Fairy Technology

Chapter 852: Again 1 stick

Who else is Sun Dasheng? The first thought in Shen Bing's mind was the six-eared macaque.

Previously, Shen Bing dangled in the fairy mountain caves of the immortal realm, and met various gods in order to hope that the gods of various gods could inform themselves when they saw the six-eared macaque.

As a result, no time has been seen so long.

It is not known whether the six-eared macaque has disappeared or it is because these gods are too dishy and the six-eared macaque cannot be found.

Now I see that Fengpopofeng's pockets have been stolen, and there is monkey hair on it. This is worth considering.

First of all, Sun Dasheng will never have the idea of ​​stealing wind pockets.

Of course, this is not to say that Sun Dasheng has washed his hands in a golden basin and will not steal anymore. It is because Sun Dasheng belongs to a typical guy who does not rise early and steals the wind pocket, which is of no use to him.

Even if I took the scriptures to steal the wind pocket, it was because of demand.

In the whole immortal world, there are no monkeys except Sun Wukong. This is also the main reason why Feng's mother-in-law suspects Sun Dasheng when she sees monkey hair.

The six-eared macaque is an absolute accident. If Shen Bing had known about the six-eared macaque in advance, he would never have thought of this guy.

"Next is how to find the six-eared macaque." Shen Bing muttered.

Six-eared macaques come and go without a trace. They are hard to find, but they are not helpless. It is a big deal that the monkey hair with a six-eared macaque is full of searching around the world, and there is a fairy search "search sky" in his hand. Although the efficiency is indeed a bit low, there is still a chance to find it.

Shen Bing thought for a moment, then he had a plan in mind.

At the moment Shen Bing selects the task, a teleport option appears, and Shen Bing clicks to confirm.

The screen changed, and Shen Bing suddenly found that he was actually in a barren forest.

"What's the matter? Isn't Mother-in-law Feng dining all night?"

No wonder Shen Bingduo thinks. According to the conventional thinking, shouldn't the teleportation that comes with this task transfer teleport to her mother-in-law and give her some clues?

What the **** is teleporting yourself to the barren mountains and forests?

Suddenly Shen Bing's heart moved, but unfortunately he hadn't had time to respond, then he felt a gloom in his eyes, followed by a system prompt.

"You have been killed by a six-eared macaque, please choose to resurrect in situ / safe resurrection."

At the same time, a black and white picture shows a monkey, exactly like Sun Dasheng.

If it hadn't been for the system, Shen Bing might also think that the monkey is Sun Wukong.

What a special thing ...

Looking at the monkey dangling on the screen, a sorrow of grief arose in my heart.

"Nima, I was beaten to death by another stick. Isn't Laozi going against the stick?"

The next second, Shen Bing clicked sharply with his fingers to resurrect the city, and then a teleporter stopped on a mountain less than two hundred meters away from the lying point.

During his teleportation, the consciousness had locked the monkey who was still confused and a piece of Jiuxiao Rune had been pinched in his hand.

The monkey that killed Shen Bing is indeed a six-eared macaque, and the system is absolutely not wrong.

He had been resting here, and suddenly felt that someone had broken into the neighborhood.

Here is the immortal world. Six-eared macaques have a strong sense of crisis. They almost pushed out the stick almost instantaneously, and then flashed and knocked on the intruding Shen Bing's brain.

The results can be imagined, even if Shen Bing has reached the realm of Jinxian, but in the face of these two big guys with sticks, there is no room for him to fight back.

Not to mention that Shen Bing is in an unprepared state, even if he is vigilant, it is only a stick thing to face the six-eared macaque.

It's just ... After this guy was killed by a stick, his body disappeared somehow. What the **** is this?

This phenomenon may also exist in the fairyland, such as attacking an illusion.

But just for that stick, he dared to pack the ticket, and he really did hit a person, and he was a fairy. This is the feel of the stick.

Can Mao disappear?

Six-eared macaques can't figure out,

As he meditated, a strong danger exploded from his heart, as if the end was coming.

The next second, he looked back at a scene that made him even more unacceptable.

Behind him, he saw a man standing there.

Yes, that's a person, not a ghost!

But how did Nima feel that this guy should be a ghost? Which **** had just killed himself with a stick?


It is rumored that the two children of Taishang Laojun were demons in the lower bounds, killing the Sunwalker, and then came a Walker Sun, died the Walker Sun, and came a Walker, almost did not give the two children To die.

Does this happen to me?

Nima, her thoughts have gone awry again. At this time, I think these are used for birds, and my life is still in the hands of others.

This feeling is absolutely stronger than that of being killed by Rulai at first. After all, Rulai didn't really kill herself that time. But it is different now. He has a very strong feeling. Once he has changed something, he will wait for his soul to disappear, and there is no chance to save him.

"who are you?"

"What do you want to do?"

The six-eared macaque quickly asked two questions.

Shen Bing's expression was ruthless, and he said coldly, "Who is Lao Tzu's concern about your bird? As for what I want to do? Lao Tzu is still confused. I was so stumped here that I was knocked by a sap. Do you think I should not respond?

The six-eared macaque opened his mouth, but it was difficult to refute. Who made the stick he had just knocked on?

It's okay if it's knocked out, but now Kete, this guy is still coming back to ask the teacher for guilt, which is embarrassing.

The point is that this guy seems quite violent ...

Although the six-eared macaque also wanted to play against him, the sense of crisis rising from the bottom of his heart made him give up this naive idea.

"It seems we are a bit misunderstood ..." Six-eared macaques want to explain, at least let the other side out, don't accidentally kill yourself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Facing such a fierce person, It's right to be careful.

Shen Bing didn't bother to listen. If it wasn't for fear that Jiuxiao Shenlei would kill the **** directly, he really wanted the other party to experience the misunderstanding.

It's a pity that Jiuxiao Rune didn't weaken the version ...

"Shut up! You somehow knocked Lao Tzu a stick, can't you just let it go? Or should I do it for you?"

Although the six-eared macaque hasn't figured out what this guy has in front of him, the inexplicable death threat makes him dare not take it lightly.

"I don't know how your Lord intends to compensate him?" He asked.

Shen Bing gave him a scornful glance, and said, "Look at your poor portrait, show me your stick first."

Shen Bing's words can be described as eloquent.

The six-eared macaque hesitated for a moment, this stick is equivalent to eating himself!

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