Fairy Technology

Chapter 858: Another small goal

After hearing this, everyone could not help but have a picture in their heads.

A cloud of mushrooms rose on the moon, and the entire moon was cut to the ground. Even if it was armed by an alien, it would not be possible to survive this attack.

But there are too many sequelae of using nuclear bombs, which is also the final killer.

What matters is how many nuclear bombs can humans send to the moon? This is a problem.

"Please keep this matter confidential, so as not to cause unnecessary panic," said the head.

Then everyone discussed again, and the matter was basically over.

But everyone knows that this is just the beginning. Above the moon, it looks like a huge black hole, and the loss may devour everything on the earth.


After Shen Bing left Kyoto, she felt quite a bit heavy. She kept thinking about things in her mind, and she didn't even think about entering the gate of the fairyland to hand over tasks.

Others may think that there may be aliens on the moon, but Shen Bing is almost certain.

Others may think that aliens may still have goodwill for the moon, but Shen Bing basically denied this possibility.

Not long ago, the underground research base basically cracked the secret of the genetic code, which made Shen Bing more and more sure that the aliens had some kind of attempt against humans.

According to Shen Bing's idea, it should take some time for aliens to come to Earth.

I didn't expect it to be so fast.

Could it be that the alien spacecraft has broken through the speed of light? Even ten times faster than light?

If so, to what extent has the technological level of this alien civilization reached? Can humans compete with it?

Of course, the level of technological development and speed are not completely equal. The fastest speed of material movement in nature is the speed of light. If you want to cross the speed of light, increasing acceleration by thrust alone is a joke. Concepts such as jumping are good research directions.

If such a Pandora's box is opened by coincidence of an interstellar civilization, maybe it can reach Earth from distant outer space in a short time.

It's a pity that Shen Bing hasn't mastered such a technique, otherwise, how can one have to scratch the scalp and work hard to achieve sub-light speed.

Nima! Why do you think you are off track again? Is the idea lubricated? How to solve this trouble now is the priority ...

Back to the subject, Shen Bing started thinking about what to do next.

It is the responsibility of all mankind to face an alien invasion, but at present, Shen Bing really does not give much hope to other organizations, even the United States can do nothing with its force.

"First go to the back of the moon." Shen Bing set a small goal for himself.

With the strength of Magic Fairy Technology, it takes one or two months to complete the construction of the full version of the spacecraft, but if it is purely for a walk on the moon, it is not so complicated.

An indestructible shell, an engine that provides plenty of energy, a space for one person, and a set of communication equipment.


Regarding the research and development of the spacecraft, although it was completed by Locks ’space research and development area, the technical information of this completed research and development project was put into Shen Bing's mind without a word.

At the moment, Shen Bing started composing crazy pictures in his mind, designing details one by one, and then verifying them at a speed comparable to supercomputing.

Cars, airplanes, and then cars. When Shen Bing got up from Bentley Tim, he had already constructed a complete set of aircraft models in his mind.

At this moment in the evening, Shen Bing met Yun Xue and Yuan Wei who had just returned home from work.

"Shen Bing ..." Yun Xue looked utterly silent.

"What's wrong?" Shen Bing asked suddenly.

Yun Xue hesitated, and said, "Shen Bing, can you set up a separate laboratory, Yuan Wei and I can independently develop new topics?"

Shen Bing immediately understood the reason, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As two people who have just taken Lingqiao Dan recently, in the R & D center, they have really learned what Kaikai is.

Any research bottleneck, you only need to think a bit to understand where the problem is. Even projects with huge calculations can quickly reach conclusions.

Sometimes they even have an illusion. With such a brain, is there any need for a supercomputation?

Of course, all this is only good.

The bad side is very depressing, because Shen Bing asked them not to go too far in the R & D center.

In other words, you have to be stupid!

Well, it's not very accurate to say that being silly is just to be a smart person.

What does it feel like? It is as if a doctoral student ran to the kindergarten to play. As a result, the teacher was asked to take a class with the kindergarten children, and they had to synchronize with the children in terms of thinking and behavior.

Therefore, Yun Xue and Yuan Wei were very injured, and finally decided not to play with those "children".

They are also very clear that their brains are definitely one of the most valuable brains in the world. With this "talent", whether you go it alone or join an organization, you will achieve extraordinary achievements.

But such thoughts never appeared in their minds. In the case that they did not want to play with those "children", they just wanted Shen Bing to find them a new and more challenging "toy".

Shen Bing smiled and said, "No problem in the laboratory, but do you think about the research direction?"

"I'm going to go in the field of intelligent control. These past few days I have read the materials of our company's Lingxian robot, and I feel that there are still many areas for improvement in intelligent control and motion systems."

Seeing Shen Bing's eyes, Yuan Wei also said, "I am going to study the genetic aspects of the human body."

"Why?" Shen Bing was a little curious about Yuan Wei's choice. After all, her previous research direction was in the field of neurobehavior, which suddenly turned to genetic engineering, with a long span.

Yuan Wei Zhengzheng said: "I hope everyone can have a healthy body! If only from the perspective of biopharmaceuticals, the symptoms will not be cured. Starting from the genetic aspect, it may be possible to solve this problem fundamentally.

Shen Bing smiled and had no idea about their views, but he was very supportive of the research direction they chose.

In fact, these days, Shen Bing has not taken them to an underground research base, mainly because they hope that they can choose the areas of most interest for research while having a clear understanding of their abilities.

For other scientific researchers, Shen Bing will intervene, in addition to considering the capabilities and talents of the other party, but also considering the needs of the research and development base. For "inners" like Yun Xue and Yuan Wei, there is no need to do so.

"Okay! I just want to go to my experimental area ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You will go with me to see it."

Yun Xue and Yuan Wei were pleasantly surprised.

In their eyes, Villa No. 2 where Shen Bing conducted the experiment is definitely synonymous with mystery, so far no one of them has been there.

Everyone knows how bad Shen Bing's results are every time, and the more important the scientific research project, the higher the confidentiality requirements.

Even if it was Yun Xue, who had established a relationship with Shen Bing for nearly half a year, she would never mention it without Shen Bing's initiative to let her visit her laboratory.

Maybe there are some girls who think they are proud princesses, and boyfriends should rely on themselves for everything, but Yun Xue and Yuan Wei are definitely not included.

Now that Shen Bing is actively inviting, this is not only a trust, but also represents that they will really enter Shen Bing's life.

No one doubts that, as the greatest scientist in the world today, scientific research is the most important part of Shen Bing's life.

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