Fairy Technology

Chapter 727: Really can't be too proud!

Absorbing energy and understandably, the huge electrical energy that disappeared before was absorbed by that gene segment.

Millions of kilowatt hours ...

However, in Shen Bing's view, it doesn't matter if you can absorb it again.

But what the **** are you shooting?

Under normal circumstances, energy can be emitted in two ways. One is naturally similar to wireless charging, which transfers energy to other units.

The other is signal transmission.

But whether it is charging a unit or shooting out the signal, it is worrying.

The origin of this genetic code is extremely mysterious, derived from the mysterious bug in the pyramid. What is the origin of the bug? No one knows that any recorded insect on the earth can't correspond to it.

And the dark matter structure constructed by this gene fragment actually has a special function. Is this a coincidence? Or is there a deeper reason?

The chance of coincidence is slim.

What is the underlying reason?

Suddenly, a thought came to mind in Shen Bing: aliens.

Will this bug stay on Earth? The aliens implanted the genetic code in this mysterious insect and hid it in a special loop. Once a clever creature gets this insect and unlocks that loop, this gene fragment will crazyly absorb energy, and then shoot the energy ...

"Aliens ... Energy ... Signals ..."

Thoughts kept flashing in Shen Bing's mind, and suddenly he thought of something, and the horror on his face grew stronger.

"Fuck! Couldn't it be a coincidence?" Shen Bing uttered a spit, and regardless of Clarus, immediately let the ball notify Master Qiao to rush to the aerospace experimental area, and he hurried over quickly.

Clarence was completely confused, completely unaware of the situation.

"Is there anything wrong with my research?" Clarence said with a bit of depression. "It can be verified based on various data. Is this the case? Would you like to get the real thing completely?"


Shen Bing came to the aerospace experimental area, and Master Qiao was one step ahead of him.

"Master, tell me to come here. Is there anything wrong?" Master Qiao asked as soon as he met.

This guy's temper is also arrogant. If it is a puppet artisan, there are definitely not so many problems. Let it come over and wait for it.

Shen Bing didn't blame it, and immediately greeted him to the huge showroom. In the center of the room, a huge metal mech was placed.

It is as big as a ten-story building, giving a great visual impact.

"Master Qiao, scan this mech immediately to see if there is anything special about it?" Shen Bing ordered.

Master Qiao did not make nonsense, his eyes were directed at Mecha.

After a few seconds, Master Qiao frowned and said, "This thing is nothing special. Although there are places containing dark matter and dark energy, it is not special."

"Do you remember the mysterious gene fragment you did before? Think about it, is there a connection between the two?" Shen Bing had to take the initiative to remind.

Master Qiao was thinking hard, and suddenly he stared, "Boss, what you said really made me look strange."

"What a strange place?" Shen Bing asked impatiently.

Master Qiao said: "It's like this. The dark matter structure we made earlier has something in common with a dark matter structure in it. Although I don't understand what its function is, I can be sure he is from the same Human hand. "

"Sure enough! The basket of emotions was carried out by myself." Shen Bing smiled bitterly.

He understands that the same person Master Qiao does not really mean the same person, it may be the same organization, or even the same civilization.

This also basically confirmed Shen Bing's speculation that the mysterious gene fragment and this mysterious mech were from the same alien civilization.

The mysterious gene fragment is unknown in the body of the mysterious insect, and the mysterious mech is silent in outer space!

Everything is a coincidence!

I got that kind of bug by coincidence. The coincidence of the circular gene fragment appeared, and it was restored by the extremely high genetic technology. Then I accidentally input a huge amount of energy.

After gaining energy, that gene fragment was projected in a way that humans can't yet see.

The receiver is likely to be this mech, and it is precisely because of the energy or signal emitted by the gene fragment that this mech suddenly rushes to the earth.

But I do n’t know if it ’s too old, this mech went awry, instead of falling directly to Rongcheng, it fell to the United States on the other side of the earth.

This almost made the group of Yankees think that they were pityed by God, and they sent an alien to the courier. How could they know that the result was nothing but joy.

Shen Bing frowned. Although all the above are just his guess, the possibility is inseparable ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, he is worried about another problem. If this mech is the sole receiver of the energy, then It's better, but if the gene segment is transmitting signals to multiple targets at the same time, including even the signals from the stars of alien life, then the trouble will be great.

"Nima! People shouldn't be too proud, otherwise the stones they lifted would easily hit their own feet." Shen Bing laughed bitterly.

He immediately commanded: "Master Qiao, you immediately trace the new dark matter structure you have discovered, and then send it to Clarence for research."

Master Qiao said: "That's no problem! Just what about the dark matter observation equipment research? Slow down first?"

Shen Bing was immediately depressed, and there was not enough manpower!

"How long do you estimate it will take to paint this dark matter structure?" Shen Bing asked.

Master Qiao said: "It takes almost two days, because some of the structures are the same as before, otherwise it will take longer."

Shen Bingdao: "Then delay for two days first, they will push the work on the equipment research side first, and you will help them deal with the accumulated problems two days later."

"Understand! Master." Master Qiao answered.

Shen Bing immediately asked Master Qiao to go to work, but himself, he went back to the genetic experiment area to find Clarence.

At the moment Clarence was directing several assistant drawings, and none of the drawings on the computer screen were a small part of that dark matter structure.

"Clarence, what are you doing?" Shen Bing asked.

Clarence said: "Boss, I am going to reconstruct this dark matter structure with conventional matter to reach the most accurate conclusion."

Shen Bing's head suddenly became big, did she think it was not big enough?

"Don't rebuild! At least not now!"

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