Fairy Technology

Chapter 887: This pot, do n’t carry it

After receiving the news, the White House was dumbfounded.

Especially Mr. President, he even lifted the table on the spot.

I was going to watch the fireworks today. As a result, the fireworks have not been seen, but I have received such bad news.

Nowadays, the U.S. military is tightening its belts and making every effort to build the "Sea Eagle" fighter.

I have to say that the ability of the United States to explode production capacity is still very strong, especially in the face of extreme pressure.

In just a few months of work, the U.S. military has already owned more than thirty Seahawk fighters.

Consider that during World War II, when the United States moved national forces, a fighter jet was quickly rushed out like a chick, and the battleship was thrown into the sea like dumplings. This can also understand why the US military can create so many new fighters in such a short period of time.

This is also because the situation is non-wartime at this time, and in wartime, the number can be further increased.

Nothing else, this is the only power that can currently deal with Huaxia's mysterious stealth fighter, which has been proven.

In fact, it can also be seen how much pressure the White House has faced when facing the Chinese stealth fighter. Otherwise, how could it have invested so much in a very short time.

But now, the four fighters are at the same time, which is enough to make people scared.

If it crashed due to war, this shows that the performance of the four fighters is not as powerful as expected.

But if it crashed because of the fighter itself, then it indicates that the "Sea Eagle" fighter has serious design flaws. If this is confirmed, the thirty or so fighters that have been manufactured can only lie on their backs ...

For whatever reason, the White House group cannot explain to Congress.

At present, they only hope that it is the problem of the fighter itself, and that the problem is not too big, and it is best to be a small problem that can be easily solved.

Everything ... Only after the four fighters or the wreckage of the fighters are found can they be concluded.


An hour later, a dark gray reconnaissance aircraft flew through the sky, and pieces of debris on the sea were conspicuous.

This is the location of the accident, and there is no deviation in location.

Of course, the wreckage has drifted a little distance, and the role of the ocean current cannot be ignored.

Obviously, all four Seahawk fighters crashed.

Now their mission is clear. On the one hand, they have to search for the survivors, on the other hand, they have to salvage the wreckage, so they have to find the black box.

Behind the reconnaissance plane is a huge transport aircraft, but for the time being, it has no use.

The reconnaissance aircraft circled over this area for more than ten minutes and had to come to an unacceptable result: the four pilots were missing.

Well, disappearance is just a more decent statement. In the deep ocean, the only result is death.

To say that there may be an accident, it is Poseidon.

At the same time, the White House had to announce the matter to the public.

In fact, Mr. President wanted to suppress this matter, but he also knew that such a major event could not be suppressed.

Opposition members in Congress are waiting to grab their little pigtails ...

After the news was announced, there was an uproar all over the world, especially in the United States.

Those in the White House were directly scolded as silly.

"A bunch of idiots! The design and manufacture of a fighter turned out to be so hasty!"

"Who gives you the right? The fighter just designed has long-range flights?"

"The point is that this gadget has entered mass production."

"Is there a gap between the United States and Huaxia Huanxian Technology Co., Ltd.? It's the same as an airplane, how stable others are!"

Almost the whole world is saying, you see, aircraft manufacturing is really a matter of urgency.

Old beauty is good enough, right? Six months of generation of the machine, but the results? Now silly!

Don't take on porcelain without diamonds! This group of people in the White House is a living example.

The world's eyes are staring at this matter, and the US military seems to be being grilled on fire.

It is not known how many years have passed, and the US military has never made such a major mistake.

Mr. President and others were in a heavy mood, and they couldn't come up with a better idea in the face of crazy attacks on the Internet. No way, who can make them lose money?

A few hours later, several warships appeared in the sea of ​​events. At this time, the surrounding debris had drifted far away, and some even sank to the bottom of the sea and completely disappeared.

Before the battleship arrived, a group of gunships flew over the area.

However, since the previous reconnaissance aircraft has confirmed that there are no signs of life here, this team of helicopters can't sit on anything except a few large pieces of wreckage that have been salvaged from the sea and taken away.

Now that the battleship has arrived, they are also about to salvage the wreckage.

The busy time is always fast. By noon the next day, they finally found a black box.

The black box was urgently transported back to the military base, and the truth slowly emerged.

Missile fired ... fighter out of control ... explosion ...

A context has been worked out, the focus is on the fighters getting out of control ...

"Mr. President, after investigation, the fighter aircraft has not been subjected to external attacks, and it is initially determined that the system failure caused the fighter plane to lose control ..."

After receiving the news, Mr. President felt that his IQ was rubbed fiercely on the ground.

Nima! Four fighters out of control at the same time? Isn't this a ghost?

The most important thing is that the out-of-control aircraft was not planted from the air or blown up on the spot, but instead chased the newly launched missile without exception.

Who dares to say this is a mere failure? Do you have the ability to try the same problem again?

"This is a conspiracy! Absolutely someone controls our fighter."

Mr. President looked at a group of staff around him and growled on the spot.

"Mr. President, our fighter is an artificial intelligence system. Its security is beyond doubt and it can never be remotely controlled." Secretary of Defense Kleiser said.

Although the sixth generation of the United States was jointly developed by Martin and Boeing, it was led by Kleiser, including the introduction of artificial intelligence systems.

If the accident is really caused by the intrusion control of the system, his responsibility will be greater.

So, this pot, he doesn't carry it.

Most of the staff believe it, because they have already experienced the power of artificial intelligence in the field of network security from Huaxian Technology. Ai1i artificial intelligence is not weaker than the Chinese dragon scale system, so How could ai1i be hacked?

"You said that it is impossible to have any secret weapons on the Golden Island? Did n’t our two F35s accidentally crash over the Golden Island a few days ago? The cause of the crash has not been identified yet. Now these four 'sea' The Eagle's fighter also lost control near Golden Island, and I don't think this is a coincidence. "Navy commander Barton spoke.

This guy's complexion was quiet. Although this time the incident was not in the navy, the last incident was caused by the navy. Although all the attention at that time was attracted by the mysterious peach tree, so that no one was pursuing responsibility for the accident, Barton never stopped investigating the cause of the accident.

Mr. President widened his eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and looked around. Although everyone had not spoken yet, he read something from the eyes of these people.

"It's quite possible!" Morey said. "But how did the other party do this? What kind of weapon is this?"

Everyone was silent.

This is nonsense! If they know what the weapon is, they are still discussing it here.

Even the existence of this so-called weapon is unknown.

"Otherwise ... we put this responsibility directly on the Golden Island? Then we used this as an excuse to capture the Golden Island!" Patton said with a glance.

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