Fairy Technology

Chapter 856: It's just made up, isn't it serious?

However, Shen Bing had time to turn in the task and received a call.

This is a call from a phone number that can't show the phone number.

Only a few people can call Shen Bing in this way, such as the chief executive and those around him.


"Xiao Shen, do you have time now?" Secretary Jiang's voice came from the earpiece.

Although he did not see Secretary Jiang in person, Shen Bing heard a dignity from his voice.

Shen Bing would like to say that there is no time and he is busy playing the game himself, but considering that this is a bit shocking, he said: "Secretary Jiang has something to say directly. I will be the boss. Where can I go?"

"If you have time, please go to Beijing immediately. The chief and other leaders want to see you." Secretary Jiang said.

Shen Bing stunned, what happened?

What time is it? Want to see yourself and go to the capital yourself? Don't you know that there is such thing as video chat now? With the data security of the Dragon Scale system, there is no fear of being compromised by anyone.

The point is not this, but this time it ’s not just the chief who wants to see himself. Secretary Jiang said that it was several leaders.

Shen Bing hesitated, and asked, "Is there anything?"

Secretary Jiang said, "It's not convenient to say on the phone, you should come here in person. If you are short on time, we can arrange a fighter plane here, and it will take you an hour or two. It won't take too long."

Shen Bing pumped the corners of his mouth, it seems that things are really urgent, otherwise the above will never be so tight.

Shen Bing said immediately: "Forget it, I ’ll come by myself. I ’m on my own plane, but I have to trouble Secretary Jiang to help coordinate the airline and airport matters. If we coordinate here, we must delay at least two or three. hour."

"This little thing can't be bothered." Secretary Jiang said immediately.

Then Secretary Jiang hung up the phone, and Shen Bing didn't delay. He called Li Xiao directly and asked him to drive himself to the airport.

"Li Xiao, drive faster!" Shen Bing said.

The newly-married Li Xiao has changed a lot from before, at least not as quiet as before.

After listening to Shen Bing's words, he asked, "Boss, what can be so urgent?"

Shen Bing smiled and said, "Who knows? Anyway, God is mysterious."

"Boss, why don't we ... make some preparations?" Li Xiao said, "In case of an accident, we won't be beaten passively?"

Shen Bing understood Li Xiao's meaning and smiled indifferently, saying: "Don't worry about it, let's not talk about the character of the above group of people, only from the perspective of interests, they will not hit me with their ideas."

"But Golden Island and the spaceship are very important, just in case ..."

"It can't happen." Shen Bing said with certainty.

In fact, he is clear about these things, and the above is also clear. As a master of magic fairy technology and possessing super inventive talent, Shen Bing definitely has his own hole card.

No one in this world is a fool, exposing his old man in front of others. In particular, a super heavy hand like Shen Bing, which can affect the balance of power around the world, knows how to protect himself.

Since these conditions are clear above, coupled with Shen Bing's good relationship with the government and Shen Bing's identity with the motherland, absolutely no one will destroy this close relationship.

Seeing Li Xiao still did not understand, Shen Bing did not explain more, but just said, "Even if there is any trouble, with the ability of the two of us, who can help us?"

Li Xiao first froze, then laughed again.

Yeah, I'm really too cautious.

How strong are you now? Since taking Longhu Dan, he feels like a dragon, and he can also lie down.

What beautiful team and Hulk in the movie are probably just like that in front of themselves.

As for your boss, that is a stronger existence than yourself. Even if there are really Longtan Tigers, they can guarantee their whole body to retreat.

Bentley Tim went straight into Rongcheng Airport, and Shen Bing ’s "Little Bird" private jet was already waiting on the takeoff line.

Within minutes, the "Little Bird" broke through the clouds and headed northeast.

"Bird" can finally explode its full performance, including supersonic cruise.

After all, even large nuclear-powered aircraft have been made. What's wrong with modifying your own car? Why are you afraid of others talking about yourself?

Even a fighter plane takes about an hour, but Shen Bing's Little Bird only flew for half an hour before landing at the Capital Airport.

After Shen Bing got out of the plane, he was surprised to find that several police and military vehicles had been parked beside his plane.

Then ... Shen Bing experienced what privilege was once.

Even congestion such as Beijing is unimpeded.

In the various streets along Shen Bing, the traffic police have already cleared all the roads.

Regardless of traffic lights, regardless of one-way streets, copy the nearest road directly to reach your destination in the shortest time.

Although it was also called by the chief, this time it was not in the forty-nine cities, but in a courtyard without any signs.

The words of the military management area in front of the courtyard are not different from other military management areas. Such places are endless in the entire capital. Even the spy reporters who have the best eyesight can't see anything special here.

But when Shen Bing entered here, with his strong consciousness and perception ability, he could see the extraordinary here.

Surveillance hidden in the dark, all kinds of border protection equipment, anyone who wants to sneak in here is almost impossible-if you have the ability such as Shen Bing, it is impossible, but that is impossible Things.

Led by a middle-aged man with a colonel rank on his shoulders, Shen Bing and Li Xiao passed the layers of the sentry and finally came to a meeting room with a simple decoration.

The moment Shen Bing stepped into the conference room, he had swept all the people present.

At that moment, he was shocked. All of Huaxia's big brothers were listed, including a lot of high-level military personnel.

While he was looking at others, everyone else was watching him.

If you change to someone else, even Secretary Jiang, in this scene, you will fight heartily, but Shen Bing is very calm.

You are the people who have even seen the Queen Mother and Mother. This scene is too small.

"Xiao Shen, please sit down." The chief greeted him immediately, pointing to a chair opposite him.

Shen Bing looked at the situation. Everyone was sitting in front of a circular conference table, and everyone had a display screen in front of them.

There are currently two vacant seats, and the head is pointing at one of them.

Shen Bing was also polite and sat up straight.

"Well, Xiao Shen, although you haven't seen most of you here, you should still know them. I won't introduce them one by one."

Shen Bing smiled, and indeed did not need to be introduced. Everyone present here is a character who often appears on the 7: 30-minute program, and the name is everything.

There were no exciting opening remarks, and the chief immediately said: "Everyone else knows the beginning and end of the matter, I'm afraid Xiao Shen doesn't know yet. General Qiu, please tell him the situation first."

A middle-aged man with the rank of major general stood up, and he was also the one with the lowest rank present. In addition, all of them were senior.

General Qiu's face was serious, he pressed a button in his hand, and the screen on the screen in front of the crowd changed a bit, showing a black and gray picture. A globe in the middle is familiar to all people on earth.

Because it is the moon, the crater above clearly shows its identity.

"Mr. Shen, the picture you are seeing is the back of the moon. This is the picture we took half a year ago."

After speaking, General Qiu moved his finger again, and another lunar picture appeared on the screen.

"This is also a picture of the moon, and it was shot at the same angle, but the shooting time was last night. Mr. Shen, can you see the difference between the two pictures?"

That's right, the two pictures are almost exactly the same, and most people can't find the difference at a glance.

If it is in this game that everyone finds the difference, this predicament must be a golden eye to find the difference.

However, Shen Bing was far more powerful than Huo Jin Jin Jin, and his eyes instantly locked on the anomalies.

"There is a little black spot in the second picture." Shen Bing frowned.

General Qiu was a little surprised.

It is important to know that no one has observed this difference with the naked eye. The reason why they were able to find it for the first time was with the help of the graphics processing technology of the "Eagle Eye" system built by Magic Fairy.

Surprised by surprise, General Qiu continued to say, "Yes, this is the little black spot. Mr. Shen, pay attention to observation, this is the enlarged picture."

With General Qiu's explanation, Shen Bing saw the small black dots on the screen in front of him zoom in constantly, and then stopped when he had a big slap.

If this was just a simple little black dot before, it didn't have any special meaning, then it's scary enough now.

Because of this small black dot, it has become a black square, a very regular square.

The square itself is not scary, but the appearance of such a square on the back of the moon is definitely a thriller.

How did it appear?

Obviously, this thing is unlikely to happen naturally.

If it is a round black block, perhaps the person present here will not be so cautious. Maybe it was caused by a meteorite. But the square is not the same. What meteor from Shente can smash the square pit? You have the ability to try it?

Next, the picture shows enlarged pictures taken from multiple angles, which is a complete display without dead angles in all directions.

"Based on our analysis of these pictures, it is initially determined that it should be something protruding from the surface of the moon." General Qiu continued.

Since it is protruding, it is even more unlikely that it was smashed.

"It's either a special terrain created by changes in the lunar crust, or it's ... artificially, it's a building built on the surface of the moon."

Although General Qiu enumerates two possibilities, everyone knows that the former is almost impossible. What crustal changes can form such a valuable square?

But if it was artificial, who did it?

Who has the ability to make such a large building on the moon?

"That's my introduction." General Qiu said.

The chief made a gesture, motioned General Qiu to sit down, then looked at Shen Bing, and said, "Xiao Shen, this is the case. What do you think?"

Shen Bing was a little aggressive and asked himself what he thought? What's your opinion?

"Head, I think ... that stuff should be artificial, right?" Shen Bing said.

The chief nodded and said, "We all think so. But who do you think is most likely to be built?"

Shen Bing frowned, saying: "At present, the world is capable of landing on the moon, except for Russia, which is the old United States. Although Russia has the technical strength, it has no economic strength and cannot support such a powerful project at all. As for the old The United States has sufficient technology and funds, plus their ambitions for moon landing have been exposed before, I think the possibility of the old United States is more. But ... "

"But what?" The head asked, and other leaders were waiting for Shen Bing's postscript.

Shen Bingdao: "I think Laomei should not have the motivation to do so now. And with their usual style, if they really have the ability to build buildings on the moon and operate their bases, it has already been announced all over the world. There is no reason to keep hiding. "

The heads and others looked at each other with strange looks.

"Xiao Shen, if it wasn't for Laomei, who would it be?"

Shen Bing looked at the eyes of everyone, suddenly his heart moved, and he smiled bitterly; "Head, don't you think I made that thing?"

The director suddenly smiled and said, "If there is anyone on the planet other than the United States who is most likely to land on the moon, I am probably your magic fairy technology. Of course, I also know that your fantasy magic technology is very unlikely, but before you Did n’t you say you have a mysterious research team behind you? Is it possible that they did it? "

Uh ... did you say that yourself? Seems to have said it! But that was the first thing you said about it, right?

Is it true that the story I made up is true?

However, if you think about it, it seems that this possibility is possible. After all, since the establishment of Magic Fairy Technology, there have been too many black technologies, and each one is enough to cause a revolution in related fields.

Even if the company has also set up a research and development center, the current scientific research capabilities of the research and development center may not hide these people.

To say that all these results were developed by ourselves is really unconvincing.

Even Shen Bing himself doesn't believe he can do this, and the heads and others have such doubts.

However, they did not believe that Shen Bing said that he was the spokesperson of this mysterious scientific team. They were more willing to believe that Shen Bing had a pivotal position in this mysterious team and could even affect the decision of this team to some extent.

Otherwise, who will give you so much black technology?

Shen Bing has already said that he has developed a spaceship before, but the assembly place of the spacecraft is far away from the golden island of overseas ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but there are hundreds of staff members living on the golden island, although so far No one knows where these hundreds of people came from, but Huaxia is sure that these people are definitely not Huaxia.

To some extent, this is more true of Shen Bing's remarks.

Shen Bing wanted to understand the reason for it in an instant, and couldn't help but grin with a bitter laughter. The matter cannot be acknowledged, but it cannot be completely denied.

After a few thoughts, Shen Bing said: "Dear leaders, I can pack tickets. This thing on the moon is absolutely nothing to do with us. Even in my opinion, this change on the moon may not even be made by Earth people. of."

The heads and other people were shocked. Shen Bing's view was actually in their consideration. Otherwise, they would not be so anxious to call Shen Bing to Beijing.

But now these words come out of Shen Bing's mouth, but they have different meanings.

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