humans can build, it is a miracle!

In front of this ruin, a statue stands between heaven and earth.

The statue should be an idol, majestic! mysterious!

Even if I just watch from afar, my heart is so excited.

Glancing at the eyes, penetrating the heavens and the earth, straight into the heart!

Zhao Yang looked at the idol, and there was another 恍惚 in front of him, and countless scenes appeared in his mind:

A giant god-like giant emerged from the sky, holding an endless giant blade, splitting the stars and cutting the moon ...

Wu Haohao ’s army of universes crossed the universe and conquered the universe ...

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