Fairy Technology

Chapter 224: No. 1 is bullying

After listening, Shen Bing had no objection, and said with a smile: "Anyway, I was just talking about the lowest price, and at what price will it be sold, both parties will have to talk about it yourself? You should catch this matter and let Wei The manager cooperates. Next, the construction progress of our company's industrial park, depending on how you deal with this business. "

Xun Wangsheng answered, this kind of thing has become familiar to him.

老板 "Boss, is there any new plan for the new year? Or what is the main direction of our struggle this year?" Wang Sheng then asked.

As the company's general manager, he must have an overall plan for the company's development throughout the year, and this plan must first seek the opinion of the boss Shen Bing.

Shen Bing really didn't think about this problem.

In fact, he was not lazy, but felt that it was unnecessary to think.

The industries and products involved in the illusion fairy science and technology depend to a greater extent on the dark science and technology that came out of the gate of fairyland. This point has too much uncertainty, and Shen Bing cannot control it.

Wu Ke Now that Wang Sheng asked this topic, Shen Bing had to answer.

"Last year, our company mainly revolved around the optoelectronics industry. Dream glass, telescopes, and even several orders completed by the military are related to this and are very profitable. This is also our main profit point in recent years The geothermal power station project started at the end of the year will not generate profits for a long time in the future and will swallow our funds without limit. However, this is a livelihood project and we must pay close attention to it, even if it is invested No matter how much funding, we must ensure the smooth implementation of each power station construction. "

"If the sales of Jinye carp equipment are smooth this time, it will be important for our power station project to be assured. It is important that the current profitability of the photovoltaic power plant and glass plant can only meet the needs of the industrial park construction and the company's daily Working. So we have to find new points of profit growth. "

After Shen Bing finished speaking, Wang Sheng frowned and thought, "Boss, I don't know if I should say something or not."

"Pharaoh, in our relationship, what are you still afraid of?" If you are all like this, then I don't want to hear the truth in the company. "

Wang Sheng smiled and said, "Chairman, in fact, I think our company's current development is a bit unusual. Throughout the world, the most profitable industry is always inseparable from the public. And all our products, including Lingshi The audience is only a small part of the telescope. Although this seems to be very profitable for each product, the overall profitability is not very strong. Therefore, I suggest that in the new year, our company can be more inclined to the industry of mass consumption. For example, electronic products, or the Internet. As long as there are good products, these industries are taking profits faster than fantasy glass and telescopes. "

Shen Bing lay down on the chair and laughed, "Lao Wang, do you know what major I studied?"

计算机 "Computer!" Wang Sheng said immediately.

Shen Bingdao: "Since I am a computer student, don't you wonder why I didn't start a business in the computer industry?"

Xi Wangsheng shook his head, not a maggot in his stomach. The ghost knows why you didn't start a business in the computer industry?

Shen Bing said: "The electronic information network industry is undoubtedly the hottest industry in the world today. Most of the people on the Forbes list of rich people started from this. Everyone knows this, and there are countless people here. Drilling in aspects. It can be said that this industry is the easiest to innovate, and it is also the most difficult to innovate. I set a goal when I founded the company. Every product that our company launches must be subversive in the world. Sexual influence. This is true of fantasy glass, so-called telescope, and deep geothermal generator sets. "

This is a pretense! Shen Bing will never admit that when he first started his business, he only obtained the technology of making super-horizon telescopes from the gate of the fairyland. At that time, the only thing that was easier to get started was fantasy glass.

Why did Shen Bing have no money and no place at that time?

Now that the company has grown to such a scale, when I look back, I find that I have come along all the way.

I just use it to pretend!

Shen Bing paused and then said, "But this year, our company must enter the information network industry. I have made preliminary plans for this matter. After the new year's work has been straightened out, I will arrange the R & D center to start The research and development of related projects, then our company will once again shock the world. "

As soon as Wang Wangsheng's mouth was drawn, perhaps he dare to say that this product can shock the world before the product has been developed, and Shen Bing has become the whole world.

"Chairman, which aspect does this project mainly involve? Hardware or software?"

"Both! But it will take some time for this project to be fully implemented." Shen Bing's eyes flashed a magical light, and there was something called ambition.

Software is just a platform for intervention. Only software will inevitably be subject to others. Since then, Magic Fairy Technology must be involved in the hardware industry.

"Does anything need to be prepared by the company?"

"Being not!"

Uh ...

The first meeting of the magic fantasy technology year later lasted more than three hours.

It is not that Shen Bing has the habit of holding long meetings, but this meeting involves too much content. First, Shen Bing and Wang Sheng need to make some general arrangements for the new year, and then the heads of various departments need to do their own affairs. Preliminary planning ...

After the meeting, Shen Bing had lunch and returned to Longhu Lake with Li Xiao.

Regarding what is said today that Xianxian Technology is preparing to enter the information network business, that is not Shen Bingxin's nonsense, but it has long been

Such a plan.

想法 This idea came to him when he founded the company, but he didn't get the corresponding black technology at that time. Later, after having super artificial intelligence technology, he began to figure out how to get involved in the information network industry.

But because of all kinds of things going on and on, he couldn't afford to come out to make specific arrangements.

Now Wang Sheng asks, and he will talk to the other by the way, so that he can be prepared.

However, now, Shen Bing has no intention to complete this idea in his mind for the time being, and the most urgent task is to solve the security problems of himself and the company.

After he and Li Xiao returned to Longhu Lake, they parked their car in the parking lot of Villa No. 3 and then walked to another villa not far from Villa No. 3.

别墅 The specifications and luxury of this villa cannot be compared with that of Villa No. 3, but compared to ordinary high-rise buildings, this villa is also coveted by countless people, and its price exceeds 20 million.

骁 Li Xiao rang the doorbell in front, and soon the door of the villa was opened by a magnificent man.

"Brother Li!" When the brave man saw Li Xiao, he obviously stunned, and looked suspiciously at Shen Bing.

骁 Li Xiao said: "Tian, ​​this is our boss, Shen Bing."

The sturdy man had a positive face, with a little enthusiasm in his eyes, and said, "Good boss!"

Shen Bing nodded and said, "Go ahead!"

骁 Li Xiao walked in with Shen Bing, and the strong man closed the door and followed.

"Boss, his name is Tian Youde. His familiarity with firearms is more than 99% of the special forces in the world. One-handed pistols are amazing." Li Xiao introduced as he walked.

Putian Youde touched his shallow flat head very kindly.

Shen Bing smiled and said, "I look at your figure, I thought you were better at fighting."

"Fighting is okay!" Tian Youde immediately said, "I dare say that there are usually four or five big men, and I can easily knock them down. But we all learn **** people. If the fight is too fierce, I ’m not good. With this measure in mind, problems can easily arise. "

This is scary enough. Generally, if you don't take any action, you will kill someone.

During the conversation, the two had entered the villa. I saw five people in the hall around watching television in different postures. A plate of seeds was placed in front of them, and the seeds were already covered on the ground.

Putian Youde yelled, "Gather, the boss is here!"


"Bang ..."

"Wow ..."

Various and strange sounds, some throw seeds, and used too much force to break the chair.

But one thing is very neat. The five people took less than three seconds to stand neatly in front of Shen Bing.

"Hello boss!" A uniform voice, I don't know if it was practiced in advance.

Shen Bing saw a trace of enthusiasm from their eyes, and did not know what Li Xiao had told them before.

Putian Youde smiled and said, "Boss, don't mind, we are too boring to stay here, and we are very disciplined in our organization."

Shen Bing smiled indifferently, and said, "Don't care about these. I need people who are capable, not pieces that are bound by the rules. By the way, what about your other people?"

五 Of the five people across, the one on the far left stepped forward ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~: "Boss, the others are in the gym. Because the gym is too small to accommodate everyone at the same time, we all go in batches."

For a mercenary, staying strong is a must, just like eating a meal every day.

"Go and call them all!" Shen Bing said.

Putian Youde responded and ran away.

Shen Bingdao: "First talk about your name and what are your specialties."

"Boss, my name is Wei Yu, my specialty is fighting!" The man on the far left said first.

"My name is Ran Xiang. My specialty is investigation and tracking."

"Fei Tianluo, specialty, blasting!"

"Gao Silun, specialty, drive!"

Shen Bing hesitated and couldn't help interrupting: "Wait, can driving be a specialty?"

Li Xiao explained on the side: "Boss, Lao Gao's posture technique is a must. Except for civil aviation passenger planes he has not driven, any other person who runs on the ground and flies in the sky can drive, including yachts, freighters, etc. Civil ships. "

This is really awesome x! No wonder it can become a specialty.

Suddenly, Shen Bing felt that he seemed to underestimate these people, including Fei Tianluo's so-called blasting, which is probably not easy.

However, Shen Bing did not ask one by one. At this time, Tian Youde had taken six other people down, all of them were about 30 years old.

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