Fairy Technology

Chapter 892: Weapon deployment

Aliens attacked the earth, but attacked the White House alone. What's so special about it here? & 1t; /

He didn't believe that these aliens picked a place at will, even better, the White House, which was too nonsense. & 1t; /

Suddenly, Shen Bing's heart moved and she was shocked. & 1t; /

What are the characteristics of the White House in the eyes of aliens? First, the world's largest nuclear arsenal is in the hands of these people. Second, here is the brain center of the United States, the world's most powerful country. Thirdly, it bears the global vision, and something happened here, which can bring the greatest shock to human beings around the world. & 1t; /

The aliens ... is carrying out the operation! & 1t; /

Now that the Operation is aimed at the White House, what about the next one? Choose Old Russia or China? & 1t; /

"Ball! How many of our satellites are deployed?" & 1t; /

"The deployment of positioning and observation satellites in the eastern hemisphere has been completed, a total of thirty-two. The western hemisphere is still the original communication satellite." & 1t; /

Shen Bingxun said: "Start the outer space detection system immediately, even if it is a small stone, we can't let it slip on the earth silently." & 1t; /

"On the Western Hemisphere side ..." & 1t; /

"Let it go in the Western Hemisphere first, and speed up deployment." Shen Bing said. & 1t; /

"OK!" & 1t; /

"Has the research and development of charged particle cannons been carried out?" Shen Bing did not ask the antimatter cannons. The technology was just available, and Colin and others were not sure whether they had thoroughly understood the technical information. After all, it was Samsung technology. & 1t; /

The ball immediately said: "The test machine has been assembled, and the final result has not been verified." & 1t; /

"No need to verify. Ask Thorne to ship it to Kyoto immediately, find a place to deploy secretly ..." & 1t; /

"Master, isn't this what you intended?" & 1t; /

Shen Bing understood the meaning of the ball, and immediately said: "I will communicate with the leader ..." & 1t; /

Before Shen Bing finished speaking, Qiuqiu's face changed, and said, "Boss, I don't think you need to call Chang." & 1t; /

Immediately afterwards, Shen Bing's cell phone rang. & 1t; /

Shen Bing winked at the ball, meaning the other side understood it. & 1t; /

"Xiao Shen." A familiar voice came across from him, a little heavy in solemnity. & 1t; /

Shen Bingdao: "Long, you call and want to come because of something over the White House." & 1t; /

"It seems your kid has guessed that the propaganda outside is just a guise." Chang said, "The White House ... was indeed attacked by an unknown civilization. Nearly a thousand people in the White House, without exception, all disappeared, and their lives were unknown . At present, our five powers have begun to deploy defensive forces to prevent countermeasures from reappearing. "& 1t; /

Shen Bingdao: "Don't the United States have anything happening ahead of time? What about their radars?" & 1t; /

Long way: "The U.S. military said that their strategic early warning radar did not play any role. In the end, the alien warship still relies on the identification system modified by the telescope purchased from your company." & 1t; /

Although Shen Bing was a little surprised, after thinking about it, he also accepted this fact. & 1t; /

Although the telescope in the promotion has the best observation range of two kilometers. But this two kilometers does not mean that the two-kilometer telescope can only see targets that are two kilometers away, but that the two-kilometer target is in front of you. & 1t; /

If it is a farther target, the telescope can certainly see it. For example, planes that have flown tens of kilometers away. & 1t; /

If it is a big guy who is over 100 meters in size, it can be seen by the telescope even when it is 100 kilometers away, although the target is only the size of a fly. However, it is sufficient for early warning. & 1t; /

Most of the time the air-raid alarm sounded in Washington for this reason. & 1t; /

Unfortunately, compared to the degree of alien warships, this early warning distance is too short to effectively respond at all. & 1t; /

"Long, this time the aliens attacked the White House, I am afraid it was no accident." Shen Bing said, "The other party may have grasped the situation of the earth, the purpose is to make the earth mess up first, and then the least cost Take control of Earth people. "& 1t; /

A rather puzzled tunnel; "Oh? What do you think the other party's purpose is to control our human beings?" & 1t; /

Shen Bing opened his mouth, and originally wanted to tell the truth, but considering that the words were spoken, no one would believe it, saying: "This is unknown for the time being, but I think the priority is to figure out the plans of these aliens, otherwise the aliens We can only be passively beaten to the extent that the battleship is out of control. "& 1t; /

After a long silence, it seemed to understand something, saying: "You mean, the opponent's next attack target is likely to be our Kyoto?" & 1t; /

Shen Bingdao: "As long as the opponent attacked the White House not by coincidence, then the next target is likely to be Kyoto." & 1t; /

"We cannot escape ..." & 1t; /

After waiting for a long time, Shen Bingdao said, "Long, I don't mean to escape, but I can use this as an opportunity to have an ambush." ​​& 1t; /

"Ambush ..." Long said, "So far, our understanding of these aliens is almost blank, especially the performance of that warship. We know nothing about it. If the ambush is successful, it is certainly a global joy. Good things for celebration, but once it fails, Kyoto will be coated with charcoal. "& 1t; /

He naturally understood the long worry, even if it was an ambush, how much do human weapons have against alien warships? Unless nuclear weapons are used, it is difficult to say whether conventional ammunition can break the outer shell of an alien warship. & 1t; /

Can nuclear weapons be used in Kyoto? This can only be thought about. & 1t; /

Shen Bing was a little embarrassed. I knew that I would not hide the exploration of the moon. Otherwise, I can tell Chang directly about this, but I still need to find a reason. & 1t; /

"Long, ordinary weapons are really difficult to shake alien warships, but some time ago, when we conducted in-depth research on electrical energy storage technology, we happened to know a new weapon. After testing, this weapon is extremely powerful and its damage It is three points stronger than a nuclear bomb, and it will not leave behind. "& 1t; /

How Shen Bing feels at this moment is unknown, but it is very complicated to think about it. [31Fiction Net Update Fast] & 1t; /

"What weapon?" Chang asked for a long while. & 1t; /

Shen Bingdao: "A weapon that focuses the beam of nuclear power particles. It belongs to directional energy weapons. Although it is powerful, it will not affect innocent people." & 1t; /

Although Chang's heart was a little suspicious, he also knew that at this moment there was no more time to verify the authenticity of what Shen Bing said. & 1t; /

If it was as Shen Bing guessed, the aliens might be planning to attack Kyoto. & 1t; /

"Shen Bing, how long does it take to deploy such a set of weapons?" & 1t; /

"The research on this weapon is carried out on the Golden Island. It takes almost two hours to transport to Kyoto. As for deployment, it is very simple. Just find a flat site and provide enough power." & 1t ; /

"Isn't your power station just on the south side of Kyoto? Installed directly near the power station ..." Changdao, "Yes, how far can your weapon attack?" & 1t; /

Shen Bingdao; "When you grow up, you can rest assured that, except for the fact that our charged particle gun cannot have the automatic steering function like a missile, it can completely destroy ICBMs, including the range. It is like a laser , As long as it is in a straight line, attacking tens of thousands of kilometers is not a problem. "& 1t; /

"Okay! You immediately bring the equipment over." Chang immediately clapped. & 1t; /

Shen Bing: "Okay, it's too much trouble for you to arrange contact personnel and perform the transfer procedures." & 1t; /

Long road: "The transfer will not be transferred for the time being, and it will be handled in a hurry by your personnel. Then I will let the Rockets send a battalion to cooperate." & 1t; /

The corner of Shen Bing's mouth slightly tilted, and he had to say that the long hand played beautifully. & 1t; /

This not only shows the country's trust in Huanxian Technology, but also binds Huanxian Technology to this war against alien civilization invasion. & 1t; /

Throughout the conversation, the two sides were very tacit about not talking about the weapons research conducted by Huanxian Technology. & 1t; /

In this regard, in fact, when Chang agreed that Huanxian Technology could conduct nuclear physics research independently, there were no obstacles. & 1t; /

Even nuclear research can be open to the magic fairy science, what is weapon research? Moreover, Shen Bing also said that the reason why this weapon can be found is completely a by-product of studying high-energy physics. & 1t; /

Besides, the place where Magic Immortal Technology conducts weapons research is not in China, which is legally justified. & 1t; /

"Since I'm so reassured that I am a magic fairy technology ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, I will take this task." Shen Bing responded. & 1t; /

After a long pause, he said, "Xiao Shen, if you have time to come to Kyoto again, we have to communicate some things in person." & 1t; /

Shen Bing naturally responded. He understood that this time it was a huge shock to the world. & 1t; /

If it is handled properly, then the dream of Chinese revival will come true. But if something goes wrong, it is likely that the entire nation will be brought to ruin, and even the whole world will suffer together. & 1t; /

This is by no means alarmist ... & 1t; /

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