Fairy Technology

Chapter 497: Shouldn't it be a bug?

With a smirk on his face, Shen Bing said, "I can't control them crying or crying. But I'm really looking forward to what the prices of these two companies' products will be for the elderly."

Wang Sheng has pity for those mobile phone manufacturers.

Obviously, Shen Bing has made up his mind to grab the market on high-end machines. As for the low-end products, let others kill them.

Who makes the most profitable high-end products? Think of Apple Inc.'s reliance on less than 20% of the world's shipments to account for more than 80% of the profits of the mobile phone industry.

Now Wang Sheng only looks at the excellent performance of this phone's display screen, and the initial doubts have not been resolved.

He was about to ask, and suddenly remembered a very important situation.

"Boss, it seems that I ordered Doudou to play the video just now? You are the owner of the mobile phone, but I can order him. Should I have encountered a bug?"

Shen Bing rolled his eyes and said, "Is there a bug in the artificial intelligence I have made?"

"Isn't the previous Dragonscale system only commandable by the owner himself? Or at least it must be authorized by the owner." Wang Sheng was puzzled.

Shen Bingdao: "This is the strength of our mobile phone. Its chip is an intelligent chip independently developed by our company, which can better run the Dragon Scale program. Even in standby mode, it can also deal with the surroundings. Analyze and judge things. For example, just now, I pushed the phone in front of you and asked you to verify the function of the new phone. Doudou has determined that I approve you to use the phone. At that time, even if you started my phone, It can also be successfully completed. Of course, the judgment made by the Dragon Scale system is not just based on the attitude of the owner. You can understand it as a real person, you can judge the owner's joy, sorrow and joy, and you can guess the owner's heart. I can even judge the situation the owner is facing. "

"So powerful?" Wang Sheng was a bit dumbfounded.

Although the previous dragon scale system was great, it couldn't do this.

Shen Bingxiao smiled: "In fact, the previous Dragonscale system also has such functions, but because the previous chip did not have unstructured logic operation capabilities, it cannot perform complex logical reasoning."

Wang Sheng's eyelids jumped, which was also overwhelming.

"Its system and display are so powerful, but they ca n’t be charged. Is n’t it different? Boss, are n’t you going to use wireless charging? Samsung and Apple ’s mobile phones have already proven that wireless charging is a chicken rib. . "

Before Shen Bing spoke, Doudou said, "You're a chicken rib! Your whole family is a chicken rib!"

Wang Sheng's open mouth was enough to stuff a duck egg: "Boss, your intelligent core is very personal."

"Of course!" Doudou said, "Is my wireless charging technology comparable to the immature technology of Samsung and Apple? The mobile phone on the charging stand is also called wireless. Charging? That ’s not as good as wired charging, at least wired charging can make a long power cord move around. And the wireless charging I use does n’t require any charging base at all, just plug the charging terminal into the power source, and the mobile phone is in Barrier-free charging can be achieved within 100 meters. "

Wang Sheng was full of skepticism. He felt that the boss must have set up a self-proclaimed character for Doudou, which was too great.

The bean-shaped villain pouted on the screen and said, "You don't have to believe it, anyway, you know very well."

"Uh ..." Wang Sheng was very injured. No one has ever evaluated him like this, but he can't always have general knowledge of an artificial intelligence? Not to mention this artificial intelligence is still the boss.

Wang Sheng went on to say: "Okay! Even if your charging function is great, but ..."

Waiting for Wang Sheng to finish, Doudou immediately said, "What is it even? My charging technology is already awesome."

Come on! This Doudou also has a woman character, which is very resistant to Wang Sheng's perfunctory words.

"Okay! Okay! Your charging technology is superb ..."

"You are still perfunctory."

Wang Sheng felt that he was about to collapse ...

Shen Bingxi smiled and said, "Okay, Doudou, don't have any general knowledge with Pharaoh. Please explain the camera to him again."

"Huh! I don't know anything about you as a bun." Doudou said.

Wang Sheng smiled bitterly, and did not dare to say anything, otherwise the ghost knew what he would experience next.

Doudou continued: "My body uses a hidden camera with 20 million effective pixels. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the lens adjustment technology I use is definitely the best in the world. Photos are not worse than existing professional SLRs. "

"Cough ..." Wang Sheng couldn't help but cough, and said, "Wait, Doudou, I know a little bit about the camera industry. Are you sure that your camera can be compared with a professional SLR? Well, I know our company. The lens technology is great. But is it based on a large enough lens, you have a mobile phone lens-or a hidden lens, can have such a good effect? ​​"

Doudou rolled his eyes, a look I was too lazy to explain.

That fully anthropomorphic expression was irritating.

Shen Bing said, "Okay, Pharaoh! Doudou said that's almost what it looks like. There are other small technical innovations, so I won't introduce them one by one. Then I will let you send detailed parameters to your office mailbox. in."

After hearing this, Wang Sheng couldn't help swallowing.

After a short while, Wang Sheng said with some difficulty: "Boss, are you going to launch all the high-tech contained in this phone directly?"

"Of course! This is not really high technology," Shen Bing calmly said.

Wang Sheng calmed his little heart. Fortunately, he and Shen Bing belonged to one group, otherwise he would be scared to death by this statement.

This is not high tech. What is high tech? This sentence is absolutely despising that Apple mobile phones are using old-fashioned technology.

"No! Boss." Wang Sheng felt that he still needed to remind him again, "I think, from the perspective of product marketing, we should not invest all high-tech all at once. For example, we are now launching mobile phones , The use of screen technology and chip technology, so that the company can make a profit. Wait another year or two, we will launch 2 generations of products, and then get wireless charging technology up, and by the way optimize chip technology. And so on "We can keep selling the product, and consumers are happy to pay for it."

The truth Wang Sheng said is also the most mainstream marketing method adopted by major companies at present, using various gimmicks to change money from consumers' pockets.

And the smoothest way to play this strategy is Apple. 45789, change a pattern every year, plus S, PLUS or something in the middle, it is a joy to make money. Even if you do n’t use any new technology, you can zoom in on the screen to make a wave.

Shen Bing smiled and said: "General Manager Wang, I understand the reason you said. But your rules are only for companies with different technical strengths. For our company, the technical content of this phone has already Very low. "

Wang Sheng opened his mouth, but there was a feeling of speechlessness.

No way, other people say this, it's called bragging. The boss said this, it was really great.

"Boss, how much do you plan to price this product?"

"This ... I can't decide."

"Boss, you ..." Wang Sheng was very aggressive. Are you the boss? You don't know the price of your own company's products, who knows?

Shen Bing said with a smile: "It depends on what price Apple sets for its products."

Wang Sheng opened his mouth slightly, and his heart was like a mirror.

Boss, this is the rhythm that is going to be right with Apple!

I don't know if Apple Chairman Betty will faint in the toilet.

Shen Bing then instructed: "Lao Wang, in addition to worrying about offline experience stores, you also need to arrange for people to send this product for inspection, obtain online qualifications and corresponding approval procedures."

"It's simple!" Wang Sheng said easily.

With the current influence of Huaxian Technology, no one would dare to deliberately stick to the company's neck. As long as the product itself has no problems, it will have results soon after being reported.

Just when Wang Sheng stood up and prepared to leave ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I suddenly remembered something, and said immediately: "Boss, the equipment required by the Nuclear Research Institute last time was made two days ago. Send someone to take the equipment away. "

"Oh, this is a trivial matter."

Wang Sheng didn't say anything. He could describe the parts of the nuclear fusion reactor as a trivial matter, and there was only Shen Bing in the world.


After Wang Sheng left with a brand-new cell phone, Shen Bing began to fiddle with this new technology-explosive new cell phone.

"If you have a good thing, of course you have to use it yourself." Shen Bing smiled and said, "Doudou, help me post a Weibo!"

"send what?"

"Send a picture of yourself." ..

"Okay. Do you need any text?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't think it's worth matching words anymore, it seems a bit mysterious." Doudou's voice was full of confusion.

Shen Bing said indifferently: "That's it."

Then Shen Bing tossed the new phone aside, took out the phone from the gate of the fairyland, and spit out: "Can't you move a nest to this thing?"

Entering the gate of the fairyland, Shen Bing's character is standing on a vast grassland.

This is what he teleported yesterday. After waiting for so long, he hasn't seen the task of gathering the seven saints. Shen Bing was anxious! Want to come and see what kind of moth the Cattle Devil is making.

As a result, the Demon King was not found, and the Lion and Camel King were not found.

This particular thing is awkward.

Today is the 2nd, only five days away from this month.

If you find the Lion Camel King, but the shadow is not found now, he is anxious!

At this moment, he opened the task list at will, and suddenly saw that the mission of the seven saints gathered above was actually completed.

"What's the matter? Then the old cow is overwhelming?"

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