Fairy Technology

Chapter 901: Threatening?

But there was soaring smoke in that place, and you had to be prepared to go there.

Even if they are ready for adventure, adventure does not mean death.

As a result, many people rushed home, or went to some outdoor supply stores to make large purchases.

These people are absolutely strong, but some things will not happen because of strength.

For example, now those people who rushed home just wrapped the package, and those who entered the outdoor store just paid, and then they heard the sound of wheezing in the sky.

Looked up, but it was dense helicopters, camouflage ...

The styles are all the same.

What this shows, fools can see it. This is a military helicopter, and it is absolutely full of soldiers.

The direction in which these helicopters flew was exactly where the meteorite fell.

Its purpose is self-evident. If such a big thing does not get involved by the government, it would be unreasonable.

It can be imagined that the next thing is to block, block, and block again. These people want to get closer? That is almost impossible.

However, there are always undead people who hope to try their luck in the past: Maybe a meteorite spilled out of the blockade?

Therefore, what should go is also gone, and what should not be.

The place where Meteorite fell was very remote, and there was basically no one there. This has caused a phenomenon, even the nearest person, there are more than ten kilometers distance, the most important thing is that this area is not open to traffic, if you want to walk past, you can only rely on two legs.

Individuals wearing masks or gas masks began to explore the core area where the meteorite fell ...


At this time, all the more powerful countries in the world knew what had happened to Huaxia. The difference was that they knew more or less.

For example, countries such as the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan, through their satellite monitoring methods, clearly know that a flying object on the side of Huaxia has fallen into the territory of Mongolia.

This flying object is definitely not a meteorite or something, because it appears very abruptly.

Coupled with what happened to Lao Mei yesterday and secret agreements between the major powers since then, it seems that the leaders of these countries have thought of it.

By comparing the sizes, they can almost be sure that the flying object that fell in the province of Mongolia was the alien warship that appeared over Washington yesterday.

What puzzles these people is that this invincible existence, which is called a fortress of war in the eyes of countless people, fell into Huaxia?

Is it self-destruct? Or did Huaxia use some kind of attack to destroy the spaceship?

Even if they scratched their heads, they couldn't think of a result.

It ’s self-destructing. It ’s a little nonsense. Your alien battleship is so powerful that it flies to earth to play and explode? Is this interesting?

As for China ’s destruction of an alien battleship, this seems not to be justified. After all, this is a class-level war weapon that has brought the White House to the table. Can Huaxia take it down?

Although Huaxia has developed world-class thrilling stealth technology, and even nuclear-powered large aircraft, this is not an attack weapon. It can be regarded as a sword. Kill alien battleships.

So the question is back, how did the alien battleship crash?

Well, it's obviously unwise to struggle with this problem at the moment.

What's most important now? Of course, take a drink from this feast of feasting from the sky!

What a special thing is the alien battleship. Even if some scraps are researched, it is enough to make a lot of progress in their own level of technology. Not to mention other aspects, only the improvement of the field of materials science can not be rejected .

As a result, all countries have called Huaxia one after another, hoping to participate in the "disaster relief" and "accident investigation".

This is not just a private communication, but even the official media has expressed a willingness to "overcome difficulties" with Huaxia.

Huaxia naturally did not agree stupidly, so thanked these countries for their willingness to lend a helping hand. It also showed that this "disaster" was not serious and Huaxia could easily cope with it.

At the same time, Huaxia also publicly reported the "disaster". Although Huaxia has not yet penetrated into the core area of ​​the accident for the time being, according to various monitoring data, it has been initially shown that this is a simple meteorite impact on the earth.

At the same time, Huaxia also announced that the joint counter-terrorism exercise originally scheduled for today was postponed because of the accident and the terrorist attack on the White House.

The time didn't change too late, so it was tomorrow.

As soon as this news came out, think tanks in various countries began to slap their brains. What does this mean?

Fortunately for the previous thing, Huaxia refused their request.

This is actually what they expected. If they were, they would give the same response. It doesn't matter how they respond. The point is that they show their attitude. As for how to follow up, it depends on their respective hands being broken.

If everything can be solved in a clear way, then why do so many countries need to raise so many agents?

But what happened later? What do you mean by the drill at this point? Threatening?

The exercise time determined by Huaxia before is indeed today. As for why there is no movement today, in fact, the major powers are very clear. After all, the aliens have already threatened the earth. Is the counter-terrorism exercise still meaningful? At this juncture, shouldn't we do our best to deal with the threat of aliens?

Even if Huaxia cancelled the exercise directly, they would not be surprised.

However, the situation is changing suddenly, and Huaxia revisits the old practice. What does this mean?

On the one hand, it may be that Huaxia thinks that the threat of aliens can be ignored; on the other hand, they want to take advantage of the exercise to beat some ulterior motives?

As for those who have ulterior motives?

Oh, everyone knows it.

They didn't think much about this, but the former? Does it indicate that Huaxia already has a means to deal with aliens? Does this also indicate that the crash of the alien battleship was caused by the Chinese attack?

If that is the case, countries will probably have to reconsider the global structure of force—that is, who should take the position of boss.

In fact, this matter is quite comparable. The old beautiful White House has been terminated by a space battleship, but Huaxia can take down an alien battleship. Is there anything else to doubt?

The most urgent task now is to verify that the alien battleship was actually Huaxia. This does not conflict with what they are going to do next. Just inquire.

For a time, although the global surface was calm, there was an undercurrent surging inside.

Media people from all over the world are smiling and showing their flowers, because some people do things, then there is news! When there is news, they will have money to make. This is fine.

Whether it is the unprecedented accident in the White House or the "disaster" that fell from the sky on the side of Huaxia, it is all big news.

Various paper newspapers or online media have comprehensively covered these two issues, and people around the world have also conducted fierce discussions online and offline.

Most people follow the vane of media propaganda, and express their views in this general direction. There are also people who are always entangled in "conspiracy theories", thinking that this matter is certainly not as simple as all countries seem to say.

Many of the latter have guessed how the aliens attacked the earth, but few responders.

Aliens, almost everyone thinks that this species exists in the universe, but if we really say that aliens appeared on Earth, more people are skeptical.

In fact, they did not know that such a guess was the closest to the truth.

Of course, the discussions on and off the Internet have not affected the overall situation of the whole society. Big guys should eat and drink, and drink and drink. Life continues as always.

Magic Fairy Technology is also collecting silver every minute ...


Smoke and dust from the mountain where the "meteorite" crashed in Mongolia have not completely dissipated.

Hundreds of people have already entered the scene with gas masks and carrying oxygen tubes.

These people are naturally Huaxia soldiers. They were all brought directly by helicopters.

They are placed in any army, and they are all kings. Being able to be instructed to accomplish this task is absolutely ideologically clear.

Because the "Meteorite ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~" which is rumbling outside is indeed that alien battleship.

One can imagine how important this task is.

The gas masks they use are not the civilian version on the market, but they are specially provided by the military. Not to mention the dust, it is the real biochemical gas, and it cannot pose a threat to it.

However, the advancement of these people was not as smooth as expected, after all, they could not land directly on the alien battleship.

Not to mention whether there are still living aliens inside, just the high temperature generated by the friction is not what ordinary materials can withstand.

Now that the high temperature has not dissipated, they can only approach it slowly, and then narrow the blockade as much as possible.

Because of the huge impact of this huge alien battleship when it fell, the entire mountain was directly collapsed.

There are rocks and gullies all over the ground, and there are even some hidden pits inside. One can accidentally trap people.

The nearly four hundred people were divided into eighteen teams. Although progress was slow, they were also slowly moving forward.

It is not what they need to consider about the impact of what they are doing on the global situation. They only have one idea, which must be in the hands of Huaxia.

An hour later, a team of men and women in the southwest finally stood on the edge of a huge pit. The scene in front of them shocked them.

What kind of scene is this? It was almost the old beautiful USS Ford descended from the sky, smashing the originally protruding hill into a huge pit, as if embedded in the mountain.

The most important thing is that most parts of this alien battleship that fell from the sky are intact, only the middle position seems to be dug out a huge gap by a huge sharp blade.

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