Fairy Technology

Chapter 811: Exciting news

People's concerns about the former are still a little bit smaller. Unemployment is unemployed. As long as human social production activities are not affected, it is still no problem to solve the current human clothing, food, shelter, and transportation.

At best, it is to improve the material distribution system from the institutional level, so as not to cause any major disturbances in society.

But the latter is not the same. Imagine that when robots are widely lagging in human society, if robot rebellion really occurs, it will be a great event for humankind to exterminate.

There are many people who hold this argument, but just as many have argued against it.

Those who dispute this view believe that since the intelligent robot produced by Magic Fairy Technology uses the Dragon Scale intelligent system, its reliability is still guaranteed.

The Dragonscale system has been running for more than half a year, and has had 400 million users worldwide. However, so far, no one has heard of any users reporting that their system has a problem.

For example, artificial intelligence produces autonomous emotions, and even has not been born in violation of the owner's instructions.

Not only the dragon scale system, but also the AI1i artificial intelligence developed by the company on the face is also very stable and reliable.

This phenomenon gives people a stronger confidence in artificial intelligence.

Since the intelligent robot uses an artificial intelligence system as the control center, as long as the artificial intelligence system is reliable enough, what other moths can the intelligent robot produce?


At the White House, a group of people were sitting together, and their faces were not good-looking.

"Everyone, what do you think about Magic Robots' intelligent robots?" Mr. President said with a straight face.

Secretary of Defense Kleizer said with a cold face, "Mr. President, in fact, you don't need to worry about this matter. Although China has developed intelligent robots, but our country is not bad? Not too long ago A smart robot. "

Mr. President laughed at himself: "What do you mean by a fast running thing that will fall down? It is completely incomparable with what the magic fairy technology has made."

The Minister of Defense was puzzled: "I also watched the video of the Fairy Technology Conference site. Those robots that haven't moved much fast, maybe they are not as good as our developed robots."

Kleiser's words resonated with many people.

In many people's opinion, although the magic fairy technology is powerful, how profound is the United States? The magic fairy technology company can create intelligent robots, the United States can also do it, even better than magic fairy technology.

Mr. President was silent and looked at a white-skinned middle-aged humane next to him: "Dr. Charlie, you should explain it to them."

"Cough ..." Dr. Charlie coughed a few times and glanced at the crowd before he said, "Don't underestimate the robot made by Magic Fairy Technology, passing the high camera we got from a site visitor. The captured video was analyzed frame by frame and finally determined a point. The gyroscope technology used in the body of this intelligent robot is far from our country. It can even ensure that the intelligent robot can smoothly make many specially trained humans cannot do it. It ’s difficult to move, and it can guarantee balance. Based on this, it has the potential to be used on the battlefield. "

Everyone has a scalp feeling, after all, basically all senior military officials present here.

Although the war is basically based on fighters, missiles and other combat methods, who dares to say that war will not send troops to the front line?

If you think about your own conflict with the Chinese side, they are likely to encounter the endless steel torrent, which is really chilling.

Kleiser asked, "Dr. Charlie, are you sure your analysis is correct?"

"of course!"

Kleizer's eyes became dignified and he said, "If the intelligent robots of Magic Fairy Technology can really be delivered to the battlefield, then we cannot sit still. Although the possibility of a current war is very small, no one wants to use flesh and blood with a group Mechanical combat. "

Mr. President looked at Kleiser and said, "What are your good plans?"

Kleiser went on to say: "For this matter, we can start from many aspects. First, we can ask Magic Fairy Technology not to use intelligent robots in the military. This has been raised before, and there are good reasons for the approval. Secondly, we should increase research investment in related fields, at least we can not be too far away from Magic Fairy Technology. Finally, is n’t Magic Fairy Technology ready to sell smart robots to the public? There is no restriction on the identity of the other party, and we can buy a batch of intelligence. When the robot comes back, on the one hand, it can conduct reverse research, on the other hand, it can also experimentally modify the intelligent robot to come up with our own fighting robot. "

The commander-in-chief of the navy, Barton, suddenly said, "Mr. President, Your Excellency, I have just received the news from the front-line exercise aircraft carrier. I believe you will be very excited after listening to it."

"What's the news?" Mr. President asked quickly, and he hadn't received any good news since he took office, let alone news that made him excited.

Barton said: "Just recently, our six generations of aircraft used new technology near the waters of Singapore to monitor China ’s stealth fighters."

"What?" Mr. President stood up instantly, as Barton said, he was indeed very excited.

For Mr. President, the type of stealth fighter that cannot be seen by the naked eye has always been a sharp sword hanging above Mr. President. Although he already knew the functions of the sixth-generation planes made by his country, he even heard scientific researchers introduce that the technology used by this fighter can crack the stealth technology of Huaxia. But this has not been tested in the end, is it?

To some extent, in addition to the US military ’s joint exercise with Singapore, in addition to trying to take the opportunity to put pressure on the magic fairy technology, the main reason is to use it to force China ’s stealth fighters to appear to verify The reliability of its six generations.

"Is the news reliable?" Kleiser asked frowningly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Button: "Absolutely reliable!"

Mr. President paced back and forth, and suddenly stopped afterwards: "Immediately ordered Boeing, Thor and other companies to immediately begin mass production of 'Seahawk' six-generation aircraft, and ensure that at least 5o Seahawk fighters will be assembled before the end of the year."

Kleiser's face suddenly showed a strange expression, and bitterly said, "Mr. President, the single counterfeit of the 'Sea Eagle' fighter aircraft is close to 500 million US dollars, 5o Sea Eagle fighter aircraft, what about the funding? Will Congress agree? "

Mr. President's mouth slightly angled, saying: "It's about their vital interests, these guys will never object. As long as we can take advantage of the fighter, the threat posed by robots will be reduced a lot."

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