Fairy Technology

Chapter 295: Finally can't help it

"Will it be the ghost of the old beauty again" Li Xiao asked.

Shen Bing was quite helpless and said, "Who knows, these guys are now clever and have not left any traces on the Internet. It is estimated that all instructions were given orally."

The same was true of Laomei last time. Information sent from France to the United States went directly through a physically isolated network.

With this method, even if the super artificial intelligence of Qiuqiu has the ability to reach the sky, it is useless.

I have to say that the magic offensive and defensive capabilities of the magic fairy technology really scared many people in the world.

As soon as Shen Bing finished speaking, his phone rang.

When Shen Bing saw the number above, he couldn't help whispering, "This Lao Gao is too angry."

"Commander Gao, what's wrong with calling?" He asked it knowingly.

A dull voice from Commander Gao came across, saying, "Brother Shen, you already know things."

"You mean that the traffic accident just now expresses my sincere condolences to the sacrificed soldiers." Shen Bing said, "I promise that those who make mistakes will be punished."

Commander Gao was a little surprised and said, "Small boy, you think this thing is artificial."

"Of course! Otherwise, there is no such coincidence," Shen Bing said.

Commander Gao Shen said: "This incident was indeed man-made. After our survey of the scene, at least 13 boxes were missing. We are currently testing the vehicle to see if the vehicle has been manipulated . "

"If necessary, I can send someone to help." Shen Bing said.

Commander Gao knew that there was a group of capable men under Shen Bing and immediately said, "That's great!"

Shen Bing hesitated, and said, "Commander Gao, don't you think this is a coincidence?"

The commander Gao also heard the strings and knew the elegance, feeling a little heavy, saying: "We have such speculations here. This is obviously someone who has been planning for a long time. It must be that we have missed the wind in some link."

Shen Bingdao: "The possibility is relatively low on our side. Only I, Wang Sheng and Li Xiao who know we have a deal with the military, I can trust both of them. As for the factory area, although they are responsible for production, But they don't know who these products are made for. They don't even know what the delivery time is or what destination they are going to. "

Commander Gao said: "I know that! We have begun a thorough investigation of this matter. However, in addition to finding the inner ghosts hidden in the dark, it is more important to recover those lost things. At present, although we Sophisticated forces have been sent to search, including several military dogs who have taken Linghui's potion. But the clues broke after chasing near the Minjiang River. Those people should have jumped into the river. Now we are searching along the river, hoping to be able to Find clues. "

Shen Bing was silent for a while, and finally said, "Commander Gao, do you just want to catch the murderer or do you want to find out behind the scenes?"

"Of course it is better to find the black hands behind the scenes!" Commander Gao had almost no hesitation, but after speaking, he suddenly hesitated and said, "Why do you have any clues?"

Commander Gao is very excited!

In his eyes, both Shen Bing and Huanxian Technology are full of miracles. Now, I ca n’t do anything about this thing, maybe Shen Bing really has any tricks.

Shen Bingdao: "I did find some clues. If Commander Gao believes you, trust me to do this and ensure that the results are satisfactory to you."

"Uh ... Of course I can trust you. What about the people on our side to withdraw first?" Commander Gao couldn't help asking.

Shen Bingdao: "What should you do to continue, I will tell you the results."

Commander Gao hesitated a little and said, "OK! I'll wait for your good news."


The car accident did not cause much repercussions in society.

Although the death toll reached four, nationwide, the average number of people killed by car accidents per hour was far more than this.

I can only see relevant reports on some local news sites in Rongcheng.

Even the Rongcheng government did not seem to be affected by the accident. All work was carried out in an orderly manner, including cooperation with companies such as Magic Fairy Technology in the construction of smart cities.

Although the Rongcheng City Government only invited Huaxian Technology to discuss this matter, it is clear that this is a huge project and the scope involved is very wide. It is not something that Huaxian Technology can complete.

For example, the cameras in the security field cannot leave a few major security companies in China. Unless the magic fairy technology is willing to invest financial resources and material resources to produce.

Of course, regarding the smart city project, this is an extension of the smart security project originally proposed by Haiwei. At the last reception, Shen Bing already reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Haiwei Company, and it is impossible to leave the other party aside in this matter.

This is a multilateral negotiation, and the cooperation method finally formed is basically in line with the framework originally formulated by Shen Bing.

Magic Fairy Technology provides platform support and provides high-end lenses for Highway.

At the same time, Magic Immortal Technology will develop a CCD chip and graphic image processing chip suitable for intelligent security, and license it to Haiwei.

These CCD chips and graphics image processing chips are high-end products within the 14nm process. At present, there is no production equipment in this area, that is, lithography machines.

In this cooperation framework, Magic Fairy Technology will be responsible for obtaining a 14nm process lithography machine for Hiway.

Regarding this promise of Magic Fairy Technology, Haiwei Company did not doubt whether they would be able to do so.

Previously, Xianxian Technology's top-level CCD chip manufacturing process for several major security companies in China reached 14nm, which indicates that Xianxian Technology has channels to obtain such lithography machines.

If Haiwei Company knows that Magic Immortal Technology is preparing to produce its own lithography machine, and can produce a lithography machine with a 10nm process, it will not be crazy.

This matter is not even known at the national level, because the only time that Magic Fairy has demonstrated the 10nm process is to produce the ghost-eye type 1 telescope for the country. All CCD chips produced at that time have undergone anti-disassembly processing. of.

At present, the world's top lithography process has reached 7nm, and the 14nm lithography machine obtained by Huaxian Technology is not enough to change the situation of Huaxia's backwardness in the semiconductor field. But if Huaxia was able to produce 14nm lithography machines independently, it would be completely different.

However, this matter is still a secret in Huaxian Technology, and Shen Bing doesn't want to make a storm in the city for the time being.

Such things as being in the limelight have no meaning to Shen Bing. He has more black technology in his hands, and he can't burst out all at once.

Ruth walked step by step, too many high-tech bursts in a short time, will cause trouble.


Three days later, the number of people searching in the northern suburbs of Rongcheng has gradually decreased, and it seems that they have given up.

Shen Bing is still sitting in front of the Central Control Center at the underground base around Longhu Island.

The picture on the screen is still the small farmhouse.

At this time at noon, the farmer couple seemed to have just returned from working outside, and suddenly stopped when they passed the stone path.

The woman looked around, while the man gently chopped the slate on the ground with his feet, very rhythmic.

After he was done, the man stood aside, and within a minute, the slate turned up, and then a parcel was passed out of it.

It was indeed handed out because there were still two hands.

Nima, there are people hidden underground.

Who would have thought that there were such strange things under this stone road.

Shen Bing guessed that the package delivered was likely to contain some missing component.

Looking at this scene, Shen Bing sneered at the corner of his mouth: finally can't help but jump out?

Shen Bing knew the means of these people very clearly, and he had a good view.

When receiving Wang Sheng's phone call at the first time, Shen Bing immediately let Thorn drive over with Xianxian.

At Xianxuan speed, it took only one minute from Longhu to the island to the incident.

After Thorn and others arrived at the scene, they did not show up immediately according to Shen Bing's instructions. Instead, they used a camera to transmit the scene images to the underground base intact.

Through those pictures, Shen Bing clearly saw fifteen camouflaged people below, each carrying a box and running towards the distance.

Among the green mountains and green trees ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These people are wearing special clothes and can't find them without looking closely.

Thorn followed the group of people and saw them crossing the stone road, prying open one of the stone roads, revealing a dark hole below. Except for one person, the others all jumped in.

The remaining man took out the contents of his box and hid in the hole.

Then the man ran straight into the distance carrying the empty box.

During the whole process, the couple next to the small farmhouse sent a whistle beside them.

Later, when the soldiers of the several squadrons searched over, they also asked the couple without causing any doubt.

Shen Bing speculated that the farm couple and these people were absolutely a group, and not the kind of temporary purchase, but a disguise of professionals.

I have to say that this group of people is very carefully deployed ...

Regardless of the mode of action, the minimum time required for rescuers to arrive, and the retreat route, they are seamless.

However, they have underestimated Shen Bing's ability.

But who would have expected that there would be such a powerful aircraft in this world and it would be invisible.

Just like a mortal person, the means by which you and the fairy can calculate are not on the same level at all, and this cannot be done.

In the next few days, Shen Bing kept Thorne and others staring at the hidden hole, and now it is almost time to close the net.

At this moment, the slate was covered again, and the man looked at the normal baggage and carried it on his back. He didn't go home and went straight in the other direction.

"Thorn! You follow up and see what this guy plays."

After Shen Bing ordered, he took out the eyes of the demon and a set of professional equipment to cooperate with the eyes of the demon and clearly transmitted the picture to the big screen. 8)

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