Fairy Technology

Chapter 885: God! Damn it!

I ca n’t go by myself, the gods ca n’t go, who else can I rely on?

If you can send Xiaojiu yourself, you don't need to consider this problem spontaneously. Even Cowherd and Girl Weaver can probably get this group of aliens. How can it be, the cost of transmitting the small nine is so astronomical.

The point is that Xiao Jiu has a greater significance for himself in the fairyland.

In other words, after you teleport it yourself, once you get the aliens, you have to teleport it back at the same cost.

And the jade used to come and go is totally a waste.

Therefore, before being compelled, Shen Bing does not plan to teleport Xiaojiu, even if it is a cowherd and a weaver girl.

"Wait a minute! If this guy really rushes to earth on his own, it's not too late to entertain them."

Shen Bing had a decision in mind.


Over the Pacific Ocean, four sci-fi fighters are galloping fast. They have passed Mach five.

This is more than twice the degree of the f22 fighter.

On the wings of these four fighters, the Stars and Stripes looked particularly dazzling.

It is self-evident that these four fighters are the six generations of old Americans.

Of course, the four US sixth-generation aircraft did not appear on the Pacific Ocean for no reason. According to the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, this was to test the deep-strike capabilities of the sixth-generation aircraft.

So there was this voyage from Hawaii to Guam ...

Other countries have not paid much attention to this issue announced by the old US. After all, for the sixth-generation aircraft, deep strike capability is not so important.

Coupled with the high seas from Hawaii to Guam, there are fewer disputes.

George was a pilot of the Mountain Eagle 1, and he was honored to be the first six-generation pilot in the United States.

This is his glory, and it is also a recognition of his flying technology-six generations, not any pilot can fly.

And this time with his mission there are three pilots with similar technical strength, all of them from the United States Air Force's most powerful flying team.

But at this moment, George didn't feel how glorious, even he was a little tangled.

Because behind the announcement of the order, they also received a secret order, that is, when passing through a certain sea area, just throw a few missiles down.

And that sea area has one of the biggest goals, which is the Golden Island of Huaxian Technology.

The order of the White House group was to completely blow up Golden Island.

Of course, this cannot be said on the table, at most, after the accident, it is said that the accident has exploded. You can find any reasons for operating errors or control system failures ...

This is also the main reason why the sixth-generation aircraft "Sea Eagle" is used. After all, it is a new fighter. The possibility of failure is quite high.

Why did the White House crowd bomb Gold Island?

On the one hand, of course, it is because of the dissatisfaction of the people in the White House and the major wealth managers in the U.S., and on the other hand, to make news.

Just imagine, once the Golden Island is blown down, is there any more sensational news in the world?

As for whether it will cause retaliation by Huaxia, it does not exist, because there are no flags flying on the island, and it is floating on the high seas. For goods at the national level, this stuff is a black cargo, and it will be bombed. Fried.

Even if the Chinese side stood up to condemn it, the US military could say that it was a mistaken bombing.

It is impossible for China to voluntarily provoke war because of this?

George stared at the navigation system on the ground with a helmet and a smile on his face.

"The fighter with artificial intelligence is easy to drive. In the past, the fighter had to complete a complex set of moves to complete the Pugachev Cobra maneuver. Now, it can be done with a single command."

"It's so fast, it's Gold Island ahead." George's eyes flashed coldly.

Soldier, obedience to orders is a heavenly duty, even if he doesn't understand why he wants them to bomb the Golden Island, but this does not prevent him from carrying out the orders.

At this moment, there was a rush of voice in the intercom system.

"Shanying No. 1! Shanying No. 1! I'm Shanying No. 2 and my fighter appeared uncontrollable for a short time! But it soon returned to normal. Please be careful."

"Understand!" George's mouth flickered. This was a prelude to the offensive, and a pre-appointed sign.

Of course, this is not just as simple as a password, it is also evidence of a future drool battle.

Soon, the four fighters were less than 300 kilometers away from Golden Island, which was already within the strike range of the air-to-surface missiles carried by the sixth-generation aircraft.

Until now, Lao Mei had not figured out how his two F22s had crashed, so the White House group was cautious about attacking near the Golden Island.

It is best to conduct line-of-sight combat and run.

Suddenly, the four six-generation aircraft that originally flew leisurely suddenly shook a few times.

"No! The fighter is out of control! Kitty Hawks, I'm Shanying 1. The fighter control system has failed, the weapon system has failed ... please report your situation."

"..." There was no sound.

If he could not see the three fighter planes next to him through the window string of the fighter plane, he would have thought that the puppet had left the team.

"Wow!" A sudden bang sounded, and he clearly saw that the fighter magazine next to him opened, and a missile flew straight out.

"Asshole! This kind of thing is also working hard?" George cursed, pointing his finger toward the red button on the operation panel.

At the same time, he determined the position where the missile was locked, which was a moment from the southwest corner of Golden Island.

When the finger was pressed, the fighter aircraft vibrated lightly, and a missile dragged its long tail and flew towards the northwest.

It's not that the people in the White House haven't thought about voice control in the six generations of machines. It's just that the battlefield is changing rapidly. Voice control, which seems to be tall, is actually not very useful or even counterproductive.

Unless the fighter and the brain are connected in the future, by then, human control of fighters can truly achieve man-machine integration.

George was thinking wildly, and he was about to return to the sea-the fighter plane broke down, why not go back? Continue flying?

However, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ at this time he appeared, and his instructions did not have any effect at all.

Er, it is not without any effect. On the contrary, it reacted very fiercely, and suddenly it rushed out directly, and the target was just the air-to-surface missile that just flew away.

The power of this sixth-generation aircraft is once again manifested, and the cruise missile that originally flew a few seconds earlier seems to be getting closer.

But George didn't have the slightest joy, because his plane was hit by a cruise missile flying forward ...

"God! Damn it!"

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