Fairy Technology

Chapter 828: Really domineering

The hall was suddenly silent, waiting for Shen Bing to speak one by one.

Several people from Shen Bing strode to the podium, where there were six seats in total, and several people took their seats in turn.

Sitting with Shen Bing in the middle is the major general. Although he was quite shocked just now, he is calm now.

Can't they be as ignorant as the reporters below? After all, the project itself is a military product.

Of the six on the stage, three were each from the military and Magic Technology. In addition to the major general, there are two school officials on the military side. Shenxian Technology is Shen Bing with the director of the machinery manufacturing plant, Park Zhuo and the technical director George.

George is nominally an American employed by Magic Fairy Technology, but in fact, he is an ordinary researcher in an underground base and belongs to the aerospace research and development area.

Although George's ability is not outstanding in the research and development base, to the outside world, it is definitely a first-class scientific research talent.

Shen Bing first introduced a few people on the podium, then briefly said a few opening remarks, and then went straight to the topic.

"Everyone, today, the first flight ceremony of our fairy plane was successfully held. If you have any questions, you can speak freely!"

The people in the audience are not stupid people. On the contrary, they all have an exquisite heart.

This time, Magic Fair held a press conference with high-level military officials, which explained a lot of problems.

However, these reporters did not dare to speak because they could ask more topics.

A reporter stood up first: "I'm Li Gang, a reporter from the South China Evening News. May I ask Chairman Shen, was the design and manufacture of your first flight today completely done by your company?"

The problem is acute, pointing to the root of the contradiction.

After all, the most-discussed point on the Internet before is that Magic Fairy Technology is not capable of building airplanes.

Faced with the questioning of this reporter, Shen Bing calmly said, "I am also very clear about those remarks on the Internet before. Here, I can responsibly tell everyone that our large Fengshen 1 aircraft is entirely made Designed and manufactured by our company. What I mean by design and manufacturing is not just the aircraft itself. This process includes the most basic metal smelting and machine tool production. In other words, we have a complete production chain for aircraft manufacturing. "

This statement was very encouraging and surprised many reporters present.

Even the two major companies, Airbus and Boeing, dare not say that their industries cover all the production chains of aircraft manufacturing.

A reporter stood up and asked, "Excuse me, Chairman Shen, how did your company produce a large aircraft in ten days?"

Shen Bingdao; "It seems that you have misunderstood this. In fact, our company cannot manufacture a large aircraft within ten days. Because before that, our company was already producing aircraft parts. This aircraft manufacturing The job done after the plant is built is to assemble these parts together. It's that simple. "

Everyone looks like a stunner, just say! How could it be possible to build a big plane in ten days? Really building a plane is a building block?

"I wonder how long would it take for your company to complete the manufacture of an aircraft starting from the manufacture of spare parts?"

"This ... twenty days should be fine."


The chin fell off the floor.

Nima! Is there a big difference between twenty and ten days? Although it seems to have doubled, ten days and one day are not much different for things like making airplanes.

Shen Bing seems to feel that this is a bit of a drag on the magic technology, and then said: "Actually you have a problem in itself. Because in aircraft manufacturing, parts production and aircraft assembly are two parallel production processes, which are mutually related. Time is not crowded. That is to say, our large aircraft production cycle is ten days. "

This statement is completely acceptable and no one doubts it.

Next, some reporters asked questions about aircraft performance.

These people once again experienced the feelings that Li Lao and others just had, and they had to tremble under the powerful technical strength demonstrated by Huanxian Technology.

Regardless of the size of the Fengshen 1 aircraft or the maximum take-off weight, this aircraft is enough to set off a world-class stormy sea.

What's more, this aircraft is nuclear-powered, which makes history.

After these questions were asked, a reporter stood up in agitated mood and asked, "Chairman Shen, I'm a reporter from Rongcheng Evening News. What is the destination of your company's first flight?"

Shen Bing smiled and said, "The destination is our Rongcheng Airport."

"How far is the flight? Where do you turn?"

Shen Bing calmly said, "No need to turn around! You will naturally come back after flying around the earth."

Everyone was stunned, what a domineering word!

Shen Bing went on to say: "In fact, our first flight cannot strictly be called the first flight, because this Fengshen 1 will only conduct this test flight. In the next time, it will complete multiple flight projects. The first is to circle the earth, and then fly over the harsh areas such as the North and South Pole, Everest to complete the test of aircraft performance. According to our preliminary estimates, the entire test time will last for one week. That is, our Fengshen 1 aircraft The return time is after one week. "

Everyone is shocked, nuclear power is willful! Let it fly for a week, this is definitely the only number in the world.

Shen Bing added: "At present, our large aircraft project has already received its first order, that is, the Huaxia military. The first flight of the Fengshen 1 is not only to verify the performance of this model, but also to check the military's cargo. After one week, we will deliver the first Aeolus 1 aircraft to the military, which will also be a nuclear fighter aircraft put into actual combat. "

The audience was uproar.

Generally speaking, from design to finalization of an aircraft, it needs to go through many test flights, and then modify the problem areas.

But now Shen Bing actually said that the first aircraft it designed and manufactured could be delivered to the user, and it was still handed over to the military. This step is too big, right? If it is in wartime, it can be done in an emergency, but it is okay in peace time, so it seems a lot more radical.

Huanxian Technology couldn't think so far, did the military follow up with it?

Everyone looked at the major general, who was called Director Zhou.

"Excuse me, Director Zhou, has the military purchased such fighters after careful investigation and analysis?"

"Of course! Any of our procurement projects have established work procedures."

"A plane that takes less than a month from design to delivery to the customer also complies with such regulations?"

"That's right! Although this time is too short to make people think, we have confidence in this aircraft designed and manufactured by Huanxian Technology. This confidence is not something that has come out of nowhere ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but it is obtained through scientific demonstration. Conclusion. "

The media people present couldn't help but speculate, maybe Huanxian Technology had made some comparisons with the military. But these are military secrets, and no one would ask silly.

"Excuse me, Director Zhou, what purpose will such an aircraft be used for when it is delivered to the military?"

This is undoubtedly a question that many people care about, but everyone's answer to this question is not very hopeful, because Huaxia's consistent propaganda methods for military equipment are blurred.

However, this time they were wrong.

Director Zhou said very simply: "Based on the performance characteristics of this aircraft, our military has designed a variety of directions for use. The first is to use it as a strategic bomber. With the performance of this aircraft, it can fully strategically cruise around the clock. Second, it also It can be used as an aerial tanker. With such a batch of tankers, our fighters can reach any airspace in the world at one time. Finally, this aircraft can also be used as a strategic transport aircraft. It is believed that it will be the strategic transport aircraft with the strongest transport capacity in the world. Of course, we will also continue to cooperate with Huaxian Technology to put forward our needs and suggestions in aircraft research and development. We have reasons to believe that Huaxia has companies like Huaxian Technology, and nuclear power will soon enter various types of aircraft. "

After these words, a picture was drawn in the heads of the audience.

Several planes with countless nuclear warheads are flying around the world. Even the old American with the most powerful antimissile capability today will definitely be frightened.

As for air tankers and strategic transport aircraft, compared with strategic bombers, the deterrent effect is obviously weaker by several grades.

It was Director Zhou's last sentence, which was profound!

Next, will nuclear fighters be developed?

If nuclear fighters really exist, the aircraft carrier is estimated to be able to enter the historical garbage dump.

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