Fairy Technology

Chapter 1018: Future leader

The sound of their argument passed to Zhao Yang's ears.

"You're stupid! Isn't there less TV to watch? Don't you give these guys some money? What door can't get in?" Zhao Yang reminded.

Yao Xin collapsed and said: "Yang brother, you can stand and talk without backache. I only have ten cold buns. Where can I get the money? Besides, this game looks like it can't save money and can't do it."

"Yeah! 幻 Gold! Why doesn't Magic Fairy Technology open recharge? For such a grand game, if it doesn't open recharge, what profit will Magic Fairy Technology rely on?" Zhao Yang was tangled.

Fools can think that the normal development of such a game, the background development and maintenance staff will not be less.

Can the magic fairy technology not open recharge, the game is not profitable, can this last?

晓 Liu Xiao said: "Yang, you haven't changed your mind! You don't want to think about it, what is the main purpose of Huaxian Technology to make this game?"

"Of course it is for all humans to evolve."

"This is not right, as long as the magic fairy technology withholds some of these evolutionary props and sells them out, it will definitely make a lot of money. Where do you need to recharge this little money?"

"I also agree with Xiaoxiao. If this game really needs to be recharged, then there will be nothing for us. Major financial oligarchs and technology giants will throw money into them one by one and set up a **** costume! What else? The evolution of the whole people? The big guys directly work for that small group of people. So I think it is right that Magic Fairy Technology does not engage in game recharge. "

Zhao Yang didn't talk anymore. Whether "Sky" is open for recharge function is actually the same for them. Among the global wealth class, they belong to the middle and lower levels. If the recharge function is really implemented, it will be difficult to predict what consequences will be caused.

"After discussing for so long, the immediate problem can't be solved!" Yao Xin was distorted by this group of brain-dead dead parties, and said, "Come and think of a way!"

"If you can't find anything good in the wild, get it back and give it to this guy, you should be able to enter the door." Zhao Yang said, "There is another way, you can find the person who orders in the wild and kill the other party. Having snatched the way, it should be able to cope with the past. "

Yao Xin thought for a long time, it seems that this can only be the case ...

Uh ...

Not to mention the experience of these people in the game, the sensational effect that Zhu Guo caused in reality is far beyond anyone's imagination.

This is not only Zhu Guo's influence on the player's reality, but more importantly, when he enters the game again, he finds that the character strength in the game has also been improved synchronously.

多 How big this advantage is, as long as anyone who has played the game knows that it is equivalent to a three-fold increase in initial attributes.

In the early stage, the efficiency is invincible.

Alas, there is also a premise. You must have experience to play the game. No one knows this yet, at least no one has talked about it online.

However, even if this game does not rely on Daguai upgrades, this triple strength is also very advantageous.

According to some information published on the Internet, the game world can be cultivated. For example, there are various schools and forces here in Huaxia, all of which can be used to cultivate. As for Western countries, there are also high-armed forces, such as colleges, the Holy See ...

With these three-fold initial attributes, the chance of being infiltrated by these forces is much higher.

This matter is enviable to countless people.

But the big guys also know that this thing can't be envied.

Bian Fuyuan is a wonderful thing. Not everyone can encounter an adventure.

But for some people, it doesn't matter if they have a blessing or not, just have money.

So, a lot of buying information is flooding the Internet. Similar to the Zhu Guo obtained by that player, some people even paid hundreds of millions of sky-high prices.

If it is not for considering that such evolutionary props are not unique, there may even be many in the future, and the price will definitely increase by dozens of times and hundreds of times.

Stimulated by this price, people's expectations for the "Sky" are even higher.

Even if it is not for the sake of evolution, but only for the sake of wealth, you should come to the "Sky" for a good walk.

This incident has brought great impact to the entire social management system.

Originally, the major companies paid for their salaries, and it was not feasible to hire employees to work hard in The Sky. At least you don't want to make all the benefits of employees in the game belong to the company.

At the same time, in the functional departments of governments in various countries, occupations that cannot be replaced by robots have to raise wages.

Even not only government departments, but also other industries have increased their salaries to keep people. Even employees playing games have to increase their salaries.

This change is also reasonable. You can earn more wealth by playing a game. Although you can also get hundreds of millions of dollars with good luck, it is no problem to make a small profit. That being the case, who wants to be an employee under your control?

会 What will the salary increase bring? To a smaller extent, people's purchasing power has increased, and they can buy more things. From another perspective, prices will inevitably increase to a certain extent.

But there is a premise for rising prices, that is, global production capacity is still at its previous level.

With the global deployment of the intelligent robot of Huaxian Technology, there are still problems with productivity? That is impossible.

People seem to understand the intent of this serial deployment of Magic Fairy Technology.

At this time, no one has any dissatisfaction with Magic Fairy Technology anymore, and even countless people regard Shen Bing as a leader who leads humanity to the future.

Uh ...

What is Shen Bing doing? He was staring at a series of ghost figures on the screen in a daze.

Well, in fact, it is not a daze, but the numbers on it are too complicated, and only a few people beside him can understand.

"Boss, this is the number of players currently online on the server at the same time." Casso said seriously, "a total of 3.2 billion! In addition to young people or old people who can't move, staff in various functional departments around the world are still on the job. In addition, the remaining 70% are all playing games. Of course, this situation is only the data at the time of service, and it will fall to a certain extent after the stabilization. According to our estimates, the number of simultaneous online users worldwide should be stable. At three billion. "

If any game company hears this data, it will definitely jump up immediately and accuse the other party of talking nonsense.

No one who was present could question Cassuo's words, and even felt that their estimates were a little conservative.

Shen Bing is not very concerned about the number of people online at the moment. For games like "Sky", if the number of people online is low, then it is really a ghost.

He is most concerned about some changes that have occurred because of the increase in the number of people online: such as the dark energy of consciousness collected.

"Casso, you detached one million player data from the main server and connected it to the backup server."


"Bunir, pay attention to the test data!"

"Understand! Boss."

Under normal operation, only one server group will be used, but just in case, Casso prepared one.

The configuration is exactly the same!

Now, this server is just for research.

Since the number of online users has almost exploded to billions, the server failed to collect complete data about the conscious energy generated during this process, which is the dark UI energy mentioned in the consciousness enhancement technology.

Now, they are going to divert this huge number of online people, and first study the conscious energy generated on the order of one million.

If it is the previous technology, it is not difficult to complete such a huge diversion work. But now things are simple, Cassau immediately deployed tasks to two staff, less than a minute, the data on the standby server has been run.

This is research, it is naturally impossible for millions of players to join the backup server at the same time, but a single one by one growth.

It's just that the time granularity of this single person's growth is lower than the millisecond level-using the server and artificial intelligence created by the magic fairy technology, collecting millisecond data is completely stress-free.

Buniel, while directing the staff to monitor the data, said: "Boss, when we studied the number of players below the million level, we found that the energy of consciousness will generate an electromagnetic wave similar to the brain wave, but it is also related to the brain wave. There must be a difference. The biggest difference is that brain waves carry information data and can be read. U1 energy, which is pure conscious energy, belongs to a single energy wave and does not have the information carrying capacity. "

"When the number of servers broke through the million level yesterday, the nature of this electromagnetic wave did not change, but its energy fluctuations did increase by more than a hundred times ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If conventional UI energy belongs to the category of black powder, then this This kind of conscious energy generated by millions of people has reached the intensity of TNT. We speculate that when the number is further expanded, UI energy can be further strengthened. "

Shen Bing has been listening carefully, and then said: "So, is there a possibility of infinite enrichment of UI dark energy?"

"This is the way it is now." Buniel's voice trembled, and said, "According to the technology we have now, we can already use the special" factory "of the human brain to convert the energy between heaven and earth into UI energy At the same time, the UI energy obtained can also be converted into any substance that we have mastered the characteristics. At present, we have basically determined that UI energy can be infinitely concentrated. If it can be proved that the UI energy after concentration is greater than the conventional UI energy Value has a huge impact on human beings, and it can even develop on a further evolutionary path. "

Shen Bing naturally understands the reason.

In Shen Bing's eyes, he also has a different view.

Suddenly, Buniel pointed at a map on the screen and said, "Boss, here ... Look at this area! The density is increasing! What was previously shown on the map is white, and now it has started to change to green."

"Currently the number of people online has just reached 500,000. It seems that this change did not suddenly occur at the million level!"

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