Fairy Technology

Chapter 878: It's time for speed

The queen mother-in-law's worry came true.

Within a few moments, the Supreme Master appeared in Yaochi again, and it was also ten miles away from where he was killed last time.

"Damn!" Said the queen mother, her chest undulating, gritting her teeth.

She had no idea how many years had gone without such anger.

Who would dare to grab the treasures of her queen mother and queen throughout the fairyland? And still grab it in front of you.

Yaoxuan Fairy did not know what was going on inside.

Although she is also a golden fairy, she can cover thousands of miles, but as a prince of the queen mother, naturally she cannot perform such magical powers in the priest's dojo, which is a great disrespect to the queen mother. So even if Shen Bing first appeared on Lianhai, she didn't know.

Therefore, in her opinion, the series of anger and cursing by the mother-in-law just now was simply because of her dissatisfaction with her lover.

She immediately asked: "Madam, isn't that **** gone?"

The queen mother looked at the sky, but said nothing.

Nima! How can this be said? Shame!

However, she did not intend to give up her fate, the gods thoughts turned, and Yaochi's strongest defense against the celestial array was activated. Any non-Yaochi creatures entering would be killed immediately!

This belongs to the automatic induction mechanism of Xian Zhen, and its response is faster than the mother-in-law's self-initiated formation.

This is the last resort available to the Queen Mother.

In her opinion, no matter what the other party wants to do, there must be some action. As long as you can let the opponent have no time to do any action, the asshole's wishful thinking will not work.

Later, the mother-in-law flashed back and returned to the quiet room where she practiced.

Shen Bing also showed the missing queen mother-in-law, but he didn't pay much attention. Anyway, the old woman was so determined to die with her. At this moment, it is estimated that somewhere in Tibet is to do something.

The next moment, Shen Bing teleported to the bottom of Yaochi again.

But he hadn't had any response before, and the thunderstorm raged around, and he died gorgeously again.

The queen mother admired the various tricks of this lover's death, but who knows the shock in her heart?

Even if it is all over the immortal realm, no one has such magical powers. This kind of absolutely immortal ability is estimated that even the saints will be jealous.

Although the saint claims to be immortal, there are limits to that. For example, did Pangu great **** finally fall because of exhaustion?

The most important thing is not this, saints are immortal. But the mother dared to pack tickets, and each time the attack, the sire was indeed dead, but soon came back to life.

What's even more weird is that this guy seems to be resurrected in a specific place after death, and then ran over again by relying on some special moving magic power.

"Maybe find this guy's resurrection place and kill him completely." The mother-in-law thought.

She didn't know that her idea was doomed to be impossible.

Even Shen Bing himself doesn't know where the void island is now. Every time you come to remove the reliance on the teleporter, there is no other way.

After almost a quarter of an hour like this, Shen Bing was killed more than a dozen times by Xian Zhen, and he finally saw the underground sediment.

This is the bottom of Yaochi Lake.

In reality, Shen Bing has seen the scenery of the sea floor, but it is very different from the bottom of Yaochi Lake.

According to the depth of Shen Bing's dive, the depth of this Yaochi is absolutely several times deeper than the Mariala Trench. Under normal circumstances, such a deep bottom must be dead.

But at the bottom of Yaochi Lake, there are countless colorful flashes of light.

This is the stagnant image of the immortal spirit. From this, we can also see how "local tyrants" are at the bottom of the lake.

In the past, Shen Bing felt that Sun Monkey's Huaguo Mountain was a genius and treasure, but when he saw the bottom of Yaochi Lake, he realized that Huaguo Mountain was simply a beggar nest.

It seems that the Lord of Fairy Fairy, who has passed down countless years, has indeed an unmatched heritage.

Shen Bing, who had just been killed, began to search for the existence of Xianyu with the help of this holographic map.

Shen Bing already knew that the mother-in-law and mother-in-law had done something, leaving them few opportunities.

The bottom of the Yaochi Lake is not only Xianxian, but also many other precious treasures.

Fortunately, this thing is more recognizable. It is a section of 藕, which is not much different from the lotus root in the world. At most, it has the property of a fairy.

When looking for something, Shen Bing was also thinking. If he couldn't figure out how to do this, then think of another method.

For example, let Taiyi Tianzun come to find the queen mother herself, after all, he begged himself to go to hell. Now let him help find the queen mother-in-law and ask for some fairies, right?

But in this way, his contribution in the completion of the task will inevitably weaken, and the rewards obtained at that time may be discounted, which is not the result that Shen Bing wants to see.

As far as he asked Guanyin Bodhisattva to help, this was just an equivalent exchange. In essence, it was done by Shen Bing himself.

Although it has now reached the bottom of the lake, Xianyu is not so easy to find, and Shen Bing has long been mentally prepared for this.

Normally, lotus roots grow in the soil.

This is also a situation that Shen Bing is more worried about.

If all lotus roots are buried in the soil, and this large battlefield in Yaochi Wonderland, with his personal ability, it is basically impossible to achieve the purpose of harvesting fairy roots.

But there is no absolute truth in the world, and the fairy centipede buried in the soil may be drilled out of the soil, even if it is only a short section, Shen Bing has a way to get it all out.

As for the reason, isn't it because Fairy is now a quest item?

Suddenly, Shen Bing's eyes flashed, with a deep surprise in his eyes.

Because he saw a section of lotus root.

Well, that thing is just like lotus roots in shape, but the color is completely different from normal lotus roots. It is green all over the body, just like a jadeite dyed in lake color.

"If this thing is in this world, you can buy a good price based on this appearance." Shen Bing sighed.

He took a deep breath, and then it was time to consider his hands.

Uncle, I am single for twenty-three years. Who are you afraid of?

Keke ... Nima, why did you accidentally expose your age?

Back to the topic, more than a dozen deaths before, he has figured out the power of this fairy array.

As long as you appear within the range of Yaochi Wonderland, the Killing Fairy will start instantly, for up to 1o milliseconds, the Fairy's attack means can completely kill itself.

This means that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has only 1o milliseconds for itself.

Shen Bing paid full attention, staring closely at the screen.

At this moment, everything seems to be slowing down ...


The picture suddenly changes, and then I see that period of fairy tale is right next to the character.

Shen Bing didn't hesitate at all, and clicked on the fairy tale almost with lightning.

The pop-up window appeared instantly, he didn't even go to see the content inside, just clicked OK ...

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