Fairy Technology

Chapter 279: I'll also open a number from 1?

Shen Bing, led by the Hanrou girl, took the elevator directly to the top floor of Xiangxuanxie.

As soon as I got out of the elevator and walked to the innermost, a gate like the palace gate appeared in front of me. If it was placed in ancient times, it would be taboo.

The girl from Hanrou knocked on the door, and soon the door was opened.

The scene inside made Shen Bing a bit surprised. Wasn't Gao Jingchuan's guy not allowed to bring a girl companion?

There are five people in the hall, a woman in her thirties? And Shen Bing dare to pack tickets, this woman will definitely not be the staff here.

"Nima, this guy wants to pit me?" Shen Bing thought indignantly, although he didn't plan to bring a girl companion originally, isn't it a concept between the two?

At this time Gao Jingchuan saw Shen Bing. Since Shen Bing called, he has been watching the door.

"Brother Shen, come in quickly!" Gao Jingchuan greeted.

Shen Bing stepped in and glanced around.

What kind of box is this? It's just a palace. Although Shen Bing did not go here again, she also knew that this should be an oversized suite.

He has heard before that among the top clubs on Linglong Street, there is a single luxury suite with an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters, which is exclusively for the rich, and each set costs hundreds of thousands per night.

At the time he felt that this was pure nonsense, but now he knows that poverty originally limited his imagination.

Er ... Although he is rich now, and he is always rich and old, he has always been living in abundance. He naturally cannot appreciate the life of such a rich man.

"Just come to experience a life tonight!" Shen Bing suddenly didn't care so much about the delayed night.

The decoration style of the entire hall is elegant and luxurious, but luxurious but not vulgar.

However, this is obviously not the atmosphere of a hi-ge girl in an ordinary entertainment club, but a living style at home.

Shen Bing really can't appreciate the idea of ​​rich people. Nimei's, there are more facilities in this villa than this. Why spend this money to waste here?

Gao Jingchuan walked to Shen Bing in a few steps, and smiled and said, "Brother Shen, it's not bad here! Don't look at me like this, today I'm not paying for it, just because of my worth, spending one night here is absolutely necessary It went bankrupt. Alas ... This is called Liu Tingyu Liu Dashao, who is also the major shareholder of this Xiangxuanxie. In the future, if you want to come here to spend, you can directly find him.

When speaking, Gao Jingchuan pointed at a young man who was walking towards this side. The other party was about thirty years old, and he was a complete figure of success.

Liu Dashao said with a smile: "Look at your brother, you are probably in your twenties. Lao Gao can invite you today to show that he truly recognizes your friend. Since Lao Gao called you Brother Shen, Then I also call you like this, shouldn't you mind? "

Shen Bing smiled and said, "Of course!"

Then he stared at Gao Jingchuan. The doubt in his eyes was obvious. Didn't you say my identity?

Although Gao Jingchuan couldn't say that he was in touch with his soul, after all, he was a person with similar tempers, and immediately understood the meaning of the other person, shrugged helplessly, and expressed his grievances.

Shen Bing read his meaning from Gao Jingchuan's actions and expressions: "Don't you like to dress mysteriously, if I say anything wildly, the ghost knows if you guy will avenge you."

Shen Bing grinned. I do n’t know if it ’s better. I will find a place to cat for a while, and it is estimated that others will not pay attention to myself.

At this moment, a person suddenly emerged from the room next to him and shouted in surprise after seeing Shen Bing: "Hey? Master, why are you here?"

When Shen Bing heard this voice, his head suddenly became big.

Nyima, isn't this the nougat that I encountered in Longhu Huandao District that day?

"Do you know?" Gao Jingchuan was surprised next time.

Shen Bing looked at Gao Jingchuan, and then looked at the teaser who did not know his name, and suddenly he was not surprised.

The last business meeting hosted by Secretary Rongcheng Li was an annual event for Rongcheng. The participants were all top figures in Rongcheng and even the whole country. This teaser can be brought into that scene by his grandpa, and he wants to be in identity. It will not be low.

And Gao Jingchuan is one of Rongcheng's top ranks. Although he is not like those sisters-in-law, his identity is there after all.

To put it bluntly, Rongcheng's top circle is so big, and it is normal for Gao Jingchuan to interact with this teaser. What's more, with this teasing personality, he can really get together with Gao Jingchuan.

Shen Bing didn't answer because the brown sugar has already said: "Brother Chuan, how did you invite my master? I can tell you, my master is a real martial arts master! With a wave of his hand, even me ..."

Shen Bing stared, and said, "Shut up for me! ... And don't call me a master! I never promised to be your master."

"Master, you can't be so ruthless!" This teased face was tangled.

Shen Bing was immediately depressed. Although he really wanted to give the other party a fat meal with a cold face, it was Gao Jingchuan's birthday party after all. He couldn't turn it into a fight scene! You have to watch it, right?

"Lao Gao, where did this girl come from?" Shen Bing looked helplessly at Gao Jingchuan.

Gao Jingchuan grinned, and for the first time, he found that there was still Shen Bingnai.

But the next second he was very strange and said, "You don't know him?"

Shen Bing spread his hands: "Should I know him?"

"Uh ... didn't he call you Master?"

Shen Bing patted his forehead and said, "That's why this girl owes it to me. I just begged him for a meal and it became brown sugar."

Not only was Gao Jingchuan surprised this time, everyone around him who heard the words looked at Shen Bing in surprise.

"You really knocked him out?" Liu Dasha couldn't help asking.

Shen Bing stunned: "Can't he talk?"

"Uh ... I can't help but I have a lot of thoughts about this, but very few people can really kill him, at least not in our circle."

That ’s right, although there are many elites in these second-generation circles, most of them are elites in business or officialdom, and even academic elites, but there are very few elites in the fighting world.

After all, in this era, whether the fist is hard enough is no longer a criterion for judging a person's success or failure. No matter how powerful you are, a bullet can be knocked down. How much does it mean to practice for a lifetime?

This teasing smile was quite triumphant, but when she saw Shen Bing's eyes fluttering, she immediately withered.

Gao Jingchuan smiled and said, "Brother Shen, it's not easy to say this guy. His grandfather was one of the few remaining traditional Chinese medicine doctors. He was also a doctor of the ancestor of that year. Even today's big boss, It is polite to see this old gentleman. The old gentleman originally intended to let him inherit the mantle, but he knew that his boy was not taking an unusual path, and he gave up his medical practice.

"Does this blame me? My dad didn't go this way, why should I wear that white coat?" This tease was still very proud.

Gao Jingchuan said to Shen Bing: "His dad is a businessman, and Liu Hongyuan, chairman of Shanghaihong Yuanyang International Trade Group, is his father, a typical rich second generation."

No wonder this guy dared to be so wayward, it turned out to be no money.

"Doing ocean trade?" Shen Bing suddenly felt in his heart. "Your dad's main business is in those countries? By the way, I don't know your guy's name yet. What's your name?"

"My name is Liu Jin!" This teasingly heard Shen Bing finally asked his name, and immediately excitedly answered.

The next man Liu Daxiao laughed and said, "This guy used to be called Liu Chuanqin. It was the name given to him by the old man, but he changed it later. For this reason, the old man also gave him a meal. Can I get out of bed. "

"Brother Chen, don't tell me about this sniffing thing?" Liu Jindao said, "It will affect my tall image in the eyes of the master."

Then he pretended not to see the scornful eyes of everyone, and then said: "My dad's company mainly runs European and American routes, and occasionally runs Australia. It mainly depends on what the business is. Master, you are also concerned about the shipping industry. Interested? Or should I talk to my dad and let him take you? Maybe you don't know yet, my dad's company can definitely be in the domestic transportation industry ... "

"Cough ..." Gao Jingchuan coughed twice, interrupting Liu Jin's words.

Shen Bing wants to go shipping? This sounds like a joke. It is estimated that the only transportation industry that can interest Shen Bing is space transportation.

Liu Jin looked at Gao Jingchuan in doubt. Although he was obsessed with martial arts, he was not a fool. On the contrary, he was very clever. Naturally, he could see that the other party was deliberately preventing himself from speaking.

Shen Bingdao: "I'm not interested in shipping, but I feel that there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future, by the way."

"Brother Shen is also doing business?" Liu Dasha couldn't help asking.

Shen Bing smiled and said, "I have started a small company and are currently working hard to expand."

Liu Dashao didn't ask any more, but Gao Jingchuan's face was dull.

If Nima, Magic Fairy Technology is still a small company, there will be no big company in Rongcheng.

Next, Gao Jingchuan introduced Shen Bing to a few people in the hall. In addition to Liu Tingyu and Liu Jin, the woman whom Shen Bing saw when she entered the door was Liu Tingyu's wife Wang Xin.

The remaining two were named Li Zhaofeng and Wang Wei ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li Zhaofeng came from the capital and was Gao Jingchuan's hairdresser. Wang Wei was a comrade in the army of Gao Jingchuan. Now he is also an official officer.

"Just a few of you?" Shen Bing asked, an expression of your poor popularity.

Gao Jingchuan said: "Of course not only, there are five people playing Mahjong in the chess room, and three others are in K song. Here, as long as you want to play, there are any entertainment items. A few of us haven't seen each other for a long time. That ’s why I sat outside and talked. Now the kitchen is preparing ingredients, and for a while let you taste what is really delicious on earth. ”

"Let's do it! Let's talk first. I'll play for a while."

Then, Shen Bing found a chair and sat down.

A few people in Gao Jingchuan didn't mind. This time was not a formal party. As Gao Jingchuan said before, it was a group of fox friends and dog friends sitting together, having a meal and chatting for a while.

Shen Bing picked up his mobile phone and continued to think about how to get the Monkey King out.

Liu Jin continued to come up with this teasing and said, "Master, what game do you play? Or should I open a number and mix?"

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