Fairy Technology

Chapter 226: Sure enough, she didn't go the usual way

"Microwave frequency 289GHZ, scanning method field strength induction, field strength 200N / C, scanning image fluctuation ..."

A series of recorded data did not seem to have much difference. After analyzing the ball, the subtle differences were highlighted. Shen Bing made a comparison and found anomalies immediately.

This should be a set of data when the stealth effect is about to disappear, but if you look closely at the early stealth time, it is not as long as the previous test.

This must be that the bullfrog has been affected in some way to make the stealth effect disappear early.

But there are still some questions, such as which microwave frequency is affecting the stealth effect? Or is it the influence of the field strength itself?

This requires further experimentation!

Shen Bing thought for a moment, and immediately commanded: "Ball, you immediately enumerate all the possibilities of this experiment, and then let Lu Xian experiment one by one. Er ... Lu Xian is very busy recently, or arrange another person to go Do it. I'll look for it in the Western District first. "

The ball suddenly said: "Master, there is a choice for the ball."

"Who?" Shen Bing asked.

Fairway: "It's Mr. Loyad who has just undergone a subconscious implantation. Loyal is the top talent in the field of bionics in the United States. He is perfect for this experiment."

"That line, you inform Rosa and bring him over."


According to Shen Bing's instructions, all those who received the subconscious implantation will be informed that such a "person" exists in the underground base as soon as they wake up. She will give instructions on behalf of the host Shen Bing to manage the entire underground base.

This "person" is a ball, she is everywhere in the underground base, relying on sensors, monitoring and other equipment to monitor the operation of the entire base.

Less than a minute after Shen Bing ordered, an electric vehicle similar to a small tourist car stopped outside the central control center.

This kind of car is specially built for underground bases. After all, a base of more than one square kilometer will inevitably take time to get back and forth, especially when walking across districts.

At present, there are one hundred such sightseeing cars in this underground base, which are mainly distributed in the western area and the central scientific research area.

After all the Western District personnel have undergone subconscious implantation, they will be relocated to the Eastern District.

After all, the Western District is similar to a prison. The rooms inside are all single-row single rooms, and there are observation holes on the door. This is not suitable for scientific researchers who will live permanently in the underground base in the future.

The number of such electric scooters will increase as people are distributed in various areas in the future.

Two people walked down from the electric car. In front of it was an old man in the West who was nearly half a year old, with thin hair and eyes.

The person behind him, Shen Bing, was very familiar, that is, the little beautiful girl Rosa who was first taken in.

"Boss, this is Mr. Loyad." Rosa's fair face had a slight smile on her face, and she had no previous hostility at all.

Shen Bing enjoys Rosa's admiring eyes, and guesses that even if she wants to do something that is not suitable for children, Rosa, a beautiful girl, will never object, but a good education from childhood has made him unable to do this kind of animal Things come.

"You're busy." Bing Shen said, and took the half-old man, Lord, to the basic material test area.

For the experiment, Loyad was obviously more professional than Shen Bing.

Shen Bing simply explained the main points of the experiment to Loyad and the use of two special test equipment, and Loyal was already able to test it by himself.

Royard's excitement at this moment is beyond words, he has never seen such a magical potion in his life.

This is completely invisible, invisible to the naked eye, undetectable by the instrument, is there anything more magical than this?

It is estimated that at this moment, even without the effect of subconscious implantation, Loyad will sell his life here. As a scientist obsessed with scientific research, there really is no more attractive.

After Shen Bing told him to leave, he only needed to finally check the results.

"Specially, it really is how good people do things!" Shen Bing murmured, if it was changed before, whether it is the research of biological invisibility or the operation of subconscious implantation, he needs to complete it himself, how much time is wasted?

However, Shen Bing is not completely idle now. He also has scientific research projects to follow up, that is, the manufacture of stun guns.

With the twelve of Wei Yu now, Shen Bing naturally had to arm them as soon as possible.

Although he told Secretary Jiang yesterday about the qualification for gun assignment, Shen Bing did not know whether it was reliable or not, and even if he can apply for it, it is estimated that there will be a maximum of one or two guns. This is also determined by China's national conditions.

What's more, the power of the stun gun is not lower than that of the real gun, and the function is adjustable, and the practicability is many times stronger.

What Shen Bing needs to do now is to get the stun gun manufacturing information out, match the current technology in the world, work out the desired production process, and then Lu Xian will get the production line out.

This process is not complicated, with ball assistance, it only takes more than half a day at most.


As night fell, two or two people came out of the house and took a walk in the community.

Because Longhu Island is a villa area, the number of people living in it is much less than that of ordinary residential quarters, and the whole district looks very quiet.

I have to say that rich people enjoy different grades. The spacious environment and green area inside allow everyone to walk comfortably, and there is no noise from the square dance.

However, some people didn't want to enjoy everything in the community. They were sitting together and talking in a low voice. These people were Wei Yu and others who Shen Bing saw during the day.

"Boss Wei, the boss said he was going to pick us up tonight. Do we need to pick them up so close? We don't have to go by ourselves?" It was a big man with leopard eyes, and that honor alone was enough to stop children crying at night .

But if you look down on him for this reason, it will be unlucky. This guy's skill is definitely among the top three in their group, which is comparable to that of Wei.

Wei Yu stared at him: "Chen Jun, don't chew on your tongue. The boss's arrangement naturally has his reason. It is estimated that he does not want outsiders to know the relationship between us and him for the time being. This will also help us protect in secret."

Chen Jun grinned and said, "This is even more unreasonable. Even if the boss sends someone to pick us up, how can it be concealed? Monitoring is everywhere in the community. I want to directly destroy these monitoring, and then we take advantage of the middle of the night When no one is there, he goes to the boss. "

"This is domestic, not Africa!" Wei Yu glanced at him.

A lean young man sitting sideways in a chair said, "Do you guys think that our boss is mysterious?"

"Isn't this special nonsense!" Chen Jundao, "Are you in the world, can you find someone who is the same as your boss?"

The lean young man shook his head and said, "I don't mean that, but I feel that the boss is not just that simple on the surface. The thing behind him is the most amazing. You don't know, when we meet in the afternoon Even though the boss looks so gentle, I can feel the powerful deterrent he brought me, this is my intuition! "

Everyone couldn't help but be silent. Others said that they might be sniffed by their instincts. But from this thin young man's mouth, they had to pay attention. Because in several dangerous missions, it was the instinct of the thin young man who saved their lives.

Such things are invisible and intangible, but they have to pay attention.

"Anyway, we have to mingle with the boss in the future. It doesn't make sense to think too much. We might as well consider how we can successfully complete the tasks the boss delivers." Wei Yu said.

There is no objection to this statement.

Tian Youde smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to the equipment the boss said."

As they were talking, they suddenly heard a strange noise from the ground, even though it was in a country with good public order, but they stood up alertly.

"It should be from the basement, I'll take a look!" Chen Jun glanced at the crowd and went out.

"Me too," Ran Xiang said.

The two walked slowly, but within half a minute, the basement exclaimed.

The others were shocked, and all rushed down.

The scene in front of them stunned them.

The basement of this villa has only one floor, to their surprise, a large pit with a diameter of more than three meters appeared in the original basement floor.

A person is jumping out of the pit, and this person is suddenly Li Xiao.

"Brother Li, when did you have the ability to wait for punching?" Tian Youde yelled.

There was only one thought in the hearts of everyone, and the boss really did not take the unusual path!

Li Xiao smiled, he could understand the surprise of these people, and after a while they saw the underground base, it would be more surprised. That's how I came here.

"This is not a hole I dug, you will know later. Now you will go with me, we have been dating for many years, ugly words said in the front, once we enter this door, we are one family. If anyone dares Shui, not to mention whether the boss will let you go, I Xiao Li will catch you back if I chase to the ends of the earth. "

Wei Yu said earnestly: "Li Xiao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Your worry is understandable, but you can rest assured that we are not unknowing people. In recent years, we have been banished from abroad, and we have tied our heads to the waist. Shang Chuang. This time we can stabilize in China. We appreciate the appreciation of the boss and thank you for your referral. "

Li Xiao looked around the crowd again, then nodded.

Then Li Xiao said follow me, and then he got into the big pit. Wei Yu and others pressed their inner excitement and walked to the edge of the big pit.

At this time they discovered that there was a row of metal handles on the cave ridge that extended to the depth of the cave.

And the surrounding holes are not rough earth and stones, but walls made of glass fiber reinforced plastic beams, which look full of science and technology.

Li Xiao took a bright flashlight in his hand to brighten the entire cave. Wei Yu and others drilled into the cave one by one.

"Brother Li, why don't I stay here first and guard here?" Ran Xiang, who walked last, said.

Li Xiao said loudly, "No, there will be some people here."

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