Fairy Technology

Chapter 814: We are an honest company

Secretary Jiang and others are not stupid, naturally understand what Shen Bing said.

The reason why intelligent robots are called intelligent is because of their intelligent programs and automatic control capabilities. If you do n’t have such a capability, and instead switch to remote control, then this is not a smart robot.

But this is not to say that this kind of robot is useless. On the contrary, if it is used in war, it will be more useful.

Although artificial intelligence has intelligence that is not weaker than that of humans, this intelligence is limited to transactions with logical relationships. However, if it involves emotional and deep trade-offs, artificial intelligence cannot be compared with humans.

Although the war is rough and cruel, there are many things to be weighed in the course of the war.

It is much better for humans to participate in the war themselves than to leave everything to the robots to execute, especially this way that humans can participate in person without having to go to the scene in person.

On the other hand, if such an army of robots is controlled purely by artificial intelligence, even the Huaxia military will not be able to bear some drums when using it: the ghost knows if Shen Bing will create any back door in it?

Although Shen Bing is not necessarily trying to do something bad, it is not an overstatement to think of preventing it before it happens.

Especially with the technology of Huanxian Technology, the other party really wants to do some backdoor procedures in it, and others can't find it now.

However, if it is remotely controlled, it will be more easily accepted by the military.

It is definitely easier to control a group of people than to control a batch of machines that are not produced by ourselves.

"Mr. Shen, can you make this robot now?" Secretary Jiang asked.

Shen Bing nodded earnestly, and said, "Of course! Otherwise, what do I say?" ..

Secretary Jiang looked in the same direction as Director Liu. Director Liu finally said, "Mr. Shen, is the battery used by your smart robot the same as the battery we commissioned from your company?"

Shen Bing couldn't understand Director Liu's thoughts and said, "Director Liu can rest assured that this robot can also accept remote charging and can be used in conjunction with the aerial charging platform we have built."

Director Liu couldn't help but be a little excited. As long as such a robot solves the power problem, it is definitely a big killer.

Director Zhang's expression was a little complicated at the moment. His research team had just come up with a set of all-terrain automatic patrol individual soldiers. At that time, he also invited Shen Bing to come over for reference.

Although Director Zhang did not say it at the time, he was still a little bit proud.

But now I see the intelligent robot that Shen Bing has made. This little pride is really nothing.

Although the technical content of the all-terrain automatic patrol individual soldiers cannot be compared with that of intelligent robots, it still has unique features. Otherwise, Director Zhang can now drill the ground directly, and then any all-terrain automatic patrol individual soldier project can be cancelled. .

"Shen Bing, how much can you produce with such a robot?" Director Liu couldn't help asking.

Shen Bingdao: "For now, the daily output can reach almost oo units. However, our recent production capacity has increased rapidly. It is estimated that in less than a month, our production capacity can reach 3,000 units."

"Three thousand?" Director Liu was shocked, and asked, "Is it simple to make this robot?"

No wonder he was surprised. From the perspective of everyone, intelligent robots are absolutely high-precision equipment, and their manufacturing is extremely difficult. But now Shen Bing actually said that after one month, the daily output can exceed 3,000, which feels a bit like making toys.

Shen Bing smiled indifferently: "Director Liu is not surprised. Robot manufacturing is difficult or difficult, but simple and easy. The two biggest problems are one to ensure stable high-precision gyroscopes, and the other to servo motors and transmission systems. In the final analysis, these two problems are the issue of accuracy. For our company, accuracy will never be a stumbling block to our exhibition. Now all of this forms a production line, and it is not difficult to reach 3,000 units. Relatively speaking, currently restricting production Rather, it is raw materials. "

"Raw materials?" Don't even talk about Director Liu here, even Director Zhang and others are all in awe.

Others don't know the technical strength of Magic Fairy Technology, can they still not know? There is no such thing as an upstream industry in this company. Even metal products, from smelting to casting, are all self-reliant. The raw materials in Shen Bingkou refer to all kinds of ore.

But the most commonly used robots are steel and silicone. How much can a robot use? Why is there still a shortage of raw materials?

Shen Bingdao: "Yes, that's the raw material. The main structure of our robot is not ordinary steel, but a titanium alloy. This titanium alloy requires several rare metals, such as germanium and indium. These materials are in other countries It will not be sold to us, and there is very little circulation of these materials in our country. Even if we buy all of them regardless of cost, the output will not exceed 5,000 units. "

Director Liu and others fell into silence. Although they did not know the truth of Shen Bing's words, they understood the difficulty of obtaining rare metals. In particular, for some strategic metals, many countries have implemented export control, especially for companies with a clear Chinese label such as Magic Fairy Technology. If you want to import rare metals from abroad, just dream. Even domestically, such materials are strictly controlled.

Even if it wasn't for Magician Technology, it is estimated that even the channels for purchasing these rare metals could not be found, let alone research in this area.

"Three thousand, it's almost there," said Director Liu. "Mr. Shen, how long can you use this robot stably?"

Shen Bing is quite depressed. These days, he is having a headache for the rare metal issue. He originally intended to take the opportunity to solve this problem, but the other party did not accept the move, which is not easy to do.

"Director Liu, the quality of our products can be assured. For example, for chef-type intelligent robots, it will not be a problem for 20 years, and you will need to change batteries in the middle. Of course, if it is a robot for military warfare, As long as it is not directly hit by large-caliber anti-equipment weapons or artillery shells, there is no problem. Of course, robots used in war cannot use biomimetic materials, otherwise a real battle will be riddled with holes. "

Director Liu was very satisfied with Shen Bing's explanation, and immediately said with a smile: "I'm relieved that you have Mr. Shen's sentence. This time I also came over with the instructions above and purchased 100,000 units for remote control. Robot. The price is based on your company's offer, but we have a delivery time requirement, up to two months ... "

Director Liu was about to go on, Shen Bing exclaimed: "Two months? How is this possible? Although our daily output can exceed 3ooo Taiwan next month ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but this is our total output. Some of our products will be introduced to the market. After all, we have just deployed intelligent robots. If they are out of stock, we cannot justify it! "

Shen Bing was laughing in his heart. For his acting skills, it is probably okay to take a little golden man.

Secretary Jiang did not see Shen Bing's flowery intestines, and smiled, "Xiao Shen, your company is out of stock is not the norm. As far as I know, your phantom phone is still out of stock. For robots In the civilian market, you can also get a few thousand to deal with it first, and say that the production capacity has not been reached, and others will not think more about it? "

Shen Bing shook his head like a rattle, saying: "This is not possible! How can we fool the consumer if we are an honest company?"

Secretary Jiang and others have a feeling of crying and laughing. This kid is nonsense and knows a lot!

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