Fairy Technology

Chapter 796: What's the use of this?

As soon as Shen Bing's words fell, a figure flashed in front of him, and a familiar old man appeared in front of him.

This is exactly Sun Simiao.

"The lord calls the little god, but has already collected enough Qi Qi and Liu Yu Qi?" Sun Simiao looked expectantly.

Shen Bing said with a smile: "Of course! If there is a fairy, this little thing is naturally solved."

Sun Simiao immediately rejoiced and said, "Is that so?"

Shen Bing could not help rolling his eyes. Did n’t you just guess it yourself? Surprise now ...

In fact, Shen Bing doesn't understand the difficulty here. For people in the fairyland, things of joy and love are very common, even if it is one of the emotions of anger. But to say sorrow and fear, it is really hard to find.

This is not to mention the Six Desires. For the immortal immortal, it is harder to seek the six desires than to make the immortal feel sad.

Before Sun Yaoshen said to Shen Bing, he just said something casually. He didn't think that the other party really collected all the emotions. But I did not expect that Shen Bing's answer was abnormal self-confidence. Judging from his tone, the atmosphere of seven emotions and six desires must be collected.

This is not surprising that Sun Yaoshen was surprised, because he really did not understand how Shen Bing did this.

Shen Bing said casually: "Everyone is a man of immortality. Shouldn't he disdain to do this thing?"

Sun Yao Shen smiled, and heard a little dissatisfaction from Shen Bing's words, saying: "Master, please don't blame, this thing is really incredible. In the desperate fairyland, the emotion of the seven emotions and six desires is really too difficult to collect. Even if the Jade Emperor went out in person, he would not necessarily be able to handle this passion. "

Shen Bing smiled, and did not intend to continue entanglement on this issue, saying: "Let's stop talking about Qi Qi Liu Qi Qi. Regarding the evolution of the monster that Benxian mentioned to you last time, there is a proper solution. Policy?"

This time it was Sun Yaoshen's self-confidence. When he saw a big wave of his hand, he said boldly, "The NPC can rest assured in this matter. Isn't that a beast evolved into a monster? For Sun Siyi, this But it's a trivial matter. "

Speaking of which, Sun Simiao did a trick, and a golden yellow elixir appeared in the palm of his hand, saying: "This object is called Xinjiedan. It can help those mortals or beasts who have enough strength but lack the mood to spend their hearts. Experience and complete the most important step from Fan to Xian. "

Shen Bing listened for a moment.

Heart experience? Cats have heart? Cat heart?

Forget it, there is a lot of headaches in this matter. Shen Bingfei, who is not an immortal, naturally can't figure out what's going on inside.

Since Sun Simiao said so, he didn't plan to go any further and took the golden elixir from the other side, saying gratefully: "Thank you Sun Xianyou for your help!"

Sun Simiao looked forward with optimism: "Theoretically, this elixir should not make any sense to the master, because there is no such thing as fairy beasts in fairyland. But since you have raised such a demand, you want something else. Now, I wonder if the little **** is lucky to see this lucky beast? "

Shen Bing is full of pain, Nima! You said that there are no beasts in fairyland, what else do you want to see? Do you have the ability to stand up?

But unfortunately, the vomiting of the heart could not be said, and Shen Bing could not bring Fifi to the fairyland.

The reason that the fairy beasts in the fairy realm can travel between the two realms is because there is a process of confessing the Lord. So far, Shen Bing does not know how to perform the process of recognizing the lords on those beasts.

"Sun Xianyou, I'm really sorry, my beast is really inconvenient to meet people." Shen Bingxi smiled and said an excuse that even she thought was shirk.

I didn't know that Sun Xianyou didn't have any dissatisfaction. He smiled and said, "It's okay! It's the little **** Tang Su."

"Uh ..." Shen Bing hesitated for a while, and confirmed that Sun Sizhen was really not angry, and then he continued: "Sun Xianyou, since you are known as the **** of medicine, I do n’t know if there is any better elixir, I'd better buy a few pills . "

Sun Simiao looked at Shen Bing and said: "Of course there are elixir, but most of them are only suitable for immortals. The elixir used for the evolution of beasts like the one just asked is also a scarce thing."

Shen Bingdao: "Are there any elixir that can prolong life?"

Sun Simiao was slightly surprised, and asked, "An elixir that prolongs life? What's the use?"

Shen Bing was so good that no old blood spurted out. What good is that? Why does this sound so proud?

Sun Simiao continued: "The immortals of the immortal realm are basically the same as those who live with heaven and earth. Even if they do not reach this level, they can easily live for hundreds of thousands of years. The lifespan that elixir increases, It doesn't make sense at all. But if you really have this idea, you can go looking for the longevity star, that is, the Antarctic sage. The life of the billions of souls of his master at that time, there should be elixir in this regard. "

Shen Bing was a little interested. He also dealt with the Antarctic sage, and was happy to get along.

However, the last time he asked him for a fairy peach, the old man only gave himself two peach cores, and it didn't look like a particularly generous master.

"Thank you for pointing me!" Shen Bing thanked him sincerely. Regardless of whether he really went to find the Antarctic Wonder, he had to get it.


Shen Bing did not wait for the cruise ship to stop at Lao Guo, and then disembarked.

It was Liu Jin who greeted one of his cruise ships to pick them up. After all this happened, You Xingquan was lost.

The original Captain Nick wanted to entertain them well, but Shen Bing really lacked interest.

But what captained Nick the most was the bodyguards of Shen Bing. He asked side by side where such bodyguards were hired, but Shen Bing only smiled indifferently and did not answer.

Just kidding ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can you hire a strong bodyguard like Li Xiao outside? Not to mention Li Xiao, even with skills like Wei Yu and others, there is no such thing.

The reason why Shen Bing was in a hurry to leave was not only because of lack of interest, but more importantly, to rush back to deal with some things.

The gate of Fairyland has just been upgraded, and he has obtained several practical new technologies. He needs to go back and pass these technical data to the ball, and then break it down to the various experimental groups, and they will thoroughly study these technical data.

On the other hand, the company's overall situation must also make some minor adjustments. Whether it is new energy or the aerospace field, it must make substantial actions, otherwise others will think that Shen Bing is playing.

The cruise ship arrived in Shanghai Port, and Shen Bing flew back to Rongcheng by his own plane ...

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