Fairy Technology

Chapter 790: Who's right?

Nine heads left tremblingly, and he didn't want to see the cowherd and weaver girl show affection for a moment.

Although the way they show affection and love is very low-key, with a look and a smile, they are all inseparable emotions.

Even Shen Bing can feel this kind of affection across the screen.

Fortunately, Shen Bing is also pregnant with two beautiful things-uh, I have thought about it a lot, but I haven't won it yet, but at least everyone has a tacit understanding, and Shen Bing also has a little resistance to this tenderness.

As soon as the Cowherd and Weaver Girl was arranged, Shen Bing was going to exit the gate of the fairyland-because the blue lobster was almost ready.

Before he quit, he clicked on the task list and suddenly found something that surprised him.

The task about clairvoyance has finally become completed.

A few days ago, Shen Bing had already received the reward for this task, but that was given by Gao Jue in advance as a last resort, but in fact he did not let go of his alert.

I don't know why, this task was actually completed. Does this guy already believe his own words?

This is also the only possibility, otherwise, according to the urine of the system, this task can never be completed.

"Why did this guy suddenly figure it out?" Shen Bing muttered.

In fact, what Shen Bing didn't know was that the news that he was still alive had spread in the fairyland. As for who came, did the ghost know?

At the time, Shen Bing was "resurrected from the dead" and came to Yaochi Wonderland again. Many servants of the Queen Mother saw it. It is not surprising that the news spread.

From Gao Jue's point of view, since Shen Bing is not dead, and she lingers around in front of the queen mother, then the primary hatred of the queen mother is definitely pulled on the maiden. As long as the lover is not dead, the queen mother will never consider looking for and associates. .

But this guy Shen Bing can still survive after being pushed to cut Sendai. It is not easy for such a person to die, so Gao Jue was relieved.

The task is completed, but the reward has already been received, and there are no more surprises.

However, this is still a task number, whether it is the daily task of this month or the number of tasks required for system upgrade ...

"Well? Also forgot to see the upgrade conditions of the gate of the fairyland."

Thinking of this, Shen Bing immediately checked the upgrade conditions of the gate of the fairyland.

"Nima! Don't wait to be so playful, right?" Shen Bing couldn't help spitting. Who can accomplish this upgrade condition?

At the time, Shen Bing saw that the gate of the fairyland was upgraded from the second level to the third level, but he already thought it was a tragedy, but now he found that compared with the current level of the upgrade level, it was all pediatrics.

"System upgrade conditions: 1.200,000 jade; 2.Destroy an alien base."

The first condition, Shen Bing, simply ignored it. Although there are more than 200,000 fairy jades, for Shen Bing, it is just a number.

But what is the second condition?

Destroy an alien base? Is it in the game? Or in reality?

Well, the game is unlikely, after all, there is no such thing as an alien base in Fairyland.

Destroy an alien base in reality? Shen Bing really thinks, the key is where is your alien base?

This is just a hassle. What's more important is that you have the ability to destroy the alien base?

Human beings have been working to find alien life, but so far, let alone an alien, not even an alien dog ...

This at least shows that there can be no alien bases in the solar system.

With the company's development plan planned by ourselves, human beings want to enter the space age, and it will not be possible in two or three years. And the entry of humans into the space age does not mean that alien civilization can be found immediately. Even if an alien civilization is really found, it may not be able to destroy the opponent's base.

Having said so much, it only illustrates one fact: the upgrade of the 4th level fairyland gate is far away.

It seems that my previous decision is correct. After completing the upgrade, no matter how high the item level, first go through it in the eyes of the real. Don't do the stupid thing to wait for the portal of fairyland to upgrade to level 4.

"Just ... this level must still be upgraded, alien base!" Shen Bing considered.

At this time, the blue lobster finally became rich and delicious, and Gao Jingchuan, Liu Jin and Li Xiao began to enjoy it.

The same large amount of shrimp was placed in front of Shen Bing, and while he was eating, he was still thinking about the alien base.

Undoubtedly, this sudden upgrade condition made him a little hesitant.

"The system will never come up with an incomplete upgrade mission for no reason. What if an alien base is hidden in the solar system?"

Somehow this idea suddenly popped up.

Shen Bing suddenly felt a creepy feeling, and looked up at the sky for a moment, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him.

Of course, Shen Bing's worries are not without reason. The spaceship that fell in the old United States before also proved this?

If that spaceship does not exist alone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but from an alien base ...

Nima, things seem a bit big.

Gao Jingchuan just put a tender lobster sashimi in the mouth, but saw Shen Bing's absent-minded look, and immediately asked: "Shen Bing, what do you want?"

Shen Bing paused and said, "Think about aliens."

Gao Jingchuan drew a corner of his mouth and said: "Are you not feverish? What aliens did you think about early in the morning? Although your company has already begun an airplane, but the distance is not as far away as the universe, do you think that aliens are now considered? Is it too early? "

Shen Bing grinned and said, "A person must have near-term concerns without far-sightedness, who can tell?"

This is so reasonable, but Gao Jingchuan was speechless.

Worrying about aliens, this is indeed a long-term consideration, but if you really care about this, you might as well consider the devastating impact that the degradation of the earth's environment will have on humankind.

Liu Jin apparently didn't care what they said, while fighting the lobster dishes, staring at a brochure-this is the cruise schedule introduction.

After turning two pages, Liu Jin suddenly shouted in excitement: "Brother Shen, Brother Sichuan, there will be a fighting game in a while, or why not go for a fun?"

Shen Bing lacks interest. He has even seen fairy fights. What are some good ways for you to punch me and kick you?

Just as he was about to refuse, Gao Jingchuan said: "Since it's here, just go and have a look. There is no other better arrangement anyway in the morning."

Shen Bing thought about it, it seems that it really is.

After all, this time I was on a cruise ship for fun. In order to better complete the mission of the gate of the fairyland, it was nothing to stay in the room all day, but Gao Jingchuan also lay in the room for a few days. Does this trip make sense? ?

Thinking of the reminder of the previous ball, Shen Bing felt that it was necessary to turn around more ...

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