Fairy Technology

Chapter 293: Dudu is not doing business


As a domestic top network security company, Qihu Company's focus of promotion is naturally how good it is in the field of network security.

Although the magic fairy technology has stepped in strongly now, it has also been guided by Qihu's propaganda department as a kind of sword going away, not the right path of the network security industry.

In particular, the dragon scale security software advocated by Huanxian Technology could not be cracked, and it became the target of attack.

Is there an unbreakable shield in this world?

Wouldn't it mean that once you have Dragonscale security software, you can do it once and for all? All hackers can wash and sleep. After that, there is no need for people who are engaged in network security. Any problem with Dragonscale security software can be solved.

But is this possible?

This is like the old American said that his missile defense system can ensure that missiles from any country cannot be brought in. So why do everyone study missiles?

Not only Qihu, but almost all network security companies have heavyweights in the company's technology department to speak out and refute this argument of Huaxian Technology.

Huaxian Technology has never refuted this. From the perspective of a staff member of Huaxian Technology, this kind of thing does not need to be refuted at all, and it will naturally be clear to the back.

However, Qihu's promotion has just begun, but they found that users who download Dragonscale security software do not seem to pay much attention to security. Instead, their smart and cute images are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The most important thing is that their user groups are mostly women.

In other words, most users of Dragonscale Software are mixing the entertainment section. As a result, you security companies can promote the technology section. Is it effective?

What is most unacceptable is that although Dragonscale security software is currently the most prestigious of its adorable nature, in the security field, it is also crushing these security companies.

It's like a man aggressively stopping someone from dancing to the square dance. As a result, other people keep dancing, and they will slap one hand in the future.

I'm sorry!

But these are based on facts. Who makes tens of thousands of online fraud activities happen every day in Huaxia?

So far, all the fraudulent calls or text messages in the communication process, Dragonscale security software has effectively warned, effectively preventing the occurrence of successful fraud.

Not only that, major news media, self-media, even personal Weibo, circle of friends, etc., have reported at least thousands of experiences of using Dragonscale software to effectively prevent fraud. These users praised Dragonscale security software. Constantly.

It is estimated that those who are engaged in online scams are already crying in the toilet.

On the contrary, the function of this security software in terms of network security has not much response, because most of the anti-virus processes are automatically completed in the background, and users have no way of knowing.

Another thing that caught the attention of some people was the power of Dragonscale security software in battery management.

Although there are few comments on the news on the Internet, users have a steelyard in their hearts.

Smartphones that need to be recharged every night usually have about 40% power left when they go to bed at night, which is a miracle.

It is not that these mobile phone users have reduced the frequency of using their mobile phones, nor is it possible that the battery power has suddenly increased. The only possibility is that the Dragonscale security software has played a role.

After installing Dragonscale security software, many people, like Shen Xiao, immediately asked about the functions of Dragonscale software. In the software's readme, there are items about battery management.

At the time, most people didn't care, after all, in this online age, everyone's ability to boast greatly increased. Some people said in the last two days that what "elixir" product is 100 billion times stronger than other health products. I really don't know how this 100 billion times is calculated.

But after using Dragonscale software, people found that Huanxian Technology did not boast! The battery is really more durable.

Some people even posted videos online, such as playing the same online game, comparing the power consumption before and after installing Dragonscale security software.

It's so clear at a glance!

For ordinary mobile phone users, charging every night has become a habit, so this feature does not seem to be of much use to them. This feature is too useful for people who like to play games, watch videos, or travel frequently.

Think of a person playing a game, when it was time to hit BOSS, the phone was dead. Or for business, suddenly there is an important call and the phone is turned off. Is this a tragedy?

Although using Dragonscale software may not completely avoid this tragedy, at least it can reduce the chance?

In addition, there is the application of Dragonscale security software as a life secretary. For example, if you need to do something at a certain time, you only need to tell Dragonscale software in advance, and it will automatically remind you regularly, and it will never drop the chain.

On the Internet, the reputation of Dragonscale Security Software is getting better and better, and more and more people are paying attention. At this time, people also ignore that Dragonscale Security Software will be a paid software.

In fact, at this time, the most familiar with Dragonscale's security software functions is the major information network companies, as well as the major mobile phone manufacturing companies.

These information network companies are desperate when facing such a software. Even if these companies are not involved in the network security industry, they are also very collapsed.

Who makes Dragonscale security software the world's least professional software?

Many people are vilified in their hearts, and only such unscrupulous companies can produce such unscrupulous software.

You say you have a security software, what are you doing with such fancy features?

Before, they still felt pity for the cyber security company, but the number of people who were merciful increased in an instant, and they became one of them.

Fortunately, the Dragonscale security software does not yet involve social and payment functions, otherwise the two largest online companies in China will jump.

For mobile phone manufacturing companies, they see business opportunities ...


After a few days of hard work, the magic fairy metal smelter finally completed the order for some of the country's normal temperature superconducting materials. A total of 3 tons of superconducting materials were put into an explosion-proof **** vehicle.

This is a vehicle leased from a professional security company. As for the escort, there are four soldiers, but at this moment they are all wearing casual clothes, which is also for confidentiality.

For this material delivery, Wang Sheng, general manager of Magic Fairy Technology, came to the site in person, and the recipient was represented by the vice president of the Nuclear Energy Research Institute.

After the signature was confirmed, the explosion-proof **** vehicle drove out of the industrial park and headed straight for Puyang City.

There is Huaxia ’s largest nuclear industry base, and it is also an industry with the most urgent demand for room temperature superconducting materials.

The normal temperature superconducting materials of this car are all parts made according to the drawings provided by the demanding unit, and each part is packed with a special protective device to ensure that no damage will occur on the way.

After sending these people away, Wang Sheng asked the driver to drive himself to Rongcheng government.

Today is the day when the Rongcheng City Government and Magic Fairy Technology discussed the construction of a smart Rongcheng city. This was sent by the Municipal Party Committee Office to contact us yesterday.

In fact, this kind of thing can be done by the municipal party committee, but considering the special characteristics of Huaxian Technology, Secretary Li still sent someone to make a special trip.

Of course, this kind of business talk was not attended by Wang Sheng alone, but because Wang Sheng went to the industrial park first, the others passed by themselves.

With the company's development and growth, Wang Sheng's identity has changed from that of the past. His car has been replaced by Maybach, and he also has a dedicated driver. At the same time, he has a full-time bodyguard.

This is required by Shen Bing. Although someone really wants to start with Magic Fairy Technology, the probability of finding Wang Sheng's head is very low, but he has to guard against it.

But don't underestimate the bodyguard, he is also a ruthless man, and it doesn't matter if he cooks four or five ordinary strong men.

Wang Sheng looked at the fading street scene outside, feeling quite uneasy.

More than half a year ago, did you ever think that you would be as successful as you are now?

Although Huanxian Technology has not been listed and major institutions have failed to make a reasonable valuation for it, Wang Sheng, the company's general manager, is very clear that Huanxian Technology's scale can definitely be among the top 50 in China. This still puts those giant state-owned enterprises in it.

As a leader of such a company, in addition to being excited and honored, Wang Sheng is more stressful.

The trust of Shen Bing, the boss, has reached an unparalleled level. Basically, all the suitable sizes are handled by myself. Thinking of what the other party said when talking to Shen Bing last night, he couldn't help but smile a bit.

In fact, I hope that Shen Bing can personally participate in this business talk. Only the entire company knows Shen Bing's plans for the construction of smart cities.

But he called for instructions, but Shen Bing did not plan to go, and said that he would let himself blow! The brain hole is enlarged a bit.

How can this special blow?

Fortunately, the boss set a framework for himself, only to give him some confidence.

The car parked outside the Rongcheng government. The secretary got off the bus and opened the door for Wang Sheng.

There are several people waiting at the door of the government, one of whom is also an old acquaintance, the director of the China Merchants Bureau.

Wang Sheng saw Director Chu and immediately glanced around.

He is worried that Shen Bing's mother is here! If this Lafayette was waiting at the door, he would feel complacent.

Fortunately, I didn't see this Lafayette.

"Director Chu, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Wang Sheng smiled.

Director Chu smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, and said, "Where? If we can have more companies like your magic fairy technology in Rongcheng, let me stand here every day and keep the door. Let's go in quickly Secretary they are waiting for you in the conference room. "

The group walked into the building and were led directly into a conference room.

At this point the meeting room had already occupied more than ten people, occupying most of the meeting room.

In addition to the managers of several major departments of Magic Fairy Technology, the rest are people from various government functional departments. In the government department, the middle positions are still empty.

Director Chu frowned slightly. Before he went downstairs, did Secretary Li sit here all?

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