Fairy Technology

Chapter 899: Direct

Shen Bing had some doubts inside.

The news he had learned before was that the aliens would attack the heads of states on Earth one by one, and when Lu Xun arrived on the moon a few hours ago, he also confirmed the news.

But after waiting so long, I haven't seen anything. Now it's hard to get news, but this guy is flying west from Siberia.

You say this alien battleship, it ’s fine if you want to fly wherever you want. But as far as Shen Bing knows, these aliens still know the situation of the earth very well. Before they attacked the White House, they reached their destination from space.

But now it's swaying over Siberia. What the **** is that?

It's impossible for an alien battleship to get lost, can't it find a target?

This is impossible.

"Perhaps ... these guys already suspect that the power to do things in their base comes from the earth, and the purpose of doing so is to ... lead the snake out of the hole ..."

Shen Bing was very happy.

He now knew that the aliens had read the memory of the unfortunate President, but what could that President know? Maybe the other party knows that the science and technology capability of the magic fairy technology is very strong, but it is absolutely unexpected that the magic fairy technology can already compete with the alien technology to some extent.

Therefore, these aliens must find their own way if they want to find the target.

Let the snake out of the hole!

Those **** probably didn't think of it. It was a poisonous snake that led to it?

Of course, Shen Bing's speculation is only speculation in the end, and it remains to be verified by facts if he wants to know whether this is the case.

So Shen Bing has to wait!

Wait and see what this alien battleship is doing.

A holographic image reappeared, that is the image of the earth.

A small red dot was flying fast over the earth. Although it was just a model, Shen Bing could instantly estimate the speed of this red dot, and the speed was definitely above 10,000 kilometers per hour.

Within ten minutes, Shen Bing suddenly noticed that the speed of the red dot had slowed down, and the distance of less than one hundred kilometers in front of it was the old Russian capital, Moscow.

Shen Brow frowned slightly: "Ball, immediately take over the surveillance of the target city, especially the surroundings of the Kremlin."

"Okay," said the ball, "but the ball thinks this alien battleship should ..."

Before she had finished speaking, she saw that the little red dot quickly returned to a standstill, then turned in a direction and flew directly toward the southeast.

Shen Bing's cheeks moved. What does this mean?

"It's tentative." The ball suddenly said.

Shen Bing stared at the little red dot and said, "It is indeed a tentative test! This group of aliens wants to find out which country has hidden power, or that they want to figure out what happened on the alien base. In the end Who did it. "

"So what do we do?" Ball asked.

Shen Bing was quite depressed. This time, she flew to Moscow. She could pretend to say that she was observing first, but now she seems to be heading straight for Huaxia.

Does it continue to observe?

Judging from the flight track of the red dot, it was going in the direction of Kyoto.

Although this may also be the temptation of aliens, Shen Bing really dare not bet.

Let ’s not talk about national feelings. Once something happens in Kyoto, the whole country will be in chaos. How will your company develop then?

Therefore, even if it is only a one in 10,000 chance, Shen Bing does not want to take this risk.

At this juncture, watch a fart! Hey!

The ball seemed to see Shen Bing's thoughts, and he did not wait for his answer, then continued: "Master, if you want to attack, I suggest that we attack before it enters Huaxia. So even if the alien wants to test We will not directly doubt Huaxia's head, nor will we doubt our fantasy technology. In addition, this alien warship was attacked in the old Russian territory, and other countries will not look at us. "

Shen Bingdao: "Doubt? Oh, let them doubt it."

"Master, you ..."

Shen Bingdao: "Every alien has attacked the earth. Does the world always need a leader? Nowadays, in the eyes of most people, although Huaxia has surpassed the old US in some fields, its overall strength is still somewhat different. Since we don't want Laomi to become the global leader, then ... "

Shen Bing did not say anything later, but the ball fully understood.

"Master, rest assured! This is left to me, and the custody is done beautifully."

The ball was a little bit proud and said.

Shen Bing did not oppose it, the ball's IQ was online, and there was really no pressure to do this little thing.

The ball turned into an infinite light spot directly in front of Shen Bing's eyes, but the holographic image of the earth was still in place.

The red light spot moves quickly, getting closer and closer to Huaxia ...

On a small hill in the southwestern suburbs of Kyoto, a radio telescope-like device stands on top of the mountain.

Around this hilltop, there are all lush greenery. Here is the Kyoto Geothermal Power Station built by Huaxian Technology.

This power station has not been completely completed, only some of the generating units have been connected to the grid, and more equipment is still in the early stage of commissioning.

In fact, this debugging is also a procedure, for example, now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ all the equipment that has not been debugged is generating electricity without exception.

Each cable is connected under the giant device at the top of the mountain, and the voltage of 110KV is enough to destroy any dare to approach.

Under the equipment, there is a set of electricity storage equipment, which is almost as large as a 20-ton truck.

This may be the world's first power storage system with a single storage unit that stores more than 100,000 kilovolts.

Just taking out this set of storage equipment is enough to shake the world.

You need to know that this power storage system stores the equivalent of 12 hours of power consumption in the entire city of Kyoto.

What kind of concept is this?

Last year, Kyoto consumed an average of more than 10 million kilowatt-hours per hour, and 12 hours of electricity was equivalent to 100 million kilowatt-hours.

How powerful is the Ford carrier? That is the level of 200,000 kilowatts.

That is to say, the power stored in this system is enough to support the Ford aircraft carrier at full load for almost a month, which is great.

Undoubtedly, this set of equipment is the charged particle cannon that Shen Bing just tinkered with.

Next to the charged particle gun, there is also an operating room, which is an alloy-made operating room. Its biggest function is to prevent the control center from being directly destroyed by the enemy.

At this moment, a simple middle-aged man is sitting in the operating room. In front of him is a huge screen showing a picture like a radar reflection.

This middle-aged man is Mo Bian, the second puppet artisan brought back by Shen Bing.

His task this time is to operate a charged particle gun, and at the same time teach soldiers how to use this thing-through combat.

Beside him, a few people stared at the screen with eyes burning.

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