Fairy Technology

Chapter 763: Dig into Heaven!

The mother-in-law saw it, and Shen Bing didn't want to reveal her details. Originally she wanted to ask who this teacher was, but now she was too lazy to ask.

In fact, she is also wise, because even if she asks, Shen Bing will also be full of horses, because he does n’t have any masters at all, and it is estimated that he will teach himself, but will the mother believe it? of course not.

The mother now began to have a real headache, and she found that she seemed to take it for granted.

"Mother-in-law, how well did you think about what I said just now, but this immortal has limited patience." Shen Bing's words were full of threats.

"This is impossible!" The mother-in-law said coldly, "This seat is never protected from any threats! Even if you really lift Tao Taoyuan to the bottom, this seat is the same attitude. Only the cause and effect here, I am afraid you must bear it yourself The Taoyuan Garden is one of the most important spiritual roots in the fairyland. Although it is in charge of this seat, it is actually related to every fairy in the fairyland. I believe that you can also know the power of it. "

Shen Bing twitched her mouth, this old lady really slyly like a fox, when was she seen by this crazy woman to be flawed? Actually know that they care about cause and effect.

Well, it's not that you care about cause and effect, but the system **** often cares about this stuff.

Give yourself punishment at every turn. Who can bear it? The Sanqing Dao ancestors were not afraid of themselves, but they paid close attention to the system.

The Queen Mother just said that right, and she picked some peaches by herself, which was really nothing, and it would not affect the immortals of the fairyland. But if the entire Taoyuan Garden is really destroyed, the cause and effect will be great.

This is not easy to do.

Suddenly, Shen Bing's heart moved. It seemed that he didn't need to threaten Taoyuan. Directly threaten the Queen Mother herself.

"Mother-in-law, do you believe in cause and effect?" Shen Bing asked leisurely.

The mother-in-law was a little at a loss, but said with a sneer: "Except for the three ancestors of Sanqing Dao, who doesn't touch the cause and effect?"

"Then you dispose of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl like this, aren't you afraid of cause and effect? ​​And you are still not afraid of being punished by Heaven in the case of taking an oath to Heaven?" Shen Bing said.

The mother-in-law didn't have any flustered expression, saying, "The cause and effect of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl are all in themselves, and the cause planted by themselves must swallow this effect. As for the heavenly oath, this seat does not violate the oath.

Shen Bing leisurely said: "That's just that you think it's right, Tiandao may not think so. Your behavior is not only a violation of your vows, but also a fool of Tiandao and digging for Tiandao!"

The mother-in-law is aggressive, what is it to dig a pit for heaven? I just played a word game.

Suddenly, the mother-in-law had a tense idea. As one of the gods in the immortal world, her strength was beyond doubt. But at this moment, she felt like an ant. In the face of a mysterious existence, life and death were only one thought.

She is the venerable **** who existed in ancient times, and immediately felt what the pressure was.

"Jiuxiao Shenlei!" The mother horrified.

This thing is exclusive to Tiandao. Why did it suddenly pop up? Is Tiandao reborn?

Although Jiuxiao Shenlei is still in the making, the pressure is enough to make people collapse.

"Oh! It seems that Tiandao is on my side!" Shen Bing smiled proudly.

The mother-in-law felt the increasing pressure, it seemed that there might be a purple thunderbolt falling from the sky at any time ...

"Okay! Since it is the will of heaven, this place puts the cowherd and the weaver girl together." The mother-in-law said quickly.

There is nothing wrong with this. Whoever dares to violate the meaning of heaven?

Shen Bing laughed heartily, this method of pulling tiger skin and pulling the banner was really good, at least the mother-in-law bluffed her.

However, he knew that he was just bluffing just now, because he couldn't use the Jiuxiao Rune, at least not to the Queen Mother.

Because when I took out the Jiuxiao Rune and set the target as the Queen Mother, I received a system warning.

The queen mother is the head of the fairy goddess. The killing will hurt the essence of the fairy kingdom, and Shen Bing will be entangled with cause and effect, which is more serious than raising Taoyuan.

Fortunately, Shen Bingben did not intend to really kill the queen mother, which was just a threat.

In fact, Shen Bing is sometimes quite confused. It is reasonable to say that he has used Zixiao Shenlei in the fairyland quite a lot. Even Erlang Shen and the third prince knew this, but there was no news about Jiuxiao Shenlei. Spread it out, the other immortals didn't know the sound of the wind, did these immortals of the immortal world have no spirit of gossip?

This doubt Shen Bing can only be in his heart.

Now that the mother-in-law "turned her mind", she finally promised to let the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, and Shen Bing's task was completed.

"That immortal is waiting!" Shen Bing said, "Two days later will be the Qixi Festival. If by that day, the immortal has not seen the Cowherd and Weaver Girl as the Qin and Jin dynasties, then the Queen Mother and Mother will break your vow.

After speaking, Shen Bing disappeared from the spot instantly.

The mother-in-law also wanted to say a few words to support the scene, but after thinking about it, she really did not take it anymore, but it ’s better to say it than to laugh, just to laugh.

"Mother-in-law, or else Xiaoyao will do this to Mingyu Emperor, and send Tianbingtian to catch this yao." Yao Xuan felt very angry inside.

The queen mother looked at the void and said, "No need! This ... Maybe it's God."

Providence ... will of heaven! Don't mix blindly.


"Nima, this old woman, toasting without eating and drinking!" Shen Bing looked at the Jiuxiao Rune, so let's not be so proud of it.

In fairyland, there should be no one who can threaten the Queen Mother? It is the ancestor of Sanqing Dao who also has a little respect for the Queen Mother.

However, Shen Bing did not get too proud, now two days after Qixi Festival. Er, strictly speaking, it will only be one day tomorrow. At that time, to see how the mother of the king behaves, if this old lady does not follow the routine, Shen Bing said that she must not run again.

"No! You have to beware of this!" Shen Bing secretly said, "In case the queen mother and mother are angry, they will directly chop the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, even if they hack the queen mother and mother, they will not be able to return to heaven.

Brains fluttered, and Shen Bing finally planned to stay in the heavenly prison of the immortal, anyway, for two days, just stay a little bit.

Although he is not strong, after all, there are Jiuxiao Runes in hand. This thing can't hack the queen mother, can those people under the queen maid can't hack? The big deal is to reduce the intimacy of some fairyland.

Just how to get into the prison, this is a technical job.

As far as the ancient times were concerned, all the prisoners in the prison were guilty of serious crimes, and the situation in the immortal world is estimated to be almost the same.

Think of a group of sinful gods ... can this be called a god? Maybe it's another monster ... this is a terrifying one!

What Shen Bing slightly wonders is, since there is such a thing in heaven as Tianjie, why haven't the demon monsters in it ever “posted” a mission? Are they more wantless than Sanqing Daozu?

Without a task, where do you go to find that prison?

"Nima! Why am I so stupid?" Shen Bing patted his head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Another telegraph was used up.

In the picture, the fantasy island is transferred to Yaochi Wonderland.

That's right, it's Yaochi Wonderland, and Shen Bing is here to find the Queen Mother.

At this moment, the mother-in-law just talked with two fairies such as Yao Xuan and was about to leave. Suddenly, the light and shadow changed, and the abominable villain actually appeared in front of herself.

Is it really special to use Yaochi Wonderland as an inn? Come when you want, leave if you want The Queen Mother has never been more aggrieved than she is now.

"Hello Niangni, meet again." Shen Bing said with a smile.

The mother-in-law's face was not so good, she said coldly, "What's the matter?"

Shen Bing joked: "It's okay, suddenly I remembered that the mother-in-law said that the Cowherd and Weaver Girl was detained in the prison, so she was very curious about the prison, so she planned to go to prison.

The mother-in-law had a weird feeling, and every time she said a word, she was deliberately angry at herself!

Going to Tianlun? What's so good about Tenryu?

The queen mother had a keen mind and sneered: "I think you are worried that this seat is not good for the Cowherd and Weaver Girl?"

Shen Bing shrugged and said, "This is what you said, I didn't say it."

The queen mother's mouth was drawn, and the meaning did not mean: I actually meant it, but I didn't say it ...

"Tian prison is a forbidden place in heaven! Ordinary people are not allowed to enter!" Said the mother-in-law.

Shen Bingdao: "Is Tao Taoyuan also a forbidden area in heaven? Besides, I didn't steal Tao Tao some time ago. With this blame, I should be able to break into the prison, too. You will bring Benxian to the prison. Yes. What does the Queen Mother think? "

The mother-in-law was very puzzled. At this moment, she even wondered whether her guess was correct. Did Shen Bing really enter the prison to protect the Cowherd and Weaver Girl?

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