Fairy Technology

Chapter 513: This picture is too beautiful!

The two pilots looked at each other and their plane was hacked? Which way is this offending?

They hesitated for a second, then quickly pressed the operation button forward, but it did not respond.

The plane is under control!

This is simply disastrous news.

They have no doubt that the other party is fully capable of letting the aircraft perform a free fall.

Belly dance? What the **** is this all special!

Suddenly, the skeleton spoke again: "It seems you don't quite understand the current situation. Try it first."

Then, they suddenly felt that the fuselage suddenly fell ...


Shen Bing's perspective has been paying attention to the bedroom. He saw a Middle Eastern man carrying a glass of red wine towards the soft big bed, pulling the veil with his left finger, and the person inside was completely exposed. Live a delicate body.

The man admired his face and was intoxicated.

Immediately after he bowed down, he would lift the wire covering him.

At this moment, he felt a strong sense of weightlessness instantly.

Then ... the whole body emptied!

He dared to pack tickets, which was definitely not his own initiative, but the plane crashed.

"Ah ..." A strong fear filled his brain instantly.

Not only him, but the contents of the room, including the sleeping beauty on the bed, all floated up.

The man's scream didn't last for half a second, and he stopped like a duck stuck in his neck, because his feet touched the ground again.

"What's the matter?" The guy was aggressive.

Did the plane fail? This is impossible! As an ideal local tyrant, he takes his own small life very seriously, so he requires that every plane must be strictly checked before taking off.

Or is it experiencing strong airflow? Nima, what airflow can blow the plane directly!

The local prince could not find the answer. Although the little beauty in front of him had a strong temptation, it was obvious that his own life was more important. He immediately got up and went to the cockpit to ask for an understanding.

When passing the outside cabin, the four men there were still in shock, and when they saw the tyrant prince stepping out, they seemed to want to ask something, but in the end did not speak.

When the tyrant prince pushed the metal door of the cockpit, he was all bad.

These two **** actually danced belly dances inside.

What a special two men! Have you ever seen two men taking off their pants and shaking their belly charmingly?

Anyway, the tyrant prince felt very spicy eyes.

"Stop it for me!" Roared the tyrant prince.

When the two guys dancing belly dance saw the boss come in, they seemed to see a savior, and they immediately complained when they stopped.

But as soon as they stopped, the whole plane fell down again, and the weightlessness was terrifying.

The reaction speed of the two pilots is really not covered, and immediately twisted his belly to continue belly dancing.

"His prince! You saw it too, we couldn't stop at all."

The local prince was aggressive, Nima! Is this something special? Can belly dancing stop the crash?

Just when he was puzzled, the skull on the screen said, "Yo? Here's another dance? I'll give you three seconds to invite you to this grand ball. I believe you won't have any opinion? "

The two pilots had the same expression as their father. If His Royal Highness danced a belly dance in front of them, they would definitely be fired even if they did not die.

However, no matter what kind of consequences, it is not more deterrent than the immediate crash.

And the local prince obviously did not have that kind of crisis consciousness. He still thought about who was actually playing a prank with himself?

Unfortunately, the time was only three seconds. When the two pilots saw His Royal Highness in hesitation, they immediately filled his eyes with fear: "Her Royal Highness, jump quickly!"

"Jump ..." He didn't say a word, the state of weightlessness came again, and the call of horror spread across the cockpit immediately.

As for the exclamation outside, they could not hear it.

"Dance! Hurry up and dance!" A pilot roared quickly, regardless of who the prince was.

The tyrant prince was not a fool at all. After thinking for a moment, he knew what he should do now, and immediately followed the rhythm of the two pilots.

At the same time, the plane stopped falling and continued to move forward smoothly.

"Specially, who can tell me what is going on?" Prince Tyrant roared as he danced.

One of the pilots said with a sad face: "His prince, I'm sorry to tell you that our plane is controlled by a hacker who likes to be spoofed."

"Hacker? Can you control the plane?" Prince Tyrant teased my expression.

There are countless hacking incidents in the world every day, and there are also countless aircraft flying in the sky every day, but he has never heard of any hacker who can control the aircraft.

"I don't want to accept this result, but it's true." The pilot said bitterly as he danced.

The skull on the screen spoke again: "His Royal Highness Prince, are you too unprofessional to dance? You don't even show your belly when dancing belly dance? Negative!"

"His prince, take off your robes! Otherwise we will fall down again!" A pilot hysterically shouted.

The tyrant's face rose like a pig's liver, but unfortunately he did not have any means to check and balance each other. In order to avoid the danger of crash, he could only take off his robe.

Poor he had planned to go to the fish and water with the beauty before, and he didn't even have any pants! This picture is not too beautiful ...

Just then, the metal door to the cabin was pushed open again, and two heads came in.

"Prince Emir, you ..."

"It looks like our dance party is very popular! Since we are all here, let's get together!"

In less than half a minute, those four guys also joined the ranks of belly! Poor that narrow cockpit, crowded with seven big men, similar to canned sardines.

Belly dancing in this environment is definitely a nightmare that they will never forget in their lifetime.


This scene of the cockpit didn't escape Shen Bing's eyes, he just glanced a little and didn't dare to look at it for the second time.

Nima! Extremely spicy eyes.

"Qiuqiu, isn't it too fun for you?" Shen Bing spit it out.

Qiuqiu laughed and said, "Boss, don't you think these guys are jumping very happy?"

Shen Bing twitched at the corner of his mouth, could this not be joyful? If you are not happy, you will crash! Everyone has joy.

But anyway, this method of ball really prevented the atrocities of the tyrant prince ...

Shen Bing was very sure at this moment that Cheng Yixue was indeed in a coma. Because of these bumps, the thin wire on her body had fallen off half, revealing the white skin below, but unfortunately she did not show any signs of soberness.

At this moment, Shen Bing was very hesitant. Is it time for himself to rescue Cheng Yixue? Or wait for the plane to land before rescuing?

Obviously, the former has a higher risk factor, but the follow-up has less trouble.

Except for the two beautiful women who served the prince on the plane, everyone was dancing belly dance in the cockpit. If they wanted to, the two women could also join the dance.

In this way, one should be able to go in without knowing the ghost and rescue people.

However, Shen Bing did not plan to save people just like that.

Regardless of whether this tyrant prince is really the mastermind of stealing the heart of the blue, just because he forced the Chinese woman to be forced, Shen Bing already sentenced him to death. Huaxia originally had more men and fewer girls, but you also ran into the woman who wore Huaxia. Isn't this looking for shit?

For such a person, if he is handed over to the Huaxia police, I am afraid that whether he can be sentenced in the end is also two claims. After all, there is still a saying that there is a diplomatic pardon right in this world.

For one hundred, it is undoubtedly much easier to solve this trouble on the plane.

After a little thought, Shen Bing had a decision in his mind.

Within a quarter of an hour, Xianyu finally caught up with the plane.

Shen Bing immediately controlled the speed of Xianyu to keep it at the same speed as the aircraft.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Bing let Xianyu lean back slowly, using the ability of Xianyu to change the shape, and make it close to the aircraft door ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then Lu Xian shot and opened directly on the aircraft door A hole.

This is a private jet worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Shen Bing was not distressed at all in destroying it, and he was not his own.

The two successfully entered the aircraft from this passage.

The next thing is very simple. Lu Xianfeng stunned the seven people in the cockpit and quickly transferred to Xianyu. Shen Bing went to hold Cheng Yixue out and then stunned the other two women. It was also carried to Xianyu.

"Lu Xian, has everything in the black box been destroyed?" Shen Bing asked.

Lu Xiandao said: "It's all solved! Although the thing is still there, there is no data stored in it. And I have checked it and destroyed any equipment on the aircraft that might store audio and video files."

Shen Bing nodded and said, "That way, let's go. The ball, the rest is left to you."

Having said that, Xianyu broke away from the plane and flew towards Egypt.

And that luxurious private jet, under the control of the ball, planted down towards the ground ...

Regardless of the impact of the plane's crash, Shen Bing didn't care about it. He just wanted to pull out the information in these guys' brains as soon as possible.

Above the fairy tale, Lu Xian grabbed a person still on a chair, and put a conscious reading device on his head.

Twenty minutes later, Shen Bing looked at the tyrant prince with a bit of compassion. What can he say? All I can say is that you are unlucky. But thinking that this guy had just prepared to scourge the Huaxia woman, Shen Bing's mercy was thrown away again.

At this moment, Shen Bing has basically understood the course of the matter, and I have to say that the layout of this group is indeed seamless. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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