Fairy Technology

Chapter 821: The robot is still ordinary

The man could n’t refute. He was very clear. With their current income, if they really bought the car, the monthly gas money, insurance premiums, plus the mortgage repayment, do n’t want to have a deposit within three years. Want to buy a robot, at least seven or eight years later.

The two did not argue anymore. At this time, the store door opened and the staff began to organize everyone into the store.

的 The display in the shop is not much different from the past, but two people are standing at the gate. One is a young man in his twenties who is tall and straight, and the other is a young woman with a tall figure.

Both of them have perfect faces and can't pick up any flaws.


The two men said in unison, their bodies bowed 90 degrees, standard!

"I'm Ling Xian male robot, the first exhibit in our store. If you like male robots, you can pay at the cashier. At the same time, we provide custom-made services here. If you want to learn more, please follow me."

He spoke to the young man.

Everyone is surprised, is this a robot?

They have all watched the live video of the last banquet held by Huaxian Technology. Although the robot in the video is physically similar to humans, the body is made of metal, but the robot in front of it not only has physical and physical Humans are exactly the same, and even their skin, hair, and even pupils are just like humans, which has to be amazing.

But this surprise lasted only a few seconds, and then it was relieved.

A few years ago, a scientific research team came up with a bionic robot. Although it is very lacking in motion and intelligence, its skin appearance and other aspects have reached the level of false realism.

Now it is not surprising that Magic Fairy Technology has made such bionic skin.

And this guy's self-proclaimed, Lingxian? This tone is really quite big.

However, people have speculated that this name should be taken by Shen Bing, because since the establishment of Magic Fairy Technology, its product names often have the words Magic and Fairy.

It seems reasonable that I now call this robot a spirit fairy.

"I am the Ling Xian female robot in the second exhibit of our shop ..."

Another young woman also introduced herself and then acted as a clerk to receive customers.

办法 This method is really good. It not only demonstrates the robot's ability, but also saves manpower for the experience store. At the same time, the reception of the robot clerk has greatly stimulated the atmosphere in the store.

"I ordered an intelligent robot." The light rain, who was in the front row, walked to the cash register.

The clerk in charge of the cashier asked with a smile: "Do you need a male robot or a female robot?"

Xiaoyudao: "Female."

The husband standing behind her smiled, the voice of the female robot not far away is still in sight, although he may not really do anything extraordinary, but can a beautiful woman often dangle in front of her eyes, Isn't that pleasing?

第 一次 For the first time, he felt that his wife was so knowledgeable.

"I don't know if you have any special requirements for this robot? For example, appearance and age." The clerk said, "Our female robot comes with a total of ten different looks, which can be selected at will. Of course, if you want to customize the appearance of the model, We will charge an additional fee of 10,000 yuan. "

"Ten thousand?" Xiao Yu frowned, "Then the standard model is fine. I don't know what specific looks are available?"

"Look here." The clerk finished, and a screen automatically appeared on the counter with ten avatars clearly displayed on it.

This is a 3D display screen. Every avatar in it is completely clear, even the pores can be clearly seen.

"The display technology of Magic Fairy Technology is Niubi!" Xiao Yu's husband held out his head and looked at the ten heads. He couldn't help but admire it, but his eyes were a little bright.

The ten avatars on the screen cover all levels of 20 to 60 years old, almost ten years as an age group, each age group has two different avatars, one of which is not perfect, but it can also be considered handsome, The other looks are very ordinary.

However, Xiao Yuxian put a finger on the head of the 60-year-old aunt.

"Just choose this."

When Yu talked, Xiao Yu looked at her husband, and his eyes revealed the meaning of warning.

He originally wanted to persuade a man who dared to speak, but could only laugh and laugh, but his heart broke.

Such scenes appear in every offline experience store. Although people are curious about intelligent robots, and although everyone has a pursuit of beautiful things, a family really makes a beautiful or handsome robot at home, or Easy to cause things.

Who made this robot made by Magic Fairy exactly the same as a real person?

If a family is in trouble because the robot is too handsome or too beautiful, will there be a report in the newspaper called: Robot-induced murder?

So the robot is still trivial.

Maybe singles don't need to consider this question, but who can be single for a lifetime?

Uh ...

This is a historic day.

In less than half an hour, the Lingxian intelligent robots in all offline experience stores were sold out, and a total of 50,000 robots in the real sense entered people's lives.

This is equivalent to the magic fairy technology increased revenue of 5 billion in half an hour.

These money may not be worth much in the magic fairy technology, but for any other company, it is a wealth that cannot be ignored.

Not only that, as these robots enter the user's home, the cooking order website created by Magician Technology for chefs' intelligent robots, the Kitchen God website, has also become popular.

辣 A plate of spicy chicken 100 yuan, a plate of onion burst beef 900 yuan ...

This is not the price of a dish, but the price of a piece of data. With this data, the intelligent robot can make the corresponding cuisine.

This price is not expensive, but it is definitely not cheap. For Xianxian Technology, this part of the money is almost pure net profit, but as far as users are concerned, as long as they make a one-time payment, they can enjoy the food forever, which is also very cost-effective.

However, at this stage, most people only choose the experience and do not order.

Who made Shen Bing promise that every dish has a trial right? This is undoubtedly a very good benefit. As long as you buy a Lingxian intelligent robot, you can experience the world's cuisine without leaving home.

Before Shen Bing hosted the grand banquet, only 3,000 people around the world experienced the deliciousness of the world. Now Lingxian robots have entered millions of households, and more people can't wait to experience what it means to be a peerless treasure.

I ate the food made by the Lingxian intelligent robot, and suddenly felt that the food I ate before was called food? It ’s all pig food.

As a result, all the dishes on the Kitchen God website were patronized, and from noon, it quickly set off a wave of ordering and downloading.

Especially for some Lingxian robots bought by restaurants, in order to give them more comprehensive capabilities, their recipes are like ordering without money. In the end, the money for ordering recipes for the robot is almost the same as the money for buying the robot.

As more and more people experience the powerful and perverted cooking skills of Lingxian robots, there are more and more online discussions about Lingxian robots.

Shen Bing himself admitted before this that the emergence of this intelligent robot will definitely have an impact on the profession of chef. But now, people are more worried about another problem. If this robot really enters every house, will there be people outside the restaurant?

Will the catering industry slump to a terrible degree? Will employment rates in all countries fall sharply as a result?

In the past, people chose to eat out of food in two ways: one was lazy and didn't want to do it by themselves; the other was that the food cooked outside was more delicious.

But when the Lingxian intelligent robot comes out, these two problems no longer exist.

Even choosing to do it at home avoids one very important risk: food safety.

Of course, some people also oppose this view, and even think that the emergence of Lingxian robots will bring prosperity to the catering industry.

The reason why they think so is because they feel that human beings cannot refuse the temptation of good food.

Even if there is a Lingxian robot at home, it is impossible to buy all the recipes for this home-based robot?

I wo n’t say if it ’s necessary or not, just the money spent on it is enough to make countless people hesitate. After all, the price of each recipe is not low on the kitchen **** website.

Under normal circumstances, most families choose to choose their favorite home-made Lingxian robots. When people want to change their taste, they can go out to eat.

People did n’t go out to eat before because the food was not beautiful enough! I believe that as long as there are enough delicious dishes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I believe that everyone will not refuse to give a bite to their own appetite.

On the other hand, because Lingxian robots are cheaper and more efficient than hiring chefs, the operating costs of restaurants are also relatively reduced, which can also reduce the price of dishes to a certain extent, which is even more beneficial to people. Attractive.

This kind of controversy can be seen everywhere on the Internet. As for what it will ultimately be, we have to wait for the actual results to test it.

However, for the operators of the catering industry, they have to face another problem: homogenization of dishes.

Everyone is made by Lingxian robots, all have the same taste, and what do they rely on each other to compete?

Price? This is very dangerous. It is really necessary to form a situation of fighting price wars. It is not good for anyone, killing a thousand enemies and causing 800 damage.

Lot, decoration? This is one aspect. It is very effective for the speakers, but relatively speaking, the cost can be greatly increased, and the unit price will follow, which will also block ordinary guests from the gate.

Raw materials? This is a good entry point.

Not only raw materials, but also food hygiene.

Perhaps in the future, each restaurant and restaurant will no longer advertise the characteristics and taste of their own dishes. It will be more about the quality of the raw materials they purchase and the strict hygiene control ...

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