Fairy Technology

Chapter 864: First confrontation

"Discovered?" Shen Bing was startled.

Although Shen Bing sent Ghost One for the purpose of temptation, did he not want Ghost One to be abused?

The three alien monsters jumping down rushed to Ghost One silently.

Uh, maybe there is a sound, but unfortunately this is the moon,

A place without air, do you expect it to make a sound?

At this time, Ghost One had already seen the structure of these alien monsters. This should not be a creature, but a mechanical product.

This is judged from their appearance, and the special luster that only metal possesses indicates their identity.

They are somewhat similar in appearance to humans, strictly speaking more like a gorilla, more than 3 meters tall.

Faced with enemies rushing in three directions, Ghost One was not afraid, or it never knew what fear was.

The fastest-looking monster saw that he was about to reach the side of Ghost No. 1, and saw that he raised his huge iron fist and smashed directly towards Ghost No. 1.

At this time, Ghost One will no longer think that the other party has not found itself. Although its purpose is to test the level of alien technology, it is obviously impossible to use its body to resist the other party's attack. That is not to test the level of alien technology, but to test who has a harder metal ...

At that moment, he saw Ghost No. 1 slipping under his feet, and his entire body was close to the other's body with a strange amplitude.

At the same time, its silvery white fist block, such as lightning, directly attacked the elbow joint of the alien monster.

The size of the alien monster is too large. In addition, the speed of Ghost One is really too fast. Just in the blink of an eye, I heard the sound of a gold-iron collision and then saw that alien monster that was more than 3 meters back suddenly. .

This is obviously because of the inability to withdraw and withdraw.

Sitting at the base of the base, Shen Bing frowned slightly. He clearly saw that the monster's elbow had been deformed, and obviously had no mobility.

"It's ... too weak, right?" Shen Bing muttered.

As long as you come here a few more times, the hands and feet of this alien monster will be abolished, and its combat power will be completely disintegrated.

Although to some extent, Ghost One can be called the strongest individual on the surface, that is, the bodybuilding exercises such as Thorne have reached the peak of the second set of movements, and the combatants who have taken two genetically enhanced drugs at the same time, Opponent of Ghost One. But at the moment it cleaned up an alien combat unit so cleanly, it was still a bit unexpected for Shen Bing.

If the combat effectiveness of this alien civilization is like this, there is no need to worry too much.

Just as Shen Bing was thinking, Ghost No. 1 didn't stop, his feet moved quickly, his fists kept hitting, it was just a face-to-face effort, and the appearance monster had fallen to the ground.

At this moment, two other alien monsters rushed to the front and attacked Ghost One in a melee manner.

Ghost No. 1 seemed like a **** of war. After a fist, the two alien monsters also fell to the ground.

"Tear them down!" Shen Bing, hundreds of thousands of miles away, gave instructions.

The next scene can be called very yellow and violent, and a sharp edge of a long blade suddenly popped up in the right palm of Ghost One, and then it saw the alien monster suddenly swinging to the ground.

Without any suspense, if the knife went down, the entire body of the alien monster was cut open.

There was a rush of noise, and the alien monster shook a few times as if it was an electric shock, and then there was no movement.

With the observation angle of Ghost One, Shen Bing clearly saw that the interior of this alien monster was indeed a mechanical structure.

Although the circuit structure inside is unfamiliar, it can still be concluded that this sudden alien civilization also uses electrical energy as energy. Although this does not mean that electricity is the only energy source used, at least it should also be a mainstream.

While Ghost One continued to destroy two other alien monsters, Shen Bing was considering other things.

"Is there any extraterrestrial life in it? Or is this just a pathfinder thrown by alien civilization?" Shen Bing muttered, "It seems that I still have to touch it."

Suddenly, Ghost One has completely destroyed three alien monsters. Even if they are recovered by alien civilization, maintenance is impossible anyway, and they can only be rebuilt.

"This guy ..." Shen Bing smiled bitterly, and he forgot to order the ghost No. 1 to come back for a complete study.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly saw a light coming over, hitting Ghost One's head instantly.

The light seemed to contain a huge power, and instantly flew Ghost One for dozens of meters.

Fortunately, Shen Bing's observation perspective is not the first-person perspective of Ghost One, otherwise this sudden attack will scare him.

In the holographic image in front of me, a pop-up window suddenly appeared, just floating above the picture.

"The target is under attack."

"Attack method: electron beam."

"Attack Strength: 3."

Shen Bing suddenly became cautious. The first two lines were nothing, but the attack intensity was 3, but he had to re-evaluate the development level of this alien civilization.

To be honest, before seeing the alien monster fighting Ghost One, Shen Bing really despised it. After all, how effective is a group of combat units that only know their own power and do not even have weapons?

But now he realized that he really underestimated this alien civilization.

The so-called attack intensity 3 is a value set by yourself, which represents comprehensive evaluation data of the intensity and explosiveness of the pressure per unit area.

And this value is derived from sensors all over the surface of Ghost One's body.

According to the data set by Shen Bing, a standard attack strength refers to the strength of anti-equipment weapons, which is an attack that can penetrate armored vehicles.

The attack intensity of that light just reached 3, which should not be underestimated. With that power, there is no problem in destroying a heavy tank.

Moreover, the opponent's attack was very rapid, and even the ghost one could avoid it, which further increased its practicality.

Although Shen Bing observes everything that happened on the moon in a distant place, the situation at the scene will not stop because of his thoughts.

Ghost One was attacked and looked amazing, but it didn't actually hurt him much.

Immediately, a mule turned over and leaped, and started to snake the skin under his feet, quickly rushing in the direction of the light.

As his body moved, the attack did not come immediately, but he paused for three or four seconds, and then started a crazy attack.

The dazzling rays of light seem to attack the ghost No. 1 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ without the need to consume energy.

But in the case of Ghost No. 1 ’s position and super-intelligent analysis and prediction, these attacks have all failed without exception.

At this moment, Shen Bing finally saw the attacking master, which was also a humanoid object. Compared with the three-meter-high, black "gorilla", the guy who emerged at this moment had a lot of selling. .

This is a bit like the white armor worn by soldiers in Star Wars, except that the armor inside the movie is a real person. As for the front, it is unknown whether life or machinery is inside.

The white light that attacked Ghost One was shot from a gun-like weapon in its hand.

However, this gun is different from the mainstream guns on the earth. If you must find a prototype on earth, it is estimated that there are only big water guns for children.

It seems that this guy also feels that the weapon in his hand cannot pose a threat to the invaders. He threw the weapon suddenly, and the whole body broke out with a strong combat intention, quietly waiting for Ghost One ...

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