Fairy Technology

Chapter 889: Frypot

"Garson is missing! Certainly a wise race found us, and then kidnapped Garson." Another alien said.

The remaining humane alien: "After scanning the earth these days, we can determine that their level of technological development is not high, and even the planet has not yet achieved unity. For us, such a planet threat is not high. But the nuclear bombs these guys make are really good, and we have to be careful. "

The alien who spoke first said: "Commander Soso, are you worried too much? At the speed of our OX fighter, can a nuclear bomb threaten us? The other party really wants to use a nuclear bomb, at best it is self-destruction. "

家伙 The guy known as Cave Gu said, "I agree with Bru's point."

Soso commanded the long road; "Don't forget our purpose! If all human beings on the planet are dead, our captive plan in these years will be a complete failure."

"What do you plan to do, Commander Soso? Do we continue to wait? Garson disappeared yesterday. It is difficult to guarantee that no other companion will disappear tomorrow. What about the day after tomorrow? Each of our fighters teleported, and the mother star cost a huge price. We are not afraid of death, but we have to die meaningfully. "

Commander Suo Suoso was silent for a few seconds, and said, "We are not keeping our troops intact, but we must adopt a sound strategy, at least to prevent the other party from launching a nuclear bomb."

"Then use lightning tactics to attack the opponent's head office! Once the entire planet becomes a loose sand, it will be completely reduced to our physical body to cultivate the planet." Bruce said.

The ancient cave cave said: "Such a small planet with more than a hundred countries is simply ridiculous. Where will our lightning operation attack?"

"Beheading! Naturally, you need to cut off the most powerful opponent first! But we can't kill people, it's too wasteful. There is no body on this planet, and it can be sold at a high price after getting back the mother star."

Uh ...

After Xiao Zak got out of the car, he slowly walked toward the dome of the White House.

He is not in a hurry, this slow walk is more ritualistic.

Maybe when I come out of this place again, American pride will become history ...

When he was more than a hundred meters away from the dome building, suddenly the whole city remembered the harsh air defense alarm.

"What's the matter?" Little Zach glared.

Is there an air strike? This is a bit nonsense. As the world's most powerful military empire, the protective measures deployed around Washington are absolutely appalling.

谁 Who dares to attack Washington in this world?

Well, maybe Huanxian Technology has this courage and strength, but Boss Shen is a master of generosity and will never attack the United States for nothing.

After all, you have to fight early, why should you endure it now?

So what is this air defense alert?

Little Zach couldn't help looking up at the sky.

Suddenly, he was shocked to see that a small black spot appeared strangely in the air, and then the small black spot grew larger and bigger, and finally formed a behemoth about 100 feet long.

I saw this behemoth hovering thousands of meters above the White House, so weird.

Little Zach's eyes flashed with horror, just like this behemoth, who has the ability to let it hover in the air? Even if it is a nuclear-powered engine developed by Magic Fairy Technology, it is estimated that it cannot provide such ample power.

Actually, it ’s not just Zach. Many people have seen this scene. After all, the air defense alarms are sounding. I do n’t think there is something missing if I do n’t look at the sky.

"Is that an alien spaceship?" A little girl like a porcelain doll asked her mother.

However, her mother did not answer at this moment, because she was filled with shock and anxiety.

Everyone feels uneasy when facing unknown things, especially such unknown things that seem extremely powerful.

Suddenly, the shuttle-like aircraft moved.

It seemed as if a light wave rushed out of the aircraft and swept directly towards the White House complex.

Xiao Zak seemed to feel a gust of wind blowing from his face, then ... there was no more, and he fell to the ground softly.

"Nima! Can the wind blow to death?" This may be his last thought.

At this moment, Little Zach just walked to the square in front of the White House building, but this one-but no one came to help, because not only was Little Zach, everyone within the range of the naked eye fell to the ground, life or death.

Soon, a small door opened on the side of the huge aircraft, and then a small aircraft like the locust version flew out.

的 Small here is only relative to that big aircraft. In fact, each of them is over three meters, not too small.

These "locusts" swept across the White House as if they were their target.

It's a pity that all around is quiet like water at this moment, and there is no existence that can stop these countless "locusts".

For just a few minutes, the "locust" withdrew from the White House, then flew back to the main ship, and then saw a beam of light from the front of the main ship, which was directed towards the White House.

"Booming ..." A loud bang, this building complex known for more than two hundred years collapsed, the sky was covered with smoke.

Then, the main ship trembled slightly, and then swept away toward the deep space ...

Uh ...

Global fryers!

This is absolutely explosive news!

Even the unexplained explosion of the previous four and six generation aircraft is far from the news.

The White House collapsed! Why did it fall? It was bombed.

And it seems to have been knocked down by aliens, which sounds like a story.

Many people are skeptical about this, because there is no image data on the Internet, no picture and no truth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Do you say that aliens are aliens?

No matter who the White House was bombed by, it cannot change the sensational effect brought about by this matter.

When the news came out, almost all the media reported on the matter.

The pictures on the scene show that terrible things have happened here.

Walking farther away from the ruins, you can still see lying pedestrians, or possibly corpses.

But when rescuers came into contact with these people, they found that they were not dead, one by one, as if they were asleep.

With the help of professionals, some people soon wake up, including Mr. Zach.

The incident of being attacked by aliens came from these populations, among which Zach also testified.

The people investigating this matter are very hard-hearted.

Nima! Aliens ... Could you explain to the public that the White House was attacked by aliens? It might as well be said that someone was engaged in terrorist activities and bombed the White House.

He was even more weird, and as the search and rescue operation quickly started, the ruins were quickly cleared away, and stones were moved away ...

This is all a serious routine, but what is not serious is the ruins of countless corpses that should have been there, not even a little blood.

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