Fairy Technology

Chapter 854: Messy 6-eared macaque

For this kind of stuff that can't be packed into the backpack, even if he sends Pan Gu's axe to Shen Bing, he can only stare.

Whether it ’s teleporting to the real world or throwing it into the real eye for analysis, it ’s all based on the items in the backpack.

So, Shen Bing looked at this very proudly, and said disdainfully, "What a spicy chicken! What is it for?"

After all, Shen Bing reached out and waved the ball toward the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque collapses. Do you know what it is? Say this is spicy chicken?

However, looking at Shen Bing's serious face, the six-eared macaque knew that his defense was invalid.

"Any other good things, all come out to let Lao Tzu look." Shen Bing said.

The MMP in the heart of the six-eared macaque, if it weren't for Jiuxiao Shenlei hanging on his head, he would dare to fight with each other immediately.

Unfortunately, if not, the violent purple thunder is still tumbling in the air. In other words, the longer the guy who lives, the more hesitant. The six-eared macaque, a guy who hasn't known how many thousands of years, doesn't want to hang up like this.

He could only obey Shen Bing's instructions and throw his treasures to Shen Bing one by one.

Shen Bing was also very patient, catching the treasures thrown by the opponent one by one, and then throwing them back.

The six-eared macaque is hard-pressed, and he has no idea what the senior judge's criterion is.

And although more and more things were thrown away, he became more and more confused.

Although his free-spirited iron soldiers are great, it is not that he has this valuable treasure in his body. But except for the **** iron soldiers who were thrown away halfway and disappeared, the rest of the babies all got into Shen Bing's hand, and then they were thrown back.

Could it be said that the hidden man in the dark judged the value of the treasure exactly like the **** in front of him? Or maybe ...

Are they the same person at all?

This possibility is too great! Because the so-called big guy hidden in the dark was what he thought of.

If this guess is true now, isn't it that the other party has taken away his weapon, but still wants to continue to profit from himself?

But what can he do? Arguing with the other party? Fight for ass, and you have no evidence!

Nima, it is more uncomfortable to understand the truth than to be in the drum. The six-eared macaque still has to suppress his anger and throw his treasures one by one.

There are a lot of treasures in the mustard space he opened up. Throwing them out one by one is absolutely a waste of energy.

It was just this demanding client in front of him, and he could only do so. Anything that was thrown back would be returned anyway. The six-eared macaque slowly did not deliberately choose which ones could be thrown and which could not be thrown.

In fact, Shen Bing also feels very boring. Fortunately, he only controls the movement of characters in the game. In fact, he just uses his brain and fingers.

Just when Shen Bing felt about to fall asleep, a window popped out.

Nima! Finally see the trading interface again ...

There was no pause in the finger, and the transaction was clicked directly.

Then, the treasure still flying in the air disappeared again.

The six-eared macaque was so aggressive, why did it disappear again?

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on Shen Bing's face, trying to see if the other party was abnormal.

It's a pity that the adversary on the other side was dull, and seemed to be surprised where the missing treasure had gone.

While Shen Bing opened his backpack and dragged it to the corner of the screen to view the newly acquired treasure, he did not forget to be alert to the scum in front of him.

Water Mirror Rune (Quest Item): For sealing images. Use this rune to reproduce the sealed image. This rune is a reusable rune.

Er, it looks like this is already the second water glyph I got.

The last water mirror charm was still lying in his backpack, which was given to himself by Sun Dasheng, and the seal inside was a map of the whole fairyland.

I have analyzed the two-star technology, holographic imaging technology and quantum information transmission technology, and gained a lot.

What else is sealed in this water mirror rune?

I have to say that this water mirror symbol is not good at all, and the property introduction did not say in detail what is stored in it. It's like a USB flash drive. I will give you a USB flash drive. Do you know what it contains?

It's better to have a compact disc. For example, it can contain serious movies or unscrupulous movies. You can see the cover at a glance.

However, this water mirror amulet is still fundamentally different from the water mirror amulet that I got before, because it has a comment of the quest item, that is, this thing is just passing by myself.

Is Mao a quest item?

When Shen Bing was confused, the six-eared macaque came over.

That's a water mirror rune! Nima, how can this thing be thrown at random? What's more, this is not a treasure, so why was it taken away?

At this moment, the six-eared macaque wants to die.

emmmm ...

Unfortunately, he hadn't asked for Shen Bing. The purple thunderbolts in the air were even more fierce, and electric snakes seemed to be gushing out of them.

"What do you mean by this? Why do you recover the treasure thrown from the end?" Shen Bingrong said in a cold voice.

Six-eared macaque: "..."

Am I thinking wrong?

The two treasures just disappeared. Didn't the **** make it himself?

Or is it that the reason why you overthrew another boss in the dark is not true? The so-called evaluation criteria for judging the value of treasures cannot determine that the two must be the same person.

The six-eared macaque feels confused ...

"Get the treasure out quickly." Shen Bing snorted coldly.

The six-eared macaque said bitterly; "I didn't take it back ..."

"Lao Tzu controls you to take it back. Anyway, today you must give Lao Tzu satisfactory compensation. Any other treasures will be displayed. If you can't get it out, hehe ..."

The meaning of Ha ha is very sufficient, and the six-eared macaque was almost not scared.

He can see it, this **** is absolutely for fun, but who made himself cheap before, and hit the **** with a stick? Cause and effect cycle, retribution is unhappy.

Then the six-eared macaque threw the treasure in the mustard space out again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The previous picture continued to repeat ...

I don't know how much it was thrown, Shen Bing finally saw the trading window popped up on the interface.

At first glance, he saw the items in the trading window.

This is a pocket-like thing. As long as Shen Bing's brain doesn't enter the water, he can naturally understand what it is.

It is the main purpose of this trip, wind mother-in-law's wind pocket.

According to the task requirements, as long as you find the wind pocket yourself, the mother-in-law's task is completed.

Shen Bing worried that the six-eared macaque repented, and immediately confirmed the transaction.

Stable! The items are in the backpack, not to mention the six-eared macaque, even if the Buddha is close to him, he never wants to take the wind pocket from his backpack.

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