Fairy Technology

Chapter 841: Any plans?

Global uproar!

A bitter live broadcast of Magic Fairy Technology even showed a U.S. military flight accident in front of netizens around the world, and it was a simultaneous flight accident between two aircraft.

This precipice is mega news.

Laomei did not use the Dragonscale operating system, and naturally there was no popup or anything.

However, the Internet on the earth is interoperable. Although the American people, who are very curious, have not seen the live broadcast, it is still OK to look at the broadcast.

As a result, the pictures of two F35s falling from the air like roast chickens are engraved in the hearts of every American people.

The sense of the picture is too strong, making the American people feel that their IQ has been insulted.

What's so special, is it that the aircraft purchased by the military with so many beautiful knives is defective? Or is it that the countless U.S. military pilots who spend a lot of military money every year are homeless?

No matter what it is, the proud American people can't bear it.

As a result, the group of people in the White House had a headache again.

In fact, when people like Mr. President saw the plane crash, they already had headaches.

The picture is very clear. The two planes crashed without being attacked by others. As for whether it would be possible to attack two fighters with that mysterious stealth technology, it would be impossible.

If a fighter is flying in the air, if it is hit by other things, it can definitely be seen.

But the content in the picture clearly shows that the two planes were absolutely not affected by external forces, and they simply fell out of control.

Leaving aside the matter of explaining how to crash, the first thing that the President has to do now is how to get two planes and two pilots back.

How awkward this is.

Pretend to pretend to be stupid, and probably that's it.

Originally, I wanted to show off the force, but I did not expect that the effect of showing off was not shown, but it was ugly.

Earlier, Magic Fairy Technology blamed the US military, but the White House's righteous mockery of Magic Fairy Technology should not be speculative.

Now that this word has just spread on the Internet, the US military is required to ask Huanxian Technology to release the person and return the fallen F35 fighter. Where is this face put?

Even cheeky characters like Mr. President have a hot feeling.

The point is that Magic Fairy Technology may not necessarily buy it.

If other companies or countries, the White House can completely force the other party to let go, and Laomei has never done such a thing before.

Facing the magic technology, the White House can only admit it.

This is not the first time. Admitting such a thing will gradually become a habit. After all, the people in the White House used to find too many frustrations here. It turned out that they were tough in the face of fantasy technology, and it was only themselves who suffered.

Don't look at what U.S. military exercises are focusing on fantasy technology during this time, but that is because they do not have a substantial handle on fantasy technology. And so far, Magic Immortal Technology has not officially sold Cancer Kang No. 1 to the United States, which has made the White House group of people absolutely want to ask Magic Immortal Technology, so it is reasonable to behave tough.

But now two U.S. fighter planes have fallen on the Golden Island, and there are two pilots, which is equivalent to stretching their necks to each other's blade.

If this time continues to be tough, Huanxian Technology insists that it will not return people and things, are they really going to use force?

Of course, it is not impossible to use force.

If Shen Bing is on the Golden Island, Mr. President will never mind letting this behemoth fly away. But there are only a few hundred people on this island, let alone Shen Bing, and even some important people of Huanxian Technology are not on it. What's the point of ruining it?

And if it is a forcible landing robbery, on the one hand, it will drop the handle in front of the world, and on the other hand, even if it completely ties the relationship with Huaxia and Huanxian Technology, even the final skin will be torn, and the outcome is hard to predict.

For some reason, Mr. President always has an inexplicable fear in Huanxian Technology. This company seems to be covered with fog, which makes people unclear.

Therefore, Mr. President and others decided to give first and then soldiers.

Secretary of State Morey got in touch with Huaxia officials. First, he explained that his fighter had failed during his military exercise and was forced to land on the golden island of Huaxian Technology. He hoped that Huaxia officials would deal with the matter.

But Huaxia ’s reply is even more straightforward: Did n’t your old American just say that Golden Island belongs to the territory of Singapore? In this case, you have to go to Singapore, what's the use of me?

Although the original words did not say so, the meaning is the same.

Laomei is very wronged! Nima, if it is customary to find a country in Singapore, is it still necessary for me to come to you and ask my grandfather to tell my grandma?

Old China is also helpless for this apparently unacceptable approach.

In order to avoid night long dreams, Lao Mei ordered that the carrier fleet around Golden Island blockade the surrounding waters, so as to prevent people on Golden Island from transferring the wreckage of two F35 fighters. On the other hand, people from the Ministry of Commerce also got in touch with Magic Fairy Technology.

It took half an hour to make such a decision from the fighter plane's fall to the old American.

And during these half an hour ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the live video has never been interrupted.

People all over the world have seen that the two pilots ejected from the F35 fighter plane were solemnly received by the staff on the Golden Island.

It was the two fighters that slanted straight into the dirt and had not been cleared for the time being.

There is a barrage in the live room.

"Old iron! Grasp the point, OK, but two F35 fighters!"

"You Huanxian technology is so powerful, you can bring these two fighters to study, maybe they can be manufactured."

"Laomei's technology in fighter planes is the world's top. Don't be too arrogant."

Obviously, these people think that the magic fairy technology should first clean the two pieces of fat delivered to the door.

Unfortunately, the staff on the island did not do this, but took the two pilots to a conference room and a live webcast.

Defoe, a vulgar man, acted as a reporter.

"Excuse me, why are your fighters hovering over our Golden Island?"

"We are conducting the exercise as planned!"

Well, this answer is leak-free, and the political literacy of the two pilots is very good.

Defoe refused, and said coldly, "Your plan is to keep hovering over us? Provocate us?"

"Uh ... this should be a coincidence."

"I really want to coincide with your face ..." Defoe hummed. "Are you also a coincidence when you crashed? Or is this part of the exercise?"

That's heartbreaking!

The audience here couldn't help but come up with an idea, did Lao Mei deliberately land on Golden Island in this way? Or just provoke it?

After all, two F35s fell at the same time, which is too weird.

The key is that the postures of falling are similar.

The possibility of premeditating is too great.

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