Fairy Technology

Chapter 895: Come here

Imagine that it took thousands of years for Huaxia to develop from the origin of civilization to the current level.

算 Even if this alien civilization named the Corgi Empire had been discovered and used dark matter and dark energy thousands of years ago, its technological level is still at the Samsung level, which is justified.

After all, not everyone has this kind of golden thigh grasped by Shen Bing.

In fact, before this, Shen Bing inferred from the situation of the spaceship and the alien base on the moon that he had snatched from Laomei. The only thing that made him a little bit confused was that these guys could actually carry out wormholes shuttle.

With these words from Colin now, Shen Bing is even more certain.

At this point, Shen Bing was relieved a lot.

Relying on the ion cannons and charged particle cannons under his control, he should be able to deal with the space battleships of the Corgi Empire. It is the alien base on the moon that is not impossible.

I can say that as long as he doesn't face the **** Corgi empire, Shen Bing will not hesitate.

"This alien you study carefully, learn from each other, and improve our robots. Especially this guy's weapon system is remarkable, don't fall." Shen Bing ordered.

Colin nodded excitedly.

Although the weapon system of this alien is much worse than the big killer such as ion cannon and charged particle cannon, it is a single weapon, after all, unlike ion cannon and charged particle cannon. Weapons such as these are the most lightweight.

I do n’t know if it is to deal with the powerful enemy that their mother star is facing. The “body” created by the Corgi Empire for his own people has an extremely powerful motion system.

The sports mentioned here are not just walking, running and running, or two actions such as front flips and back flips, but also many actions that break through the limits of human beings. This set of "body", combined with countless actual battles, has been refined Fighting skills can ensure that every alien can become a reaper of life.

Most importantly, it also includes the use of dark energy ...

"Boss, otherwise we will build an army of robots, which will definitely sweep Uchiu ..."

Shen Bing stared, and said, "Stop the fart! Solve the trouble in front of me before talking."

"Okay," Colin said wryly.

Shen Bing turned and left, with a trace of resentment in his eyes.

Nima, what awe-inspiring thing swept across the land? It's a pity that it's not reliable for me.

He knows exactly what he stands for, which is the gate of the fairyland. But to use the gate of the fairy realm, you need to use the fairy jade. Although, from the current point of view, the fairy jade was obtained by charging money, but it is essentially a manifestation of merit.

What kind of merit is Batu Te sweeping in the sky? It's not bad not to complain about killing yourself.

Moreover, the system is more provocative, relying on stolen property is not recognized. Judging by this rule, there is no big difference between the rivers and mountains that were laid down through the war and looting, so let it be.

Uh ...

After leaving the weapon research area, Shen Bing returned to the Central Control Center.

Holding the mobile phone of the gate of fairyland to enter the game, the flying shuttle is still flying forward under the control of Xiaojiu.

"Nima! This nether blood sea area is too big, right?" Shen Bing was quite depressed.

In fact, sometimes he is also wondering, what is this fairyland?

At the speed of the flying shuttle, they ran for a few days, and actually did not even fly out of an area of ​​the demon world. So how big is the Devil Realm?

This is true for the demonic realm, so is the fairy realm, and there is also the demonic realm.

The most important thing is that no matter how you run, you ca n’t return to the origin, no matter how you run, that is, these places are probably not planets.

But what is the planet? Under the rules of the universe, are not all planets, stars, and even black holes, spherical?

I do n’t understand!

Fortunately, Shen Bing is more optimistic. If you don't understand something, you don't want to, and this question is temporarily shelved.

冰 Shen Bing is completely unfamiliar with the place outside the Nether Blood Sea, not even knowing how big the Nether Blood Sea is. There is no other way than to fly forward with a stuffy head.

"Tomorrow is another new month, and I don't know if the task next month can be completed."

This is the thought of Shen Bing at the beginning of each month.

Fortunately, more than half a year has passed. Although several tasks were very difficult to complete, they were finally completed.

In fact, Shen Bing can be seen, his own system is still quite good, at least unlike some pit people's system, deliberately made some hosts can not meet the requirements, can not complete the cut off Tintin, or even directly humane destroy.

Although Shen Bing had grievances about the system's daily task function at the beginning, but now he also understands that, in fact, this function is really as it is written, in order to encourage the host to complete the task more actively.

So, as long as the host is active enough, basically completing three tasks a month is still fine.

Browsing through the task list, there are no other tasks except for tasks that are more difficult than you can see at a glance.

In desperation, Shen Bing exited the system.

At this moment, the voice of the ball came: "Master, Lu Shiba has reached the alien base on the moon."

"Pass the picture back," Shen Bing said immediately.

"Okay!" After the ball echoed, a holographic image appeared in front of him.

I am still familiar with the picture. In addition to the two alien warships that have been hovering in the air, UU Reading Book www. uukanshu.com does not seem to have changed much. ,

The two alien warships should be on alert, but unfortunately for such an existence as Lu Shiba, such investigations have no meaning.

Soon, Shen Bing found something wrong.

In a spacious room, he found a large group of pale-faced people with various skin tones, and several old acquaintances in Shen Bing.

They are the missing people in the White House.

"It seems correct. The White House is indeed responsible for this group of aliens." Shen Bing muttered to himself, "It will be sent to the moon so soon, it seems that the efficiency of the Corgi Empire is quite high. "

"Will you save the President by the way?" A thought came out of Shen Bing's mind, "Anyway, it's all here."

冰 In fact, Shen Bing doesn't really like the group of people in the White House. Who will let these guys find themselves uncomfortable?

If they really fall into the hands of the terrorists, they will die.

But now, after all, they were abducted by aliens, and the "body" that looks like human beings is very important material for aliens. If you ignore the missing Mr. President and others, it seems that you have the suspicion of an enemy.

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